Questions tagged [org-mode]

Org-mode is an editing mode in the text editor Emacs which supports the editing of plain text hierarchical documents.

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2 answers

Show HTML on desktop like conky on linux

I'm migrating to org-mode and trying to replace desktop calendars (Rainlendar) with org-agenda outputs. Conky is my first choice, but after all it is not easily written to show such things like the ...
mike3996's user avatar
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How to arrange a weekly schedule in org-mode?

I'd like to put my schedule into org-mode, so that I can see my classes in the agenda. I have different classes, repeated every week, all of them taking 90 minutes. I was thinking about something ...
mbork's user avatar
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How to define custom formatting ("faces") in org-mode for agenda lines by priority?

I'm using org-mode 7.8.11 with Emacs 24.1.1 and I want to change the colors used to display agenda lines, so that e. g. all lines with priority "A" are shown in red bold font. I tried to change the ...
MostlyHarmless's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I set an attribute to a tag when publishing with Orgmode?

When publishing with orgmode, is it possible to add attributes to generated html tags, only on wanted elements. For example, I would like to add some class value for tags without this attribute, or ...
smonff's user avatar
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emacs - repeat task max number of times

I need to schedule a task such that it repeats everyday, for a max number of days. If I don't do the task one day, the tasks should accrue, and not simply disappear. For instance, I need to finish a ...
kalaracey's user avatar
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refile a table row in emacs org mode

I have a template for org-capture more that looks like: ("w" "Websites" table-line (file+olp "~/Dropbox/" "Websites" "To view") "| %c | %^{Description}") which adds a table line to a ...
justinhj's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Org-mode to Markdown converter?

I have an org-mode file that is mostly just an outline, and want to convert it to Markdown. But it is a long and big file, so is there a piece of software that can do this for me? I use Mac OS X, but ...
hpy's user avatar
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Hyperlinks to mail in Outlook 2007 broken after moving mail to other folder within same mailbox

I want to use hyperlinks to open single e-mail messages stored in MS Outlook 2007 from within my text files created by Emacs org-mode (as described here: Can I create a link to a specific email ...
MostlyHarmless's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to define template for org-mode HTML export?

I am using org-mode to generate html pages from my notes. I used Publishing Org-mode files to HTML to setup blog system. I have defined an export template. But to use it I have to add following line ...
Andrew-Dufresne's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I set up capturing in Emacs org-mode?

I'm new to Emacs in general, and even newer to org-mode. I'm trying to set up capturing, and running into a very basic problem: Symbol's function definition is void: org-capture. My impression from ...
Brian Hamilton's user avatar
5 votes
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Customizing how html is generated for source code blogs when using export in org-mode

I have been using org-mode to author blog posts about programming. For this, I have included inline code segments in my .org file like this: #+BEGIN_SRC csharp public class UserBuilder { private ...
Pete's user avatar
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how to set a global org publish export setting in emacs

As a follow up to this question: superuser question 431356 How can I specify org mode publish setting globally? So not per project, but for any .org file I happen to publish? so instead of: (setq ...
reinier's user avatar
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how can I make emacs use other css for orgmode publish

When using orgmode in Emacs, when I publish to HTML it uses a default CSS which doesn't look very nice. After publishing, I manually jank out the old CSS for a custom one. Is there a way in Emacs to ...
reinier's user avatar
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org-mode - is there a way I can make emacs treat a region to be of a given mode

In org-mode - is there a way I can make emacs treat a region to be of a given mode (with syntax highlighting and so on). I tried the following for bash: #+begin_src bash # -*- mode:sh -*- find . -...
Adobe's user avatar
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Variable `org-mobile-directory` must point to an existing directory. Multiplatform setup, howto

I configured emacs org-mode on a Mac, working properly, having my org files and MobileOrg file within my DropBox folder ( ~/DropBox/ ), and detailed as follows: ;; Set to the location of your Org ...
orlando lopez's user avatar
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How can I see total time today on _all project_ in the modeline?

The variable org-clock-modeline-total gives me several options for what time to show in the modeline, but they limited to time clocked into the current task. I would like to show the total time clock ...
Vebjorn Ljosa's user avatar
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Export only item with checked boxes

I would like to make an html export of checkboxes lists with emacs with some sort of filter. For instance, I would like to export only the elements whose box is checked. How can this be achieved?
M. Toya's user avatar
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How can one-handed work in Emacs be eased?

My right hand is temporarily immobilized and I would like to do some minor work in Emacs, mostly in Org-mode, but also in AUCTeX. Are there ways to ease one-handed work in Emacs, such as some mode or ...
N.N.'s user avatar
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14 votes
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How to refresh tag list in org-mode without closing and reopening emacs

In my emacs org-mode org file I have a tag list #+TAGS: OFFICE(o) COMPUTER(c) HOME(h) PROJECT READING(r) PHOTOGRAPHY(p) At some point, I wish to add a new tag to the list, and apply it to an item (...
Pete's user avatar
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3 answers

Emacs (Aquamacs) org-mode agendas are suddenly empty

I'm sorry for this newbie question, but I'M lost at this point: I'm using Aquamacs 2.4 on MacOS X 10.6.8 and I'm currently trying to learn emacs and org-mode. I have several *.org files containing ...
MostlyHarmless's user avatar
12 votes
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How can I make checklist counters accumulate results from subheaders in org-mode?

I want to do something like this in Emacs' Org-mode: * headline [%] ** subheadline1 [%] - [ ] list item 1 - [ ] list item 2 ** subheadline2 [%] - [ ] list item 1 - [ ] list item 2 The ...
EpsilonVector's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Re-file outline tree into new org-mode file?

I'm just getting started with org-mode and imagine a workflow whereby I capture new tasks and notes in an org-mode "inbox" file. For tasks that grow into projects, I would imagine refiling them into a ...
Peter's user avatar
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Org-mode - table columns alignment - little tweak

In org-mode when I am using tables I need either to set up somehow or change algorithm of alignment in columns. By default there is text aligned to right with one whitespace character prepended. If ...
Jarek's user avatar
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Org-mode - TODO item shown ONLY in Agenda for day/week

is there any way in Org-mode to mark some TODOs in a way that they are shown only when their time comes and start showing only in agenda day/week until they are marked as done?
Jarek's user avatar
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Org-mode lags in highlighting source

I'm using org-mode to maintain my programming notes. This means I have lots of source code blocks, as follows. #+begin_src <language name> <code> #+end_src One thing I've noticed is ...
quanticle's user avatar
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Org-mode - let it open .org files unfolded

I would like to know if it is possible for org-mode to open its org files in unfolded state, and possibly with specified level (e.g no more than *** headlines) and possibly with option to fold/unfold ...
Jarek's user avatar
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4 votes
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Kill all checked items from a .org file (emacs, org-mode)

Is there an easy way to kill all checked items in all checklists from a .org file? Similar to "clear completed tasks" in Google Tasks. Also it would be handy to know how to kill or archive all DONE ...
Michiel Borkent's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I sort or move DONE items in org-mode?

I'm kind of new to org-mode in Emacs, and I'm investigating if it is suitable to replace Google Tasks for me. Google Tasks offers a "clear completed tasks" action, that removes all tasks that are ...
Michiel Borkent's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Which gnuplot terminal type should I use in org-babel-gnuplot with latex export

All gnuplot examples on use the png terminal. However, when exporting to latex I'd rather like to generate vector graphics. ...
wnrph's user avatar
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How do I paste a raw image from the clipboard into Emacs?

I am a Microsoft OneNote user and I have got used to taking a lot of snapshots and embedding them into my notes. I think that if I could easily embed images directly into Emacs/orgmode from clipboard,...
user avatar
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In emacs org-babel, can I export the results of previous executions instead of re-evaluating on export?

I have an org-mode document with a number of code blocks. Some of these take a long time to run, so I don't want to re-evaluate them each time I do an export. I know I can prevent the re-evaluation ...
EHN's user avatar
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68 votes
4 answers

Linewrap in Org-mode of Emacs?

Does Org-mode of Emacs support linewrapping? I know in the "regular" mode of Emacs there will just be a little sideways-u-turn on the right and on the left on the line after, and there's no scrolling ...
kalaracey's user avatar
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8 votes
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emacs ORG-mode "headless" export-as commands?

When I use org-export-as-latex or org-export-as-html orgmode turns my buffer into a .tex file or .html file. But I don't want all the extra junk that it adds to the file: I want to handle the ...
Seamus's user avatar
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converting a 12MB text file with notes to orgmode compatible file?

I have a text file that contains about 200000 lines with basically notes, with the most recent notes on top of the file, and the oldest notes at the end of the file. I want to convert it to a orgmode-...
719016's user avatar
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How do I install the info files for org-mode version 7.5 on Windows XP?

I am attempting to install org-mode 7.5 on a Windows XP machine but M-x org-info brings up the documentation for Org version 6.33x that shipped with Emacs 23.3.1 I downloaded the zip file and ...
Shannon Severance's user avatar
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Converting a tabbed indent list into a nested list with Org-Mode?

I'm working with Org-Mode to manage a database refactoring, and part of that involved me getting the current schema into text so I can clean things up. I wrote a query that outputs data like this: | ...
CodexArcanum's user avatar
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Org-mode `org-mobile-push` and `org-mobile-pull` missing?

I am trying to use emacs org-mode with the MobileOrg iphone app. However, I can not use M-x org-mobile-push (or pull). I am using emacs-snapshot 23. How can I enable this function?
David LeBauer's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to sync Remember The Milk with emacs org-mode?

I have just started using Org-mode in emacs, and I am very impressed. However, I currently have all of my todo's in Remember the Milk The simplest solution would be to export RTM into an org-mode ...
David LeBauer's user avatar
3 votes
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org-mode in windows

I'm trying to get the org-mode that came with my emacs-22.3 to work, with no luck. What I added to my .emacs: (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Program Files/Emacs/emacs-22.3/lisp/textmodes") (...
Nate Parsons's user avatar
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13 votes
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Emacs org mode as a work diary

Is emacs org mode a good choice if you want to maintain a work diary? I have tried to use it and archive old tasks (TODOs) but is there an easy way see which tasks I worked on for example last week (...
Buzzzz's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Upgrade org-mode with Aquamacs

As is asked and answered in here, Aquamacs has the org-mode that is pretty old, and there are some problems with capturing. How can I upgrade the org-mode with Aquamacs? Is it OK just copy lisp/*.el ...
prosseek's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Syncing Google Calendar [Gcal] and Emacs Org-mode? Is it possible?

It would be amazing if I could sync Gcal and emacs org-mode, is it possible?
tobeannounced's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Should I use Evernote or Org-mode for taking notes? [closed]

I am looking for an app that will help me manage my notes, and after coming across Org-mode, I was wondering whether Org-mode's functionality is strong enough that it can remove the need for me to use ...
tobeannounced's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

"Back" command for org-mode

When I type C-c C-v to see the list of TODOs, or C-c / m to see headlines with a certain tag, org-mode shows me a sparse tree with the results. How do I then go back to seeing the tree the way it was ...
agentofuser's user avatar
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96 votes
12 answers

Can I create a link to a specific email message in Outlook?

I use Outlook as my email client at work, but I don't want to use it to manage my tasks and todos. (Instead I use plain text files and Emacs org-mode.) Since many todo items start out as mails in my ...
Christian Berg's user avatar

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