Questions tagged [pandoc]

Questions about Pandoc, a free and open-source software document converter.

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50 votes
3 answers

correctly sizing PNG images in markdown with pandoc for html/pdf/docx

I am trying to use markdown with pandoc to convert a single document into html, pdf, and docx. It's an extremely simple document containing only math-less text and a few images. The images are in ...
user46976's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Getting chapters to start on a new page in a pandoc-generated PDF

%Title %Author #Header 1 Lots of words. #Header 2 More words. ##Level 2 header The above text can be turned into an EPUB file for e-readers with pandoc -o output.epub input.mkd, and it can be ...
evilsoup's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Markdown to LaTeX conversion with a custom preamble using Pandoc

I know that I can use the -H or --include-in-header commands to include a custom preamble in the generated output. The problem is now that Pandoc includes my preamble but puts another preamble in ...
John's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Rendering PDF from Markdown file with literal emoji characters using Pandoc

I'd like to convert markdown text like: This is a smile 😀 To a PDF with the emoji on it. To be clear, I want to be able to insert the emoji character itself in the source text, not something like :...
agentofuser's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Generate table of contents with links for GitHub markdown with pandoc

How to generate table of contents with links for GitHub markdown with pandoc? I tried pandoc -f markdown_github --toc -s -S -o It does create a table of contents but it has no link ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Word count for markdown?

Is there a way to get a word count of natural language words in Markdown (or better, Pandoc Markdown), via the command line? It's possible to just use wc to get a very rough estimate, but wc is naive,...
naught101's user avatar
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7 votes
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Make pandoc ignore css style class

I'm trying to convert an HTML file to Markdown using Pandoc, but I'm having a hard time finding the correct options. I would like convert the entire HTML file to the simplest Markdown possible. That ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Why would RTF files created with Pandoc be opened as plain text?

I'm experimenting with Pandoc, in particular the markdown to RTF function. When I run the converter, the resulting RTF is opened in both Word and OpenOffice as plain text (where the text looks like ...
Ash's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Using Pandoc to convert from markdown to markdown with references / What does "reference with no printed form" mean?

I want to write a markdown file with references @ref (and a BibTeX database). When sending the file around, it should be converted to a stand alone markdown file containing rendered references. The ...
koppor's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Compile PDF book from multiple Markdown files

I have a folder structure like this, with recipe .md files in directories according to theme: Recipes |- Mains | |- | |- |- Desserts |- ...
John L. Godlee's user avatar
4 votes
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Pandoc: Duplicate footnotes - multiple files - same name

I have a folder structure like the following: chapters/ pandoc -t html5+smart -so dist/book.html --html-q-tags chapters/*....
leun4m's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to use Pdflatex with Pandoc?

I'm using Pandoc to convert my markdown files to different formats including html and docx. With PDF though, I get the message pdflatex not found even though it was installed and I can even call it ...
ahmed's user avatar
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1 answer

Pandoc doesn't recognize documented '--defaults' option

I use Pandoc as a static site generator and previous versions of the program allowed me to specify YAML files with metadata about the document like so: pandoc --defaults ./base.yaml -o ./res/head.html ...
wavecommander's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I set pandoc as a 'compiler' for markdown files in SciTE?

I've begun writing stuff in markdown lately, and edit my files in SciTE. I work in Windows, so this means I'm simultaneously running a Windows command prompt to generate output files at various stages ...
Duncan Johnson's user avatar
4 votes
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Creating Text Style with Colors using Pandoc to Docx Converter

I am creating a simple Word document (*.docx) using Pandoc. My input text file is fairly straight forward. I would like to create text with Red/Yellow/Green highlight. I am aware of creating a custom ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I use Pandoc's extensions correctly?

This is in my .md document: ![Step 1](Slide1.png){ width=100px } ![Step 2](Slide2.png){ width=100px } ![Step 3](Slide3.png){ width=100px } ![Step 4](Slide4.png){ width=100px } ![Step 5](...
JMC's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Compiling Pandoc Haskell script: Could not find module `Text.Pandoc.JSON'

I am trying to use a canned example from Pandoc's scripting page, but I don't understand enough Haskell to make this work. Here's the script. #!/usr/bin/env runhaskell -- includes.hs import Text....
Richard Herron's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Using find, xargs, etc. to output similarly named files

I have a folder full of HTML files: 001.htm 002.htm 003.htm … I want to run Pandoc on them to convert them to similarly named Markdown files: This command works on one of them:...
Lanny Heidbreder's user avatar
3 votes
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Pandoc - how to get pagebreak between title block and the table of contents?

Simple markdown file, with YAML block: --- title: Report author: Tom Brown 12345678 date: August 2018 toc: true numbersections: true geometry: margin=2.5cm urlcolor: blue header-includes: | \...
Rob's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

When converting txt to docx using pandoc, how to specify default paragraph style?

I am trying to convert a txt file (markdown) to docx using pandoc with a special MS Word template. I'm doing it this way: pandoc -s --reference-docx=/path/to/my/template.dotx -o outfield.docx ...
Jason's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to convert Markdown to TWiki using Pandoc?

Pandoc documentation says it can convert to TWiki. But with the newest version, it gives error "Unknown writer: twiki": $ brew install pandoc $ pandoc --version | head -4 pandoc Compiled ...
Computist's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the pandoc command line options to color and underline hyperlinks in PDF output?

Basically the title question -- I want the links in my pdf document to be blue and underlined (instead of hidden).
Dave's user avatar
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pandoc - markdown to man page tables not formatted (on msys2)

I am trying to use pandoc (if someone has a better conversion program I am all ears, please not ruby-dependent) to convert markdown files into manpages. It works fine until I go to do a doc with a ...
ehiller's user avatar
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Pandoc options to convert LaTeX flavored Markdown to HTML

The aim is to convert a Markdown file ( to a html file (file.html). The Markdown file contains formulas specified in LaTeX specified between two dollar ($) signs. Example: The resulting ...
willeM_ Van Onsem's user avatar
3 votes
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ImportErrorr triggered by pandocfilters installed by pip3

Goal To get pandocfilters running with pip3. My Error Here's my steps to reproduce the error. Install pandocfilters through pip3: pip3 install pandocfilters. Download the scripts examples/ and ...
GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to use Pandoc with double-byte characters?

I am trying to convert a Markdown document to PDF. The following works using pandoc -o test.pdf: # Test Testing But this # Test 日本語 gives me an error: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode ...
ceiling cat's user avatar
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Writing corporate documentation in Markdown and pandoc [closed]

Background I have had a few friends that turned me on to markdown and pandoc for writing documentation. At my current job, we use Microsoft Word for writing unstructured, one-off howto documents for ...
TheSavo's user avatar
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2 votes
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how do i combine 2 pdf documents into 1 in the terminal?

I have 2 files written in Markdown which I used pandoc to convert into pdf. I now need to combine the 2 into one single document(lets say I have many that I need to combine into a single pdf). Is ...
First User's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Generate a PDF from the command line and fill up the page with as many copies of an image as possible?

I’ve been searching around a lot for this but wasn’t able to find a solution. How can I generate a PDF with an arbitrary paper format (say A4) and fill its pages with as many copies of an image as ...
mrzool's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Custom table of contents in Pandoc-created PDF

I'm creating PDFs from markdown files and would like to customize the output. Specifically, I'd like to change the title of the table of contents in the resulting PDF. Currently, it's "Contents": ...
Matthias Braun's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use pandoc to convert from markdown to DOCX or ODT and apply a template?

I'm trying to use Pandoc to convert a markdown file into a Word (docx) or LibreOffice (odt) file, what is a simple thing to do... But I want this converted ODT document to use a specific "OTT&...
Eduardo Fernandes's user avatar
2 votes
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Two columns pdf from markdown with pandoc and lua script

I want to render a two columns pdf document using markdown fenced divs. The minimal example is this : :::::::::::::: {.columns data-latex=""} ::: {.column width="40%" data-latex=&...
ChrisAga's user avatar
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1 answer

Limit what sections get exported/processed in Pandoc markdown?

