Questions tagged [perl]

Perl is a powerful, high level programming language. Questions about Perl should be limited to the Perl development environment, running Perl, or using Perl to automate tasks on your computer.

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3 answers

Making a juniper VPN work on linux

I've tried several tools, the original scripts (ncsvc and ncui) do not output any error message to know what wrong with connection, even with wireshark I could not know what was wrong. The best tool I ...
Pedro's user avatar
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OSX 10.10 select perl 5.16 instead of 5.18

I find that my OSX 10.10 comes with perl 5.16 and 5.18. By default, when I run perl, I am using perl 5.18. Is there way for me to run perl 5.16 when I run perl command? admins-Mac-mini:~ ...
bufferoverflow76's user avatar
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How to call perl file every minute from batch file

I have written a perl script which i try to call every 1 minute from a batch file. There is no error but it do not call it every 1 minute. It just pop command prompt when clicked once on .bat file. ...
user3085082's user avatar
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How to delete a particular line in a text file after some operation on that text file at the same time

I am perl bginner (but i guess logic is same for all programming languages like C++ and C in my case its perl). What i want to achieve ? I have a text file i read that file which contains different ...
user3085082's user avatar
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How to get the count of a string from a text file . The output is wrong

I have written a code for finding the IP address count from a text file. if similar IP dress exist in file toto.txt : My code to do this is: use strict; use warnings; my %count; my $str ; #my $file ...
user3085082's user avatar
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How to stop a running .bat file which runs after every 10 minutes

I have written a .bat file which runs every 10 minute. The problem is now when i want to stop it it never stops. (This .bat file further calls a perl file in the code). What can be done to kill it ? ...
user3085082's user avatar
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mod_perl not active on Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)

I am using OTRS on a RedHat 6.5 with apache2 and mod_perl2. One of my servers (Sandbox environment) has the following (yum info feedback): Installed Packages Name : httpd Arch : x86_64 ...
HoD's user avatar
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When trying to start Apache - Cant load “Magick.dll” for module Image::Magick?

I have ActiveState Perl 5.10 installed on Windows 2008 machine. I installed ImageMagick-6.8.7-9 Q16 (32-bit) installed. Instead of using ppm to install PerlMagick I built it myself using dmake and gcc ...
PhillyT's user avatar
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4 answers

Text deletion between patterns across multiple lines with respect to text inside pattern

I have a block of text I need to delete, however, only if it contains specific text inside the block: ... <script language="JavaScript"> var somethingA = 0; var somethingB = 0; var ...
Matt's user avatar
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Replacing several strings in a file in one go

Suppose I want to replace all AAA with BBB and all BBB with AAA in a text file. The thing which looks an obvious solution (in Perl or in Sed) is: s/AAA/BBB/g; s/BBB/AAA/g; But this does not work ...
porton's user avatar
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What are MINIMAL necessary reqirements to run Perl CGI scripts on Apache server?

I have my Apache showing perl scripts as plaint text, not executing them. Googling and playing with settings made me frustrating, because there are numerous and long samples, which are mostly ignored ...
Suzan Cioc's user avatar
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FreeBSD make error - File 5.19 supports only version 12 magic files. /usr/share/misc/magic.mgc is version 8?

I'm having trouble reinstalling ProFTPD on a FreeBSD 10.1 setup. The server is newly upgraded from 10.0 to 10.1. When I start the make install clean process, these warnings first shows on screen. ===&...
Aknot's user avatar
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How can I run this Perl script in Windows?

I am trying to run a PERL script for the first time. Here it is : I have never used or worked with PERL before and I am finding ...
Simon Kiely's user avatar
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Amavis - How to blacklist using regex, from an external file

I currently have this line in my amavis user config file: # BLACKLIST read_hash(\%blacklist_sender, '/etc/amavis/blacklist'); It works fine with entries such as: ...
CaptSaltyJack's user avatar
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Make perl regex search exit with failure if not found

With grep I get a failure return code/exit status if no result is found. How can I do the same thing with perl? Basically, I would like to change the following so that it exits with status 1 if no ...
hpique's user avatar
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Where can I see the log statements of a task in Windows 8?

