Questions tagged [poedit]

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Poedit Permission Denied

I installed poedit 3.3.1 on my Ubuntu 22.04 and I want to access the .po files found in the var/www/html/ directory. However, every time I try, I get Error opening directory '/var': Permission Denied ...
Khaldoun Nd's user avatar
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Lucene++ error on installation Poedit 1.8.12 on CentOS 7

Such as the title says, I am having an error on the installation of Poedit 1.8.12 on CentOS 7. I have installed Lucene++ (almost every version from GitHub) but I always get the same error message: ...
Fabrizio Valencia's user avatar
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How do install POEdit on CentOS 7?

I want to install POEdit on CentOS 7. After running ./configure, I receive a message about several libraries not being installed, such as wxWidgets and Boost. I've installed these libraries and it ...
Magnus's user avatar
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Can't install Poedit on Linux Mint

When I type: sudo apt-get install poedit I get this error: Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho Creando árbol de dependencias Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho Se ...
Manolo's user avatar
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After a gettext update be able to check if a translation file has been translated

I am looking for a program that tells me if my PO is already translated or not. Basic question are: Is there any fuzzy, Is there any empty string. The best would be to have this strings displayed ...
Natim's user avatar
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POedit is not working on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx

I've been installing and uninstalling POedit 1.4.2-5build0.1 in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx. POedit is installed but it loads for around 10 seconds and then just go away. I'm installing it using ...
wyc's user avatar
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