Questions tagged [pycharm]

Pycharm is an IDE (written in java) for developing in Python, with support for web frameworks.

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2 votes
1 answer

Pip error - Cannot open include file: 'basetsd.h': No such file or directory

[SOLVED] Answer in comments! I am trying to install these requirements (jaydebeapi==1.2.3) in Python and facing the issue bellow. The main message of error is: "Cannot open include file: 'basetsd....
0 votes
1 answer

IntelliBot @SeleniumLibrary Patched plugin does not work on PyCharm (mac)

I have installed PyCharm 2019.1.2 (Community Edition) on my mac and then I installed IntelliBot @SeleniumLibrary Patched plugin. The plug in does not work at all. The robot files are not recognized, I ...
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0 answers

Unable to select latest python version in PyCharm Fedora 39

I recently switched to using Fedora 39. I installed PyCharm Community Edition and started with and found that I can not switch to the latest python version. $ python --version Python 3.12.1 In the ...
1 vote
1 answer

how to install Tkinter to Pycharm(community edition)?

It gives me error when i run my "Tkinter" code.It says "Tk() was not defined". I tried to download Tkinter on PyCharm but there are a lot of them. Well, I don't know what to do. Help please.
0 votes
2 answers

I have a "non zero exit code (101) issue

I installed Python 3.7.2 64 bit for Windows, and I also downloaded the embedded files. I also downloaded Pycharm. When I tried to create a project in pycharm I got a non zero exit code(101) error. ...
2 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to run a program as a specific user but with root permissions?

I'm doing development with PyCharm, doing development on a script that uses the scapy module for Python to do port scans, sniff traffic, and build raw packets. This, of course, requires root ...
0 votes
0 answers

does installing Flask python package within PyCharm create duplicate entries on my hard drive?

This is basically a question on how Install really works with Pip and Python, i.e. what physically happens when you "Install a package" I assume when I use pip to install flask from my ...
15 votes
8 answers

My PyCharm run is working but debugging is failing

I am using JetBrains Pycharm IDE in ubuntu 18.04 when I am hitting run, it is working fine but debugging is failing every time with the following error. error screenshot and this is prompt from ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to install python packages in an unstable connection

I've been trying to install tensorflow but without success. I suspect the reason is unstable internet connection because I was able to successfully install a smaller package (openCV) minutes before ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can I change the directory for scratch files in PyCharm?

The default directory is %HOMEPATH%\.<product><version>\config\scratches. It's not so easy to use. So can I change it to other directories as C:\scratches? If so, I can open a REPL and ...
0 votes
1 answer

JetBrains Gateway - cannot connect to remote host

I am trying to connect to my local remote host with JetBrains PyCharm / JetBrains Gateway, but when while loading remote instance it just exits without giving a reason why it could not connect. On ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I get a tree view for large JSON files in PyCharm?

When I open a small JSON file in PyCharm, I can easily collapse or expand its sections (note the medal-shaped symbols on the left): However, when I open a large JSON file, this isn't possible anymore ...
1 vote
1 answer

Change color of PowerShell 7 Get-ChildItem result

I am using PowerShell 7 as terminal in PyCharm and the default colors for the commands were not really clear. I created a profile.ps1 where I set them in this way: # Set colours Set-PSReadLineOption -...
3 votes
1 answer

Creating an anaconda environment through pycharm gives HTTP error

so I've recently fresh installed pycharm and anaconda, and in attempting to setup a file in pycharm using a new conda environment I get this error: Solving environment: ...working... failed ...
67 votes
7 answers

Can't install virtual interpreter in PyCharm in Linux

When I try to add virtualenv as an interpreter in PyCharm Community 2018.1.2 in Kubuntu 18.04 I get the following error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.core' How can I solve this?
0 votes
2 answers

PyCharm terminal does not use venv, but "Python Console" does

In PyCharm, I have created a new Python project with its own venv environment. But, for some reason, executing pip install ... in PyCharm's terminal uses the systemwide Python installation instead of ...
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0 answers

New Scientific Project in PyCharm

When creating a new scientific project in PyCharm, the default option to the Python interpreter is a fresh Conda environment: Is it ok to change it to Virtualenv instead? Or will i face any kind of ...
1 vote
1 answer

Non-zero exit code (1) error for pip install numpy

I am trying to install Numpy on Pycharm and I keep getting errors. Is there something I could do in the command prompt to fix this? using python 3.7
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0 answers

Avoid Antivirus AVG using too much CPU to check a Python script

I am currently developing a Python script that performs some http requests and uses a webdriver. When I run the script from Pycharm, AVG starts performing some sort of scanning that reduces the ...
0 votes
0 answers

My saved .py files can be seen in Pycharm but not in File Explorer

I already saved one file before. But when I do it now, it doesn't show in file explorer but shows in Pycharm "open" section. Any explanation and