Questions tagged [paragon]

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3 votes
2 answers

Opinions on NTFS for Mac solution?

I am currently using the free NTFS-3G to access my NTFS drive from the Mac. It seems pretty stable (except once in the very beginning, it locked up the Mac and corrupted my NTFS drive, which I then ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Bypass a program that runs before desktop?

What I mean by that is programs that say "a restart is required to do blah" and then run in a low-level mode before the operating system is loaded the next time you boot. Examples of this are Spybot S&...
superadamwo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Uninstall Paragon HFS+ .msi

I am unable to remove Paragon HFS+ from my Windows 10 computer. The program is still listed after uninstalling using Add or Remove Programs. Running the command msiexec /x Paragon-607-PEU_WinInstallSN-...
sooosoooos's user avatar