Questions tagged [named-pipe]

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14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Create a symbolic link to a named pipe

Let's say some application exposes a named pipe with the name "Pipe1". If I want to express the named pipe as a file path that can be used for writing or reading, the path \\.\pipe\Pipe1 or \\?\pipe\...
IS4's user avatar
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Using a named pipe to simulate a serial port on a VMware virtual machine (linux host and client)

Trying to write a python program to create a simulated data stream and feed it, through a named pipe, to a VMware virtual machine. The host is running Ubuntu 11.10 and VMware player 5.0.0. The Vm is ...
Dave M's user avatar
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Is fifo pipe size limited by disk cache allocated space?

On Linux CentOS 7 I am using named fifo pipes created with mkfifo to handle data passing between pairs of processes running on a multiprocessor disk server (Dell R730xd with 132GB RAM and 20TB RAID ...
Emanuele's user avatar
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Named Pipe connection between Host and Guest with Virtualbox

I have two apps which communicate over a named pipe (Unix domain socket) - all on one machine. I cannot figure out how to get the app in the VirtualBox VM (Linux) to open the named pipe on the host (...
Dave C's user avatar
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How to make vstest named pipes work properly in Windows 10

Like so many other people, I'm using Visual Studio to do software development. Now, one of the features that I like is the integration of VSTest into the software. VSTest relies on named pipes to do ...
Stefan de Bruijn's user avatar
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systemd StandardOutput redirection does not work with a systemd socket

I have a systemd service like this (my-server.service): [Unit] Description=My Server my-server.socket [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/java myserver....
jangxx's user avatar
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nc and named pipes for port forwarding

I have my environment setup to listen to jetty on port 8888. However, for a limited time, I will have to also listen on 8889. I though of using named pipes and nc for that: mkfifo pipe1 /bin/nc -l ...
Alexandre Santos's user avatar
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Pipe from third party debugger to own app

Third party debugger (specifically, IAR C-Spy) has a Macro language that can help debug an application. This language allows you to read and write to files. There doesn't appear to be a way of ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Read the COM1 output of a Hyper-V guest system

I have a guest O/S that writes debug output to the COM1 UART. This port is virtualized by the Hyper-V host. The Hyper-V Server allows only a redirection to a "named pipe". I want to read what the ...
harper's user avatar
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How do I open files for manipulation via command line, in Audacity, using Powershell?

Creating macros for Audacity is easy enough as they can be put together with the UI of the program itself. However, opening files via command line (in order to apply macros on them) is less obvious. I ...
Wes's user avatar
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Use named pipes in ffmpeg

In my application I want to modify various mp3 and then mix them together. I know I could do it with a single command line in FFmpeg but it can end up very messy since I need to use various filter on ...
Toto Briac's user avatar
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How save terminal output when feeding it with named pipe

We know that we can save the result of a program in Linux terminal with below syntax: terminal.out > result.txt or terminal.out | tee result.txt But I can't save the output of the program when ...
alireza sadeghpour's user avatar
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Showing the output of a named pipe from VirtualBox

I created a named pipe in VirtualBox, and I found some pages explaining how to read it's output using Putty, but I don't want to use that. Since Putty is just a frontend to ssh (right?), I would ...
Devolus's user avatar
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update terminal title from standard output of long running command?

I'd like to change the title of a terminal window during a long running command (for example: git svn fetch) with values greped from the output, whilst still writing to standard output. Is this ...
Sam Hasler's user avatar