Questions tagged [iis-7.5]

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Windows 7 FTP server not able to serve large files to mac?

I setup my Windows 7 home premium 64-bit desktop to use Microsoft's IIS FTP server. Works great except for big files... like 4gbyte files. Only maybe 150mbytes end up getting transferred to Macs I ...
at01's user avatar
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Windows Media Center does not have an Internet connection

I have a stable Internet connection but when I try to connect with Windows Media Center it gives an error: You must be connected to the Internet to use this feature. Check your Internet connection ...
aeciftci's user avatar
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IIS7.5 and .NET 4.0 FTPWebRequest

I'm having a difficult time getting FTP working in ASP.NET on IIS 7.5, Windows 2008 Server. This works in my development environment which is on Windows 7 also using IIS 7.5. It also works running ...
stephenbayer's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I host my website over the internet with dynamic IP address

I have an ASP.NET website I want to host from home, but the problem is I have a dynamic IP address. How can I host it so people all over the world can see it? I can't give them a new IP address each ...
Aniket Inge's user avatar
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Create a persistent mapping for a apppool identity

Can I create a persistent mapping for a apppool identity? For instance the IIS website "" should access "\\shared$" through F: My Website is MVC(5) so I think the ...
Serge Profafilecebook's user avatar