Questions tagged [puppet]

Puppet is IT automation software that helps system administrators manage infrastructure throughout its lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to patch management and compliance.

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16 votes
2 answers

Is there any reason to use Puppet alongside with Docker? [closed]

I have tried Ops part of DevOps some time ago and it was quite fun, but I haven't time and reason to try it in any project. But last week I started new job, where boss asked me if I can configure ...
Hauleth's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to git clone private repos within Vagrant VM, using host's SSH keys?

I'm able to use PuppetLabs vcsrepo to clone public git repos, but I'd like to also be able to clone private repos, using the host's SSH keys. What would the configuration look like for Vagrantfile ...
apennebaker's user avatar