Questions tagged [k3b]

K3B is a disc authoring tool for Unix-like systems.

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`mkisofs crashed` while burning a movie to a Blu-Ray with K3b

Problem I want to burn a movie (.mkv) to a Blu-Ray disc. What I've done First, I generate a Blu-Ray BDMV directory structure from the .mkv with tsMuxeR GUI (2.6.16-dev). Next, for how to burn to the ...
karobar's user avatar
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Linux Mint 19v1 how to change the behaviour of K3b with a blank DVD in a removable drive?

This is a fresh install of Linux Mint 19v1 Tessa The system asks what do you want to do with a blank disk? I choose "Run K3b" as this is logical but... While running K3b to make several copies of a ...
Alexandra Crawford's user avatar
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Is bluray capable of multisession?

Is Bluray disk capable of multisession writing, in principle? I checked the forums and all major disk burning applications that are supported on Ubuntu do not work with multisession blurays. Could it ...
ArekBulski's user avatar
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How to check if opensuse-12.3 iso-release download is corrupted?

I want to upgrade from openSuSE 12.2 to 12.3. Therefore I have burned a ISO file of the openSuSE 12.3 distribution (32bit). To be precise I did this twice since I wondered, that this process resulted ...
zero's user avatar
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Why does K3B (KDE disc burning program) always asks to install additional packages when it starts?

Every time that I start K3B I get a prompt that asks me to install additional packages, specifically some mp3 codecs. This seems strange, because once I have installed them once they should be ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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