Questions tagged [manpages]

The Linux command "man" displays manpages

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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cannot find man pages in osx (manpath issue)

I have OSX 10.8.3 and my man pages are not showing up. I have had this problem when I was on 10.6, but not I want to fix it. The reason why I cannot find man pages is because it is set to "/usr/local/...
Trewq's user avatar
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What are these '3cxx' man pages, and how can I remove/exclude them from man invocations?

This all started because I wanted man pages on C++ types/functions. I found a repository called Cppman that was designed to scrape these pages from either cplusplus or cppreference. At this point man ...
John P's user avatar
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GNU tar's --null option

The GNU tar's manpage has this to say about the --null option: -T reads null-terminated names, disable -C I know that --null is useful in combination with find ... -print0, but what is it about ...
Kal's user avatar
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How can I make my terminal experience more visually pleasing on Fedora 37 for reading manpages?

I currently use the basic GNOME Terminal on Fedora and I've had to do a lot of reading of manpages in it lately and would prefer a more visually appealing experience beyond simply changing background/...
the_endian's user avatar