Questions tagged [out-of-office]

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25 votes
1 answer

How do I stop Outlook Out-Of-Office from replying to certain addresses?

When I am out of the office, if I turn Out-of-Office on, it auto-replies to the automated emails I get from our Bug Tracking system, which leads to our Bug Tracking system getting full of message ...
codeulike's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to turn on my "Out of Office" automatic replies when an event in the calendar is marked "out of office"?

I have recurring events that cause me to be out of the office on a regular basis. I have updated my calendar to reflect that I will be out of the office. Currently I use the "Out of Office" ...
AperioOculus's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

outlook automated reply with unread message count

I get hundreds of daily emails and I'm looking to configure an out of office reply for outlook which will inform the recipient that I have X unread emails and that I'll get to theirs as soon as ...
EricR's user avatar
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