Questions tagged [parsing]

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34 votes
10 answers

How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

I have several .txt files with >30 million lines each, and anywhere from 20 to 40 "columns" (some comma-separated, some space-separated, all ASCII with lines separated by a new-line). I ...
hadrian4909's user avatar
20 votes
8 answers

Automatic parsing of citation text in academic references

Is there any software (or pseudo-code) which can automatically scan a piece of text (either pasted into the tool, or read from a .doc/.pdf) and identify citation data using standard formats? The data ...
Alistair Knock's user avatar
16 votes
8 answers

Copy/Pasting data from SQL Server to Excel splits up text into multiple columns?

I've got a problem pasting data from the result grid of SQL Server 2005 to an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. I have a query in SQL Server that returns 2 columns (a number column and a text column). On one ...
Paul's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

sed: extracting value of a key-value pair in a URL query string

I am trying to use sed to extract the value part of one of the many key-value pairs in a URL's query string This is what I am trying: echo '' | sed 's@^...
markvgti's user avatar
  • 583
8 votes
3 answers

Import json data into Excel

I have a text file in json format and want to read it into Excel. A very simplified example of the json file has the following structure: { [ { 'a': 10, 'b': 20 }, { 'a': 20, 'b': 22 }, { 'a': ...
Ricardo Marimon's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

Remove linux file named with set of shell responsive characters

I've created a file named \;:$"\' to test a software of mine. I ended up with an error, because I cannot delete the file property. I'm trying to find a precise character combination to remove it via ...
Alex's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Extracting a list of values from JSON file to Excel or a text file

I want to extract usernames from a JSON data file. [{"username": "Cobra", "user_id": 146231486, "event_type": 2, "title": null, "class_id": 4211, "war_state" : null, "superpower_expire_date": ...
WR20's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is the ".sha256" file format formally defined somewhere? How should it be parsed?

I see a bunch of FOSS projects which have ".sha256" files. They look something like this: dsdfdfdsffdfsdfdsfdsfdsfdsfdsfds23r2ewrefdefdsfdsgfdsgffgfkgdfgg *meow.exe ...
Iago B.'s user avatar
  • 71
6 votes
3 answers

Breaking a file down of strings, into separate files each based on the first letter. BASH

Alright, so I have a file full of thousands of strings. Each one on it's own line. I want to make a script that will allow me to take this file, call it list.txt, and take the items from each line, ...
Josiah's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Powershell: Get inital character string from file name and create directory from string, then move files

I have a folder with the following file names: 00150005D201110172338427995.vpf 00150005D201110180005318058.vpf 00150013D201110180014448082.vpf 00150013D201110180022268098.vpf ...
JRG's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes
3 answers

How append a string at the end of all lines?

I'm trying to add a string at the end of all lines in a text file, but I have a mistake somewhere. Example: I've this in a text file: ...
rkifo's user avatar
  • 53
4 votes
5 answers

How to split a text file into multiple text files

I have a text file called entry.txt that contains the following: [ entry1 ] 1239 1240 1242 1391 1392 1394 1486 1487 1489 1600 1601 1603 1657 1658 1660 2075 2076 2078 2322 2323 2325 2740 2741 2743 ...
Andrew's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Excel Does Not Parse Quoted String containing comma in CSV File Correctly

I have a CSV file that with quoted string that contains comma. When I open it in excel it still uses the comma inside the strings and parse it in different columns. Can someone help? T7, 7, "331-8463 ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to use grep to match domain names?

I have a list of urls like: hxxp:// hxxp:// hxxp:// ... How can I use grep to match the domain names only? All the urls have ...
hillacma's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Shell scripting: Way to parse parameters from command line

myscript [-a a-arg] [-c c-arg] [-b] [-e] somedirectory Given that I want my shell script be invoked at the command line using the above parameters - where [these brackets] denote that they are ...
bguiz's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do I delete BOTH lines of a duplicate pair in a text file in bash?

