Questions tagged [pdftex]

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19 votes
2 answers

Difference between XeTeX and LuaTeX

I have a hard time contrasting XeTeX and LuaTeX. At the moment, I am using XeTeX almost exclusively, mainly because it uses UTF-8 as the native input encoding and because it supports TTF and OTF ...
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Generate PDF that is not editable

Is it possible to generate a PDF that is not editable? Currently, the documents I generate using pdflatex may be edited with applications such as Adobe Acrobat X Pro. I have some PDF documents which ...
Chico Sokol's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

black and white pages not recognized by printer

I have a document which has color on about 25% of its pages. When I print it in the copy shop, the printer's technically supposed to recognize the b/w pages. However, all pages are registered as ...
user46627's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

pdftex: where to get prebuilt binaries for win32?

I've used PDFTeX in the past, and I remember just downloading the binaries for Windows systems. Now I have a new computer and I went to download it, but there's only the source package. Where can I ...
Jason S's user avatar
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