Questions tagged [json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a textual data storage and interchange format.

68 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can you filter JSON with multiple keys in Firefox?

Can you filter based on multiple keys in the Firefox JSON viewer? Lets say I have the following JSON: { "obj": [{ "online": true, "count": 5, ...
quickblueblur's user avatar
3 votes
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json view \n as newline in browser

I've been looking around but every answer I found seems to be close but not accurate. I have a json returned by an web api ("content-type: application/json" in response header) that has newlines in ...
simplynail's user avatar
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How can I (re-)import the exported queue into Handbrake?

I had a queue in Handbrake, it was pointing at files on my D-drive in the NEW Movies folder. Now I want to make it point at video files on my E-drive, in the Old Videos folder. I exported the queue ...
GngrWtch's user avatar
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AWS S3 CLI: sum bytes in all top-level prefixes with a single --query?

I have an S3 bucket with a bunch of top-level prefixes. I have a relatively inefficient way of summing the bytes across top-level prefixes: Get the list of prefixes via aws s3 ls [bucket name], ...
Steve Shulman-Laniel's user avatar
2 votes
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Sniff wireless traffic between two machines via Wireshark

Foreword: I am woefully inexperienced with this. As in, this is literally my first time encountering something like this. Please bear with me. Hello everyone, The situation is as follows. We (as in, ...
Mori no Ando's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why is cURL returning just two square brackets with this request?

This curl request returns empty square brackets []: curl "
DaveF's user avatar
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How can I do basic validation of JSON in an Excel cell?

I have an Excel sheet that has a column that consists entirely of JSON values. For example, cell A1: { "selected_pet": "dog", "other_pets": [ "cat", ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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Failure to convert JSON to CSV file

I need to extract a particular anti-virus product scan results from a JSON file and list the elements in csv format for further processing. JSON file sample as below: Contents of a file scanresults....
Sam Chan's user avatar
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How can import this JSON with nested objects to Excel using Power Query?

I need to import a JSON file into Excel in table format. The JSON file has nested objects that I need to display as the column data. I've watched several videos, read the docs and forums and cannot ...
NV_steve's user avatar
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Merge multiple Slack JSON files

I have recently exported a very large Slack backup which consists of daily JSON files for each channel within the server. I have a process to manually transfer this information across to Discord but ...
Anonymoose's user avatar
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Search for the object with a known value in JSON

Let's say I have a JSON like the following but with much more data and much more nesting { "dont_want_1": { "a": 1 }, "dont_want_2": { "b": 2 }, ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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How stop multiples projects in vscode with the launch.json

I have in my launch.JSON a configuration that allows me to start two different API projects at the same time (Web API One and Web API Two), both are components of the same project, everything works ...
Vinicius Donatto's user avatar
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Change one .json key value with an already existing one using jq

My test.json file contains the 2 keys: { "id": "123", "name": "John" } And I want to achieve something like this: { "id": "John"...
Oscar's user avatar
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Firefox strange JSON null respone

I was browsing a blog, I think made on wordpress, and when I clicked on an interal link I got a strange response, my firefox browser returned the JSON viewer with a NULL response. Then I refreshed the ...
Someonesomewhere's user avatar
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A local key/value store for Windows

Is there any equivalent of sqlite as a key/value store that will run on Windows? I have a bunch of data in JSON files that I'd love to be able to view and query like I can with relational tabular data ...
mrgou's user avatar
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How do I open JSON events in Firefox console?

I'd like to view output in my console in firefox. Here's an example that I'd like to see: That's an example on Chrome. It's very easy to open the JSON object. I can even go one level further and ...
Cauder's user avatar
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OpenSSL Digital Signature with ES256

I am trying to reproduce a valid signature for the JSON Web Token. I make the privat key with: openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private.pem also convert this from Pem to P8 with: ...
Fateh Aslam's user avatar
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Is it possible to import Firefox cookies into Chrome?

I have exported my cookies in Firefox to a TXT file and also to a JSON file. Is it possible to import either file into Chrome? I have tried a number of extensions from the Chrome Web Store but none ...
user203748's user avatar
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I want to push either a TSV file or JSON up to a Google Sheet

I have several large files of key/value pairs delimited by an equal sign ("="). One file is the master file. For each file, I want to populate columns A, B, and C as follows: A: The unique key for ...
Brice Buchanan's user avatar
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Flask disable JSON response escaping

I am trying to pass a url in a json response for a REST API using flask and when I try to send a url it goes from "" to /\ on the slashes. How can I prevent this from happening?
DavidShefcik's user avatar
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How to parse JSON array data from GMail to Google Spreadsheet?

OK, I hope to be clear while explaining what I would like to do... I've setup a personal ADSB station (helping me with other tasks, too) putting antenna for 1090, Raspberry Pi 3B, filter and amplifier ...
Indrid Cold's user avatar
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How to easily generate JSON out of a running AWS EC2 instance for usage in “run-instances --cli-input-json=”?

How to easily generate json out of a running instance for usage in run-instances --cli-input-json=? The purpose is to recreate instance without too much manual handling or too much json editing. I ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Linux program used to gather installed packages, processes, listening ports, etc.?

It's hard to Google this because it seems like everyone and their kid sister has written a script to gather system stats! I once saw a mature program written that is used to gather system stats like ...
Synthead's user avatar
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RHEL json gem installation requires make?

