Questions tagged [init]

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36 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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/sbin/init exists but couldn't execute it

I'm building Linux from scratch. Currently I have the kernel, glibc and sysvinit. I've compiled everything myself following these instructions. Though my version of glibc is 2.19. Also, I use grub ...
Hullu2000's user avatar
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LVM volume activation before fstab mounts

I am trying to mount LVM volumes during startup of my Debian Squeeze system. Since for some reason, the LVM volumes / groups are inactive by default, they need to be activated before any mounting can ...
janoliver's user avatar
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Init script changes for MongoDB

We have MongoDB (Version 3.0) in production in standalone as well as in cluster mode. Currently we were facing issue that basically states: Unclean shutdown detected hence unable to start mongod. ...
user598529's user avatar
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What should happen next on init scripts?

I've been using a Linux Mint 13 live system on my memory stick and I decided to put it on my hard drive. It already had several scripts to uninstall software and optimize it, scripts that I had to ...
user2934303's user avatar
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Making sysvinit load EVERYTHING in parallel - why does this even work?

I edited /etc/init.d/rc on my Debian machine and changed startup boot to startup boot &. Boot time decreases ridiculously, and no race conditions happen at all. Way faster than even Systemd (which ...
ithisa's user avatar
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/etc/init.d/lvm2 script not executed during startup

On startup, I want the /etc/init.d/lvm2 script shipped with Debian squeeze to be executed. I ran update-rc.d lvm2 enable and checked that the symlinks are created in the /etc/rcX.d folders: # find /...
janoliver's user avatar
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What is the `/etc/hostname` used/required for?

I found in the /etc/hostname my IP-address, than I deleted it and each time I use sudo - I get a message and a system email sudo: unable to resolve host (none) or if in the /etc/hostname is saved ...
static's user avatar
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using screen with start-stop-daemon, sysv

I'm trying to run a program with an ncurse interface as a daemon using screen. I want to use start-stop-daemon to manage the process, but I'm having trouble creating a SysV init script. Variables: ...
John David Ravenscroft's user avatar
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Who modifies `/etc/init.d/.depend.start` in openSUSE 11?

Where are the dependency data taken from? Which process modifies the .depend.* files and under which circumstances does this happen?
daxim's user avatar
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How to provide cloud-init user-data to hyper-v machine?

How to provide cloud-init user-data to hyper-v machine? Is That even possible? I tried to build iso9660 image that contains only the user-data file and its label is cidata. The ubuntu server 20.04 ...
Błażej Karwowski's user avatar
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How to launch more than 6 virtual terminals in void linux

I would like to have more virtual terminals start at startup. I want to be able to use runit and do ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-tty7 /var/service/agetty-tty7 ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-tty8 /var/service/agetty-...
Adrian Herath's user avatar
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Change ubuntu defaul runlevel

i need change default runlevel to ubuntu server 14.04. I installed GUI to manage the hp printers and now i need return to runlevel 3, i edit the file /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf and modify the line: ...
stecog's user avatar
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Can I use /etc/init/ on Debian Wheezy to manage a daemon process?

I want to run a PHP daemon process and found a solution at Stackoverflow but unfortunately its not working. Now I thought Upstart is not installed since Debian still uses System V. I have two ...
Aley's user avatar
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How to investigate runlevel initialization?

I'm investigating why a service (solr) is not started upon server booting (in this case a vagrant box, running ubuntu 12.04). The script is running if i run /etc/init.d/solr start I run sudo update-...
shredding's user avatar
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Automatically mounting an encrypted USB disk at boot

I've followed these steps to set up an encrypted USB hard disk on Lubuntu 13.10, and these to unlock it with a keyfile instead of a passphrase. I now have a disk /dev/disk/by-uuid/32f692ec-e22c-49d3-...
Rena's user avatar
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Ubuntu Moving root folder to a new lvm partition

I began running out of space on my / partition*. So I decided to create a new lvm partition and move to that one instead. Now, I have created the lvm partition, mounted it, rsync folders from / to ...
Software Mechanic's user avatar
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Ubuntu init.d script not being called on startup

I've got a script in ubuntu 9.04 in init.d that I've set to run on start on with update-rc.d using update-rc.d init_test defaults 99. All of the symlinks are there and the permissions appear to be ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to trace errors in inittab?

My OS ( SCO Unix ) loads the kernel, but no more. I can't enter even the single user mode. There is no errors on screen. I can load my emergency CD, and mount the FS. How can I trace if there is some ...
user48777's user avatar
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Does restarting a Puppet Master service require regenerating for the SSL certificates of the servers it controls?

