Questions tagged [nginx]

nginx (pronounced “engine x”) is a lightweight web server and a reverse proxy server

530 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Trying to remove 1152 samples, but the queue is empty

I am streaming mp3 files,using this command : ffmpeg -re -i 'INPUT.mp3' -map_metadata -1 -map 0:0 URL I create a loop which stream files,and there is no problem with reviving stream,just from server ...
Mohammadhzp's user avatar
7 votes
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How to run python script via nginx?

nginx is able to run php scripts to generate content for it to serve. How can you get nginx to execute an arbitrary program, say, a python script, and have it serve up the output?
Stack Tracer's user avatar
4 votes
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Airflow + Nginx set up gives Airflow 404 = lots of circles

I'm trying to set up Airflow behind nginx, using the instructions given here. airflow.cfg file base_url = web_server_port = 8081 . . . enable_proxy_fix = True nginx ...
Blessy's user avatar
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Why am I receiving this debug message on the Odoo logger?: "openerp.modules.registry: Multiprocess signaling check"?

I am using Odoo v8, with workers=5, and 1GB assign to each worker. I have configured Odoo with NginX and I am receiving this following message. The people who is using that instance is complaining ...
ChesuCR's user avatar
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What exactly are the security implications of ufw DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY “ACCEPT”?

I found this question asked on Serverfault, but the answer just provided alternatives instead of actually detailing the implications. I had to set DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY to "ACCEPT" to be able to ...
ROODAY's user avatar
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Simple Nginx config doesn't work

I am a developer with absolutely no server experience, this project I'm working on is my first foray into the world of servers. Basically I have to host an API online, on a Linode server running Nginx ...
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Establish https on nonstandard port

I'm trying to estamblish https on port 55434 (different than standard 443). My nginx configuration looks like this: server { server_name; listen 55434 ssl; ssl ...
majkel's user avatar
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Nginx RTMP to HLS issue

I am trying to figure out the issue when pushing to RTMP which has HLS turned on. Below is the command I am using: ffmpeg -i hls.m3u8.url -vcodec: copy -acodec libfdk_aac - -f flv rtmp://serverurl/...
Peter Patel's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to stream only audio from nginx's RTMP module?

I'm very satisfied with nginx's RTMP module; I like the way it works and the way it does what it does. I thought it would be a perfect live audio streaming platform, but I can't seem to find any ...
Steve Mucci's user avatar
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pfSense, nginx reverse proxy and letsencrypt

I need help configuring letsencrypt to work with an nginx reverse proxy and pfSense firewall / gateway. Setup is as follows: -> ...
Andrzej's user avatar
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nginx port forwarding / ssh tunneling

I have a computer (let's call it A) on a local network with no static IP address accessible from the outside. (SSH port AAAAA) A has a webserver that I want to be able to access from the outside I ...
lagarkane's user avatar
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How to configure Let's encrypt for a server with openvpn

I want to make my Rails app SSL available, but I failed to configure it. I'm using Let's encrypt for SSL and the server is using Nginx. There is also openvpn service that is installed by openvpn-...
ironsand's user avatar
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What docker stack layout for nginx, ufw, fail2ban, and private services

I have an unraid server running some dockerized services (eg emby & seafile) that offer web interfaces which now need to be opened up in order to be accessible from outside the LAN. Never opened ...
laur's user avatar
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Privilege separation per user for each web application

I'd like to ask a question about LNMP stacks and user privilege separation. I usually host websites on LNMP stacks and Wordpress on Debian 7 and 8 servers. I separate each Wordpress site into its own ...
Just One More Question's user avatar
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Why does Google Chrome automatically play MP4 videos (and is that a good thing?)

I am working on a home media server running nginx. I navigated to one of the .mp4 files I have to test it and it started streaming just by clicking on it. Is this... performance-wise... the best ...
sheppardzw's user avatar
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Nginx + OpenVPN (proxy) and access.log

I currently have an Nginx server running on 444 and an OpenVPN on 443 with the port-sharing feature. Both applications run well, but the IP written into /var/log/nginx/access.log is, thereby, 127.0.0....
JeanCaron's user avatar
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How can I disable an Nginx cache for a specific route?

