Questions tagged [paper]

The "paper" tag is mostly used with questions about printers and printing directly related to paper.

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Laser printer manual duplex printing

My printer does not offer automatic duplex printing. With few papers i can try using odd and even pages . But if i am printing ebooks then sometimes if printer grabs two pages instead of one theni ...
Mirage's user avatar
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Can I use coated ink jet paper for printing with a color laser printer?

Can I use coated ink jet paper for printing with a color laser printer? Or does this destroy the laser printer somehow?
tangens's user avatar
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how to scan very long document with scan snap

I have a Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500. I want to scan a document (sales slip) that is overly long (about 50cm) but quite narrow. So, I hoped the scanner would just pull it through and give me the whole ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar