Questions tagged [humax]

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What is needed to stream media from a Humax HDR to Windows Media Centre?

I believe it should be possible to stream media from my Humax HDR-FoxT2 to Windows Media Center, or at the very least, Windows Media Player. Other people have said that it should "just work", although ...
Rowland Shaw's user avatar
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Linking my Humax Foxsat HDR to my wifi (XP) laptop via ethernet

I want to be able to remote record to my Humax Foxsat HDR and believe that I can do so via a website so if I can get an internet connection to it. Sadly, the SFR box (I'm in France) and the PC are ...
Dawn's user avatar
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Convert Humax recordings to mp4

I have some recordings on my Humax HDR Fox T2 that i'd like to convert to mp4 video so I can put them on the ipad. For each recording, i have four files, eg: 13K Hey Duggee_20160217_0741.hmt ...
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