I created a task in task scheduler which essentially runs a perl script. I have some print/log statements in the script. Where can I see these log statements?
manojb's user avatar
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i need to pass a string of an output file to a variable so as i can use it globally all over my script [closed]

sample output RETENTION_INTERVAL ------------------ 10080 I need to pass the numeric value "10080" from the output file to a variable .The condition should validate value and ...
mightyteja's user avatar
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PowerShell issues with spaces in directory names

PowerShell has issues with spaces in directory names. I am trying to execute a file in the same directory as the PS1 script like so: .\ It works fine when the directory ...
JoshCode's user avatar
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How can I set a count down timer in perl for doing a function repeatedly?

I am copying a file from one file to another. I want to check whether the source file is available or not repeatedly in every 10 secs. How can I check it in between copying?
Sabarish's user avatar
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How to wait for 3 mints if the n/w got disconnected while copying in Rsync without failing using perl script?

I have to transfer 2-3 GB using Rsync.Everything is working fine, but my network got disconnected sometimes, and the entire process got failed. I want to retry it for the network for every 3 mints, ...
Sabarish's user avatar
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How do I use MacPorts' Perl installation with MAMP?

I have MAMP 3.0.6 and MacPorts 2.3.1. There are some Perl modules that I need to use (through some CGI scripts), I installed them on the MacPorts Perl installation (e.g., p5.16-dbd-mysql), but I can't ...
ceiling cat's user avatar
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Error while installing Perl package Term::ReadKey in Cygwin

I'm trying to use git via cygwin Well, I used this command to clone the svn content to a local git repository: git svn clone svn://path/to/my/project --username myuser Git was returning: ...
Ben's user avatar
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Missing Switch module on exiting Perl installation

I have been working on a Linux 64bit cluster for months, and this morning it seems as if the Switch module for Perl has disappeared from the system. If I do a find on the place where I expect it to ...
719016's user avatar
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how to split a hex file into two hex files at the first match of certain criteria in perl or just unix scripts

I have a HEX file containing following, I want to split them into two HEX files based on the address: file_in.hex @00000000 00 FC 00 20 89 01 00 00 D9 01 00 00 DB 01 00 00 DD 01 00 00 DF 01 00 00 E1 ...
user2891070's user avatar
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Wrong apache configuration. Perl scripts cannot execute

I've got wrong apache configuration. My script don't want to be executed and browser trying to download it as a file. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName ...
tregnas's user avatar
9 votes
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How to execute a PL file in Linux?

I have a file that I need to execute. I double click it but Linux will open it in a text editor for editing. How to execute this file? Can it be done from GUI? In file's properties ...
IceCold's user avatar
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Autoformat for Perl in Vim

I've got a piece of badly formatted Perl code: if ($a==1){ &err_report("$a"); while($b!=1){ &err_ok(); } } I want to reformat it in Vim. After using the command gg=G,...
Marslo's user avatar
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Replace negative values in a file with zeros

I want to replace all negative values in a file with zeros. How can I do this in awk? I tried with gsub but gsub(-*, 0) doesn't work... Any ideas? My "code" is awk '{gsub($(!/-/),"0",$2); print $1 "...
Thanos's user avatar
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How to rename a lot of files in bash shell?

Sorry for the question. I searched the internet a lot, but couldn't find an answer which worked (though there were a lot of suggestions). So, I want to rename A LOT of files. Writing all file names ...
nooooob's user avatar
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Windows Server 2008 R2: perl ppm doesn't see modules unless I'm the system administrator

I just did a fresh install of ActiveState Perl 5.16.3 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 system, and things seemed to go OK until I went to review the installed modules with Perl Package Manager (PPM). When ...
Alan's user avatar
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Is it possible to open a port for listening without netcat?

I have a need for a Linux system to listen on a TCP port and dump what it receives to a file and/or stdout. The system does not have netcat installed. I have root permissions, but am not allowed to ...
MrDrMcCoy's user avatar
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TC command via webpage as a sudo

The main goal- run a tc command via webpage, starting with: tc qdisc del root dev eth0 (deletes all the filters) Following Simple linux commands from a webpage I am trying to add a tc command, but ...
didinino's user avatar
-1 votes
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editing column of a text file

abc.txt consists of two column data as 1 A1021 2 A1021 3 A1022 4 A1022 I want another test file, say pqr.txt (replacing A1021 by 1 and A1022 by 2 and so on). I used the following usual perl ...
user316350's user avatar
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5 answers

Exclude lines based on long list of line numbers

I have a long list of line numbers (35389208) that I do not want in my file. By line number I mean the line in my file (e.g. line 277). My list of line numbers I do not want looks like: 277 278 279 ...
bdeonovic's user avatar
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How to get list of process ids that are in a given group id

Going by the man page, I would expect this to work: ps ah -o pid,pgrp -G 18322 But this shows exactly the same list as without the -G arguments. I want a saner way to produce this output: ps ah -o ...
quuxman's user avatar
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Notepad++ does not print to console from perl script

I have following perl script: print "test: "; my $input = <>; print "result: ", $input; I made NppExec command in Notepad++: NPP_SAVE perl "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\$(FILE_NAME)" When I run this ...
user2551229's user avatar
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Script not running as cronjob

I got a script which runs in a cronjob as root. The problem is that the addgroup command would output "Command not found" when it gets executed by the script. #!/usr/bin/perl $datei = `ls /var/www/...
ProfGhost's user avatar
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XCOFF32 object files are not allowed in 64-bit mode while installing Crypt-SSLeay-0.65_02

I am installing a Perl package Crypt-SSLeay-0.65_02 in an AIX 6.1 system but while performing perl Makefile.PL getting the following error. The test suite can attempt to connect to public servers to ...
Ajit Nair's user avatar
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SED: syntax error at line 19, near “;$'”

I am using this command to delete multiple occurrences of a line in my script and it just works fine when I run it on the command prompt. However when I use this line in my perl script it throws an ...
user3614491's user avatar
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Why does cpanm fail on distributions without proper makefiles where cpan -i succeeds?

I'm on Strawberry Perl on Windows 7 64-bit. cpanm fails like this for many packages in cpan: $ cpanm Getopt::Long::Descriptive Fetching
Chris Betti's user avatar
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Use perl to do multi-line replacement [closed]

I have to do some replacements in many *.c files. I want to do the replacement like this: original: printf("This is a string! %d %d\n", 1, 2); result: print_record("This is a string! %d %d", 1, 2); ...
tamlok's user avatar
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Get value on perl script from another perl script [closed]

I have two perl scripts. The first perl script call another perl script, and then I want to get the result from the other script and use it in the first script to made a condition. I use: system("...
proquibas's user avatar
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send sms with perl and google voice

I try to send sms to my mobile phone with perl and google voice. I have installed google::voice module with perl : perl -MCPAN -e "install Google::Voice" perl script: use Google::Voice; my $g = ...
Lkaf Temravet's user avatar
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Converting Perl Regex to PHP [closed]

I have the following Regex in PERL which I need to convert to PHP if($line =~ m/[<]div class="row.* id="(vm_[0-9]{8,9})"[>]/i){ } I currently have the following in PHP to match it, but I'm not ...
user3428183's user avatar
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USB Stick Becoming Write Protected [duplicate]

I am running windows 7. I have a 2GB flash-drive running a strawberry Perl portable edition. I was spending time installing CPAN modules this morning when suddenly my disk became write protected. ...
an earwig's user avatar
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How to get sha1sum to work on Mac OS X?

I have an application that I'm porting and as part of the test suite, I run sha1sum. I'd like to have test code that works on all my platforms and not vary across platforms. Mac OS X, is the first ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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What regex pattern would I have to use to parse out unwanted characters in this format?

#!/usr/bin/perl POSIX qw(strftime); my $time = strftime("%YT%mT%d TTTT%H:%M", localtime); print ("Todays date and time is $time\n"); I am a little rusty at regex, what would be a pattern to search ...
technoY2K's user avatar
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Using Perl to communicate with Nut

I'm trying to communicate with my UPS that's managed using NUT. I want to read values from it like line voltage, battery charge, etc. I don't want to send it commands to shut it down. At first I was ...
Piku's user avatar
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open a new screen in linux, no access to perl local library

I added my perl local library to my shell startup script (.bashrc) and when I start a terminal in linux: $ echo $PERL5LIB /home/perl5/lib/perl5:/usr/share/vcftools/perl BUT when I open a new ...
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error in /usr/share/perl5/iCal/Parser/ on debian

how to fix this? when i type perl /usr/share/perl5/iCal/Parser/ i get syntax error at /usr/share/perl5/iCal/Parser/ line 64, near "$t qw(week month year)" Global symbol "$t" ...
lrnz's user avatar
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