I want to disable caching for a specific directory: /sync/download. My environment details: OS Linux (rocky) Server: nginx/1.20.1 I added this codeblock to my nginx site configuration: location ~ .*...
itIsNaz's user avatar
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Installing Kali Linux in Docker and accessing it's GUI over the browser

so I'm pretty new to docker and all that stuff. I would like to install Kali Linux as a Docker container and access it's GUI from the browser. How do I do that? I use Portainer as a GUI for managing ...
zer0's user avatar
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I'm trying to implement a reverse proxy that through port 445 allows me to exchange data with a NAS server. Let me explain, with windows explorer I want to go to the reverse proxy address
Samuele's user avatar
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Nginx gives localized last-modified headers

Nginx gives me localized last-modified header. date is correct: date: Tue, 07 Dec 2021 17:15:53 GMT last-modified: So, 20 lis 2021 17:35:33 GMT Is there an option to set correct en localization? I ...
d3im's user avatar
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Why can't I get Nginx reverce proxy to show real client / visitor IP?

I have been struggling for several weeks now trying to get my Nginx reverse proxy to show / pass through the real visitor IP and I have reached the point where I have no more ideas to try. I have of ...
bitflip's user avatar
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NGINX as TLS-transparent (secure TCP) and a TLS-terminating (TLS offload) reverse-proxy based on sub-domain name

I host a few services from my home network to the internet and I learned recently about reverse-proxy concepts using NGINX. Some of my services (like Home Assistant) have the built-in ability to ...
Greg G.'s user avatar
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Installing three nginx dynamic modules when Nginx itself is installed via yum/dnf

We have a limitation on the server to only install Nginx via DNF. This currently (as of this date of writing) installs Nginx v1.18.0. We cannot compile our own Nginx. I understand that with this we ...
PKHunter's user avatar
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Proxy_pass vs fastcgi_pass for nginx / php-fpm

What is the difference between a nginx reverse proxy server with apache/nginx-php backend with proxy_pass, and a nginx server in the front with fastcgi_pass to backends with only php-fpm. Can both ...
littlePigletWings's user avatar
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How is load balancing not a bottleneck?

I've read a lot about how Nginx can be used as a load-balancer, and while there are plenty of other software options to use instead of nginx, isn't the concept of a load-balancer itself a bottleneck ...
Bugbeeb's user avatar
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nginx data corruption when kTLS is enabled. Any ideas why?

I am using a 5.6 kernel with kTLS feature enabled (shown below): CONFIG_TLS=y CONFIG_TLS_DEVICE=y While installing nginx with OpenSSL support, I have enabled extra feature 'enable-ktls' for OpenSSL ...
jithesh's user avatar
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uWSGI: No python application found

When I run my app with the command python && uwsgi --socket --protocol=http -w wsgi:app It runs fine and when I goto the server ip:5000 I get to see my page. But ...
tom keuper's user avatar
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django + uwsgi + nginx, python files download instead of parse/execute

I am trying to get a new webserver up and running. php files will parse correctly but python files will not. I changed the file to +x, an this has no effect. I am not getting any errors in my logs ...
Nix's user avatar
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nginx fails to launch in docker when creating volume for /etc/nginx, volume ends up being empty

I am trying to use nginx on my docker server, but when creating a volume pointing to /etc/nginx, nginx fails to launch and the volume ends up being empty. Here is my docker-compose.yml: version: '3' ...
lizardguy's user avatar
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Nginx suddenly slow for downloading files

Since one week ago Nginx became terrible slow for downloading small files and serving my content. For example downloading a 500kb file wend from ms to 6 sec on the same server. it feels like its being ...
Nico van roy's user avatar
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Nginx-extras installation on debian 8

I have a problem with intallation of nginx-extras on a debian 8 server 8.11. The 'apt-get install nginx-extras' return me: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state ...
Enstat's user avatar
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How to configure NGINX proxy to do port fowarding to Docker container?