I want to delete both lines of a duplicate pair in a text file. There is no way to do this using sort -u file or awk '!a[$0]++' file which both delete duplicated lines. Somehow I would have to ...
user322035's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I parse an XML file from the command line (for GeekTool)?

I'd like to find a Terminal command that can pull the file at and parse it to find a user's Twitter status. ...
stalepretzel's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do I parse file paths separated by a space in a string?

Background: I am working in Automator on a wrapper to a command line utility. I need a way to separate an arbitrary number of file paths delimited by a single space from a single string, so that I may ...
user1130637's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How can I get the line count of a text file?

I don't want it to delete the rest or anything but just to quickly report the number of lines the text I just entered is included. How can I quickly find "the number of lines in this text that ...
j riv's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Machine readable list of files in rar archive

I need a way to get a parsable list of all files in a .rar archive without extracting them, in bash or python. What I've tried: rar l *.rar 7z l -slt *.rar I've also looked at patool in python, but ...
Daniel Mahu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Match exactly (and only) the pattern I specify in a grep command

Usually, grep searches for all lines containing a match for the pattern/parameter I specify. I would like to match just the pattern (i.e. not the whole line). So, if a file contains the lines: We ...
palswim's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Extracting links from a numeric range of web pages

I would like to extract links from a numerical sequence of pages like this: ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Excel notation that gives FIND the ability to look for multiple strings

So I've been working with a spreadsheet that has a list of schools names. I pull data from this spreadsheet to create a roster that limits the size of text in each cell. In order to get the school ...
Doltknuckle's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Get first two strings of each filename in a directory as a txt file

I need to clean up strings like this (where I read in a group of image names), where I only want the first two strings (currently I'm using, in Windows 7 cmd line - dir /a/b/p > textfile.txt): Acaena ...
nigelc's user avatar
  • 167
2 votes
4 answers

Parsing command line output delimited by underscore

I've got some command which output looks like that: some_command Current view: username_token1_token2_token3_4_token4_2 How could I parse the "token3_4_token4_2" part out of the string?
Artem's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What does this grep command actually do?

I'm trying to get a hang of grep. I've got the following command from a GeekLet script that someone made for getting the weather info off some website: curl -s '
Sid's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
2 answers

Batch-convert lit -> txt

Is there a tool for Windows to batch-convert a folder of .lit files to a different format, preferably plain-text?
EugeneP's user avatar
  • 175
2 votes
1 answer

How to properly unescape strace output

How do I unescape strings outputted by strace? I see some advices to use printf '%b' for that, but that doesn't work correctly for me in some cases. Consider echo -ne '\037\061': $ strace -e write ...
torvin's user avatar
  • 135
2 votes
1 answer

Parsing and reformatting date string using PowerShell

Given a CSV-file containing the following line: HEAD;1;49999;8-10-2017;;; .. I need to reformat the date given as d-m-yyyy into fixed length and/or yyyy-mm-dd (fixed, naturally implying ...
Bjørn H. Sandvik's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Parse string using batch script

How can I parse string using batch script? Goal is to save in a array everything under Import: and strip out #head for example --> //MPackages/Project/config/abc.txt and //Packages/Project/config/cde....
Mihir's user avatar
  • 127
2 votes
1 answer

Batch to extract a word from a string inside a text file

I have a database.txt file with this content: 40001 16 DATAMAN Jimbo WS2 I want to extract the third word, as delimited by whitespace ("DATAMAN" in ...
Luca's user avatar
  • 35
2 votes
2 answers

Difference between an executable and data file format?

A few quick things out of the way as I know these type of questions often have a malicious background. I am not trying to execute something in a file format (jpg) I am not trying to simply achieve ...
Peleus's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Deleting list of files with non-standard file names

I have recently had to rescue files from a bad HDD, and am in the middle of cleaning up the mess. Currently I'm using a duplicate cleaner to delete any restored files that have duplicates on my backup....
Fossie's user avatar
  • 23
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to fetch and parse email using mailutils+shell scripting only in Ubuntu server headless 15.10?

