Questions tagged [phishing]

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57 votes
2 answers

How can you fake an email address?

Recently someone asked me whether an email she received was spam. It seemed to be from a well-known bank ( in Belgium. It stated that some information was outdated and that it needed ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

How can visiting a webpage infect your computer?

My mother's computer recently became infected with some sort of rootkit. It began when she received an email from a close friend asking her to check out some sort of webpage. I never saw it, but my ...
5 votes
0 answers

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Rule to Match Against HTML Source?

A client receives phishing e-mails with link manipulation: the displayed text for a link (the text between the anchor "a" tags) shows a random safe URL, while the actual URL in the HTML source links ...
iokevins's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

how to fix if a site is always redirected to another phishing site?

I am running Windows XP SP3. Before I used to do online banking using this computer without problem. But recently, when I will visit my bank to do online banking, , it gives ...
user3239332's user avatar