I am trying to implement simple HLS streaming service that is running of Docker containers. In short, each service is dockerized Apache streaming node. Everything works fine. Except there is a problem ...
PinPiguin's user avatar
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Nxing HLS Reverse Proxy

I'm using 5 nginx servers as a reverse proxy to my origin. My origin only sends out HLS content, so .ts, .aac, .vtt and .m3u8 files. This is working really well for the most part, but when I have ...
Sonic Motion's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy microcaching not working

My current config is Nginx webserver as a reverse proxy with Apache at backend for dynamic pages and Apache is configured with PHP-FPM. My dynamic pages don't change often so I am trying to use Nginx ...
user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy container return error 404 Not Found on .php files

I have an nginx reverse proxy container and also an nginx and a php-fpm one. I have no problem serving .html files but when I try to navigate to a .php I receive Error 404 Not Found. This is the ...
user avatar
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Nginx default configuration file issue

I'm using NGINX as a proxy server at port 80 and 443 for SSL, Apache at port 8082, and Varnish at port 81. The reason for using NGINX is to send HTTP and HTTPS requests to Varnish and then Varnish ...
Dany's user avatar
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Nginx RTMP variables for push

Im trying to setup a nginx server to push an incoming stream to different streaming platforms for me and some friends. the problem to this is, that one of these platforms changes streamkey on every ...
c0wtschpotato's user avatar
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Nginx server is stopping for no apparent reason

I've set up an Nginx server for my site. Unfortunately, Nginx stops after some days (it's not a fixed period, sometimes after 5 days, sometimes after 1 month) and my site goes down. I need to restart ...
Sudharshan Nair's user avatar
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dokuwiki, nginx and farms

I am attempting to setup multiple dokuwiki's but I am really struggling... I can set up one with relative ease but I would like to make use of the farm concept ( ). The ...
Naib's user avatar
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Why do queries with a slash work, but no trailing slash get 404's in my Nginx config?

Against below nginx config: upstream search { least_conn; server max_fails=1 fail_timeout=10 weight=1; ...
Josh Beauregard's user avatar
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How to deploy Vue application and Node backend server application on nginx?

I have vue frontend application which I have built generating index.html and dist folder containing all the bundles. In addition I have developed another express base node application which provides ...
user61766's user avatar
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owncloud server access work over HTTP but fail over HTTPS

Following some tutorials and with lot of trials and errors I have been able to setup an owncloud server on my raspberry Pi. Everything works fine if I connect over HTTP but I get an ...
Lest's user avatar
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nginx+http2: Upstream prematurely closed connection, PROTOCOL_ERROR

On my server I have nginx running using the default docker nginx image (version 1.13.8) as a reverse proxy for Lychee (using wonderfall/lychee), a photo gallery software written in PHP. As far as I ...
cdauth's user avatar
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Nginx - return custom 410 page with map

First of all, I'm using Nginx 1.12.1. I want to accomplish the following thing: I have a list of urls, every url should return 410 for SEO purposes I want to include this list as a map in my nginx ...
martin s.'s user avatar
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How to configure Odoo 8 with SSL?

I have installed Odoo on a server and it works well. Now I am trying to configure a site in Nginx to run Odoo with SSL protocol. I did this other times, but now, I cannot manage it and I do not why. ...
forvas's user avatar
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serving files with flask and nginx/gunicorn

I have a basic website set up and I am running into some confusion on how to handle serving static files. I noticed the only thing I have to do to serve static files is set up the proxy to gunicorn in ...
user740721's user avatar
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spawn-fcgi -F other child processes not being used

I am running a Fastcgi app written in c++ with Nginx and it is working pretty well. The app starts via spawn-fcgi with 4 child processes using the following command: spawn-fcgi -f ./fcgiapp -p 9000 -...
TTKDroid's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy proxy_pass, static assets and paths

I've seen this problem quite a few times on the Internet, still I haven't found a real way to resolve it properly. The problem is the following: We have one site listening on ; so I ...
Kei's user avatar
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Serve auto-generated zip files with small footprint

I currently use mod_zip/nginx(for automatically generating zip files). The (very very big) issue with mod_zip is - when it accepts range requests - it doesn't pass ranges to subrequests. What ...
DannyZB's user avatar
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Access development VM (Vagrant / VirtualBox) from Android phone

I'm developing a web app on my PC. My dev environment is Vagrant / Virtual Box / Ubuntu 14.4. Vagrant serves the app content on, which is mapped in my hosts file to Inside ...'s user avatar
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