In my hoping to minimize the number of packages each needing their own configurations, I'm wondering if there is a way for me to retrieve email for parsing by script without installing any more email ...
kenneth558's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Deleting music file duplicates but retaining iTunes metadata

Back when I first imported the majority of my iTunes library I had the copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library option checked, so basically my whole music library was duplicated on ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 201
2 votes
0 answers

seach for a word in .txt files and write few line into new .txt file

Please help me to create a script to perform task as per described below. i have 2 files. A.txt and B.txt Content of A.txt as per below ITEM name TICKY title nice coffe drink type DRINK ITEM ...
Poobalan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Counting duplicates lines from a stream

I'm currently parsing apache logs with that command: tail -f /opt/apache/logs/access/gvh-access_log.1365638400 | grep specific.stuff. | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d/ -f3 > ~/logs The output is a ...
cpa's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes
2 answers

Parse incoming mail in Thunderbird?

I need to parse the title of incoming mails and do some simple checks like "does it include this word/number". I'm familiar with AutoHotkey, batch, PHP... Any ideas? I can't seem to find a plugin ...
mashup's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Parsing the result of a command in a Linux bash script

I am writing a small bash script in Linux to control Pulseaudio inputs/outputs. What I want to do is to route all sink-inputs, except one, into one or another sink. The sink-input I don't want to ...
TurboGraphxBeige's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How Do I Parse a String?

I am new to bash, and I am creating a script that loops through the files in a directory and based on part of the filename, does something with the file, so far I have this: #!/bin/bash DIR="/Users/...
Russ Bradberry's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get variable values from config file

I have one config file with some variables eg below but my command only read some variable value, I cant read all values in config file. Seems only read values with numbers. what is better way to read ...
Rui Branco's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to retrieve a name from another file with a Bash script?

I would like to grab a name out of another predefined file and use it within my shell script. The file being read would be in ./docs/ and the format (a table in .org format) is: ......
Madeleine P. Vincent's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Fast extraction of key-value pairs in Linux command-line

I have a large (tens of GBs) text file with data in key=value;foo=bar;baz=quo format. The number and order of keys can change from line to line. I need to process this file and extract values for ...
Alexander Gladysh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Parsing two input files and comparing line existence

I need to take two text files and check to see if a line that exists in File A doesn't exist anywhere in File B. Each line in File A that does not exist in File B should be copied to an output log. ...
Philos's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Pulling dollar amounts from DoD Contract Awards

I'm going through Department of Defense press releases (here) looking for dollar amounts greater than $500 million. Each document is between 1,000 and 15,000 words, with dollar amounts inline with ...
jmabs's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to parse a webpage into a text or Excel file?

I'm trying to figure out a way to grab 4 - 5 lines of text from multiple pages of the same site, the information is always in the same place in the webpage. How would I go about getting that ...
Cistoran's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Capturing and parsing xterm cut buffer in emacs

I'd like to make an indirect control for Emacs (in Ubuntu Linux) so that I can swipe some text in an xterm with the cursor, cutting it into the X cut buffer, then run a macro in Emacs to parse the ...
BobBanana's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it theoretically possible to create a log parser/analyzer with the quality of manual parsing without use of an AI? [closed]

I am trying to setup a good log analyzer for our tomcat application. I was able to create a basic parser and analyzer with python regex and panda stats feature. The parser basically parses the ...
GP92's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Parsing errors due to special characters in dns txt records

I have trouble parsing dns txt records retrieved by a script I wrote. The script takes a records, ns records and txt records and writes them to a .csv file. I am using semicolon to separate entries ...
Katja Eichelberger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to find all websites matching the pattern<some_string>?

It's common among university lecturers to have their own web pages on the university domain and share resources there. If the name of a professor is John Smith then he his website may be
teei's user avatar
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