Do I have any special extra work I need to do, afterward, if I have to restart the Puppet Master service? Specifically, does this affect SSL certificates?
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
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How can I archive same window visible in a specific tag(s) in DWM?

For example, I'm currently in tag 1, now mod+shift+2 is moving the window to tag 2. mod+s to make/unmake a window “sticky” (follows you from tag to tag) With mod+shift+2 the window will be visible in ...
Fahmida Mashura's user avatar
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failed to execute /init (error -2) Kernel panic - not syncing: no working init found. Try pasing init= option to kernel. Somehow related to ldconfig

What I did before the problem. Having Ubuntu server (Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, focal). Have installed Visual code, JDK, direnv (10.02.2023). Tried to install a script folowing by instruction. [This is the ...
Astor Wilyam's user avatar
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sudo -u root init 0:wsl debian bullseye: Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn

so, i'm running my wsl on windows 10, and when I type: sudo -u root init 0 i get the error: Couldn't find an alternative telinit implementation to spawn. Neofetch ( no flags or args ): _,met$$$$...
user17512255's user avatar
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Kodi no longer starting on RPi4 (xbian) after update

After updating my system, yesterday kodi no longer starts up on my raspberri pi 4 (xbian). There seems to be an issue initing the windowing system, but I have yet been unable to figure out what the ...
BartBog's user avatar
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what is "/sbin/init maybe-ubiquity" doing in Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS?

I have a current problem with a server that goes incommunicado (or at least close to) due to lack of inotify watchers. When I look up the current usage i see that /sbin/init maybe-ubiquity is the ...
koenig's user avatar
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Debian boots into initramfs, but /sbin/init is present

I was crossgrading Debian Stretch from i386 to amd64. The kernel is already 64-bit, so is dpkg/apt. I was going through the rest of the packages, and then I had to reboot the box. Upon reboot, it ...
Seva Alekseyev's user avatar
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CMDER\vendor\conemu-maximus5\..\init.bat"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Can you tell me please, what this CMDER error means? CMDER\vendor\conemu-maximus5..\init.bat"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. My CMDER lost its ...
Čamo's user avatar
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Do scripts 'block' when executed from rcS?

I'm using Busybox (ash), which at startup runs rcS, which in turn executes, in numerical order, all the S?? scripts in /etc/init.d Does this script wait for completion before execution the next? Or ...
svenema's user avatar
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Turn off the touchpad every time I start linux

Im running a "bastard hodge-podge" Debian (sort of) linux based originally on pratham OS with quite a few things I had to build and install to get running Simply need to turn off the infernal ...
OldBat OnnaRat's user avatar
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Creating own Linux distribution - Kernel Panic

Im currently creating a very specialized Linux distribution, that should just perform one single, very easy task. ...
sebastian nielsen's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit guest OS kernel panic on start up

I have a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit guest OS running on VMWare Workstation 12 Player on a Windows 10 host. I was running Eclipse for a while recently when it got really slow despite multiple Eclipse ...
user1118764's user avatar
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Execute multiple commands in init.d script on boot

I found a guide for fixing permissions on an EXT4 filesystem on a MicroSD card. The AOSP/CyanogenMod ROMs I've tried will mount this, but the permissions are messed up. The guide used to work fine on ...
Enigma83's user avatar
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Script does not start when OS start|reboot

I have a file at /etc/init/pdoneVendorBroker.conf with the following content: description "PDone Vendor Broker" start on runlevel [234] stop on runlevel [0156] respawn exec php /var/bundles/...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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CentOS 5.x - `inittab` failing on `rc.d` calls

I have several servers that run some python scripts at the end of the inittab. I have one server which is having issues and the scripts weren't running. With troubleshooting, I found that if I moved ...
VenomFangs's user avatar
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How to start init, but not startup scripts?

I specified rdinit=/bin/sh and manually booted the system (in chroot) from command line, complete with mounted filesystems, network services and X desktop. The init is still busybox's /bin/sh. The ...
Vi.'s user avatar
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How to fork two process in inittab without waiting one to finish?

I know how to fork to process. That is not a problem. But my issue is a little different. Example inittab line: ::respawn:-/usr/bin/python /path/to/ && /bin/sh -l -c 'chown user1:...
savruk's user avatar
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Init script approx 30 sec to stop

Actually I used a skeleton init script provided in /etc/init.d/ and did some edits to run my own daemon process. This is my source code of file #! /bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: ...
Sushant Jain's user avatar