When I try to install json gem (gem install json), at first it fails to do so, because of some dev package issue. After fixing it, it fails saying that "sh: make: command not found" and "ERROR: ...
Salahuddin559's user avatar
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Excel table to JSON with additional fields from other sheet

I had gone through Saving Excel sheet as JSON file, which helped me to convert EXCEL table to JSON but I wish to add some additional fields to this JSON file. I am asking the following information ...
Prajakta Software's user avatar
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jq filtering curl- 'Cannot index number with string'

I am trying to filter a curl request with jq to get specific fields and put them in variables. Initially, I was using a basic curl request such as this: myResponse=$(curl -u myUsername:myPassword -...
x3nr0s's user avatar
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Extremely slow json.load of a network response in WSL

Decoding a json response takes a lot of time on my system - Precision 5520 (11th gen I7, 64 GB) with Linux 20.04 LTS under WSL2 under Windows 10 Pro. Here is the relevant part of the code: def ms_now()...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
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How to create a static website from MBOX file

I have a large MBOX file (16000 emails) from a public email group which is now closed. For archival and research purposes, I would like to serve these emails on a website. How can I go about ...
misaligar's user avatar
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Quickest way to add variable text from a text file to a JSON file in specific places

I'm trying to find the easiest and quickest way to fetch a list of names in different lines from a text file and appending them to a specific field in a structured JSON file that repeats itself over ...
MACC's user avatar
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How to convert JSON to CSV in batch command line with jq utility

I need to extract a particular anti-virus product scan results from a JSON file and list the elements in csv format for further processing. JSON file sample like: Contents of a file scanresults.json {...
Sam Chan's user avatar
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How can one view the entire string of a JSON file in HugeJsonViewer?

I use HugeJsonViewer to browse the JSON file. How can one view the entire string of a JSON file in HugeJsonViewer? I can only see the beginning:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Musescore 4.0.1, A batch job issue with .mid file conversion to .wav files

Issue & Scope of the problem I followed the instructions here to preform a batch operation with Musescore Version 4 on Windows 11 CMD. Used a .json file just like in the highlighted example (below)...
DracoDaine's user avatar
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Extract element from JSON array in file with jq

I have the following JSON file list.json : [ { "$type": "Profile", "ReferenceId": "6e374d9e-5bbe-4015-acd7-ae6f04de0db5", "Name": " ...
Alexandre MENARD's user avatar
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Regex to extract specific text from nested html tags

I have this text <div id="navbar"><a href="../index.php">Final Fantasy Shrine Forums</a> &gt; <a href="./f-90.html">Downloads</a> &...
Jack Rock's user avatar
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jq filtering - Cannot index array with string ""value"

I am trying to get the application name and print its corresponding apiDefinition for a specific key which is embedded in the value parameter. I get error "Cannot index array with string" As ...
Rocky M's user avatar
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Rest API w/ JsonServer in Ubuntu - Connection Refused

I was requested to create a Web Server with an API in it to test firewall rule we are planning to implement soon. I am quite new with all this network stuff, so I'm a bit lost on it. I need to call ...
Donzera's user avatar
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JSON conversion in Power Query - how automatically get list of object property names

This is a question based on comment in Excel: Power Query - how to repeat block of code for each row in a table. Let's say we have a JSON with array of object each with N properies: { "data&...
Lluser's user avatar
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Power Query to extract JSON parameter values from the data

Hope you are doing well!...I am trying to split the different parameter values for just the correct ,added and removed codes at a vbillid level..In the attached excel file the column codemap has the ...
user3369545's user avatar
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List of JSON strings as command arguments

I've been working with GitLab CI recently to automate some busy tasks, namely auto releasing binaries for version tags. For those who don't know Gitlab CI, it is very straightforward. It pulls the ...
Awbmilne's user avatar
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JSON error - Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']', got '{'

I have a big json file but don't know it shows some error... { "_index": "ttmnt", "_type": "********ils", "_id": "********DC", "...
B M's user avatar
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How do I use the dejsonlz4 tool?

Would somebody mind explaining how to use the dejsonlz4 tool in very basic laymans terms? I recently formatted a drive and lost my Firefox bookmarks as I forgot to ...
JordyC1993's user avatar
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Regular expression to match blocks of { } in JSON

I have the following piece of JSON that occurs on about a hundred and fifty files in an application I am working on. { path: "/cms/scenarios/:scenarioId/impacts/add", ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Saving content of individual cells within a column as separate JSON files

Is there a way to create a collection of JSON Files in a folder based on the content of individual cells in a column in excel? So basically, I have a spreadsheet with a column starting with cell B12 ...
Habib Monfared's user avatar
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Excel 2016 Power Query - Expanding a fixed list like you do a record

I am using Power Query to Get Data from a json file. The elements in my json file that come up as "Record" I can expand the fields inside, all good. But some of the elements come up as "List". Now ...
Peter's user avatar
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jq filter for only 'null' values

I am using the below command but did not get the expected output kubectl get po -o json -n velero | jq '[.items[] | {, limits:.spec.containers[].resources.limits} | select(.limits==&...
user1143216's user avatar
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javascript in mongoshell

I want to make a join query in mongodb. Mongo doesn't have any join operator so i have to split the query in two parts. first: var a = db.articoli.find({_id: 4010}, {ordini:1}); var b = a[0].ordini; ...
Tiziano Pacifico's user avatar
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Missing the "Type" attribute from Amazon SNS message I read the above guide that is showing the "Type" attribute in the demonstration. ...
Angus chang's user avatar
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Is there a standard for this file format?

I run an Ubiquity Edge router which itself is based upon Vyatta (it does not matter, it is just in case someone knew the product). The configuration file looks like that (...) service { dhcp-...
WoJ's user avatar
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Convert an image to Unicode (emoji)?

I need some help, how can I create a unicode (emoji) from an image, an image being specifically a PNG or SVG image ?
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How to automatically expand contents on a JSON web page?

I use QuoDB to find useful examples from movie scripts. It seems like a JSON web page and I'm looking for a way to get the results expanded without having to click on every "context" button. Is there ...
dashakol's user avatar
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