Is there a way to control/limit what content get processed by Pandoc in a pandoc markdown document? What I miss is OrgMode's :noexport: tag that could be attached to a section header so that that ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 answers

Pandoc: Using standardized unicode Emoji

I want to use flag: Japan emoticon with unicode U+1F1EF U+1F1F5 as defined in the standard Full Emoji List, v12.0, inside markdown (rendered with Pandoc). Given that this Emoticon is not defined ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Right align columns in Sublime Text 3

I would like to right align text in columns in Sublime Text 3 (on Win 8.1, FWIW). That is, I want to convert this Time Cash Flow 0 -500 1 100 2 200 3 300 into this Time Cash Flow ...
Richard Herron's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I get pandoc to recognize my custom YAML fields?

I have a markdown file that starts like this: --- title: Some Title author: - family: Barson given: Foobius --- And I'd like to get pandoc to extract this information and output it. So I have a ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 answers

Include files in Markdown document with Pandoc (except Haskell)

I use Pandoc to create Reveal.js presentations from Markdown documents, having switched to it from Google Slides. From the beginning I decided that presentations for different events and lectures are ...
certainlyakey's user avatar
2 votes
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Specifying image size when converting HTML to docx

I am using Pandoc to convert HTML to DOCX format. Everything works fine, but the resulting images are too big. If I resize them in input HTML nothing changes. I could resize the images with ...
johndodo's user avatar
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Convert html2pdf with toc, color and unicode support?

Is there a way I can convert large html file (produced with sphinx by the way) to pdf with color, table of contents (toc) and unicode support? There's htmldoc -- but it neither support color, nor ...
Adobe's user avatar
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Convert a markdown file to a series of HTML files

Say I have a manual for a computer program written in markdown/org-mode format. The manual is written as a book with chapters, sections, and subsections. I know Pandoc can convert this Markdown file ...
smilingbuddha's user avatar
2 votes
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How to generate a table of contents when converting from LaTeX to EPUB using Pandoc?

I'm converting a LaTeX document into an EPUB ebook: pandoc input.tex -o output.epub Everything works fine, however the ebook has a broken TOC: It contains only one item - the book's title. How can I ...
Petr's user avatar
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Pandoc can't convert to pdf, `xcolor.sty' not found

When I try to convert a file to pdf format with pandoc I receive this message: Error producing PDF. ! LaTeX Error: File `xcolor.sty' not found. Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed, or enter ...
Jonathan Strange's user avatar
2 votes
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Allow raw HTML in LaTeX code with Pandoc

I know including raw HTML is possible in Markdown documents with Pandoc, so I was wondering if there was a way to allow it in LaTeX documents. Pandoc converts lower than and greater than characters ...
geoffrey's user avatar
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Format to generate .tex, .pdf and .md from?

I've used Pandoc to generate .md, .tex, .pdf from .tex and .xhtml files. In tex I am using BibTeX and in ODT (save-as .xhtml) I am using Zotero to insert my citations. Currently neither .tex nor ....
A T's user avatar
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Using pandoc, dzslides and mathjax only works with Firefox

I'm trying to create dzslides with pandoc (v. that contain equations which I want to be rendered by mathjax. Consider the following example: % $\TeX$ test % John Doe % March 22, 2013 ## ...
Volker's user avatar
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2 answers

Disable auto numbering in pandoc markdown

I have Markdown content that looks like this (A) some text (A) some more text (A) and so on I'm using pandoc to render this to PDF (pandoc -o test.pdf This produces content that turns ...
Dave's user avatar
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In vim, is it possible to turn my bibliographic keys into links?

I write in pandoc markdown, which uses bibligraphic keys from biblatex that look like @smith_foo_1999, where "Smith" is the author name, "Foo" is the title, and 1999 is the year of publication. This ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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using Jekyll to generate HTML-based slideshow presentations from Markdown source?

I want to create slick HTML-based slideshows to use for giving presentations. I've found a couple that I like, such as scrolldeck.js. Basically it's a static site within a folder, i.e. a single ...
incandescentman's user avatar
1 vote
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Converting HTML pages with MathML equations to Word document

My goal is to convert this document ( which contains math into word document with well formatted equations. Why only Microsoft Word you ...
claws's user avatar
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Pandoc not converting Markdown list to LaTeX properly

I cannot seem to get Pandoc to convert my Markdown documents to PDF (via LaTeX) properly. The problem seems to come from how I am formatting my lists. If I use the following command pandoc -i -...
brandonaut's user avatar