Questions tagged [nehalem]

An x86 microarchitecture developed by Intel, manufactured on a 45nm process and representing the first generation of the Intel Core i7, i5, and i3 processors released in 2008.

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15 votes
2 answers

Does the Intel i7 offer real improvement over its predecessors? [closed]

As the questions title asks, do the new processors from Intel offer real, as in noticeable, improvement over the previous quad core ones? What does the i7 actually offer that is new or is it simply a ...
Damien's user avatar
  • 752
3 votes
4 answers

Which factors are most important when considering performance aspects of a motherboard?

I like to build my own desktop PCs, and I happen to know that I've got a rockin' processor and graphics card both, so my system definitely has some punch to it. I also know that I didn't get the best ...
Blank's user avatar
  • 163
2 votes
1 answer

Average idle temperature for i7 965 Nehalem 1366?

Just wondering what should be the average idle temperature should be for an i7 965 Extreme Edition Nehalem 1366 processor. The thing is, ever since the first day I bought and assembled this computer, ...
White Phoenix's user avatar