Questions tagged [notational-velocity]

NOTATIONAL VELOCITY is an OS X application that stores and retrieves notes. (from

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1 answer

Does Notational Velocity/nvALT securely sync with Simplenote?

I set nvALT to use a single database to store and sync my notes. Using a database has the benefit of having encryption. I just noticed this warning at the bottom of the synchronization settings ...
shenyl's user avatar
  • 23
3 votes
2 answers

Go Back, Next in Notational Velocity or nvAlt

I'm editing a note, then I get a call from my ADHD and I go to look at another note. Is there no way to get back to the previous note? I'm looking for previous/next like in a browser (or any other ...
Dan Rosenstark's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Run Two Notational Velocities At Once

I've been looking over this FAQ, and nvAlt and Rooswitch and all look pretty interesting, but everything that I've tried forces me to quit one Notational Velocity to open another... EVEN if I use ...
Dan Rosenstark's user avatar