Questions tagged [knowledge-management]

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Display markdown files sequentially grouped by page

When I take notes I use markdown files. I would like to read my notes all together in cronological order, maybe grouped by pages that contains 25 notes per page. Is there a way to achieve this in a ...
Edoardo's user avatar
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Browser tabs keeps reloading when I press "L", and "J" has the same effect as Ctrl + F

This happens not only in Chrome, but also in Edge. I was using my laptop, but then I went away from keyboard and closed the lid, when I came back I tried to search for things in YouTube. But every ...
Aiki's user avatar
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How do I tag text with metadata for later filtering in a long document? [closed]

I have some large PDFs on the order of a few thousand pages each. Instead of searching constantly with Ctrl+F or keeping a directory of page numbers, I was wondering if there's some simple way to tag ...
Keegs's user avatar
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What was scientifically shown to support productivity when structural organizing/accessing file and folders? [closed]

My Personal Information Management problem I have gathered terabytes of data but it has became a habit to store files and folders to the same folder, that folder could be kind of seen as a Inbox ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Retaining information learned in computer science classes [closed]

I'm a computer science student currently enrolled in a masters program. I've learned all kinds of interesting technical information this semester, and was wondering what is the best way to keep this ...
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4 answers

QnA Knowledge base software [closed]

I'm looking for a small software to build a knowledge base of QnA's on my local PC, like the KBs large software vendors maintain for how-to's regarding their products. Something where I can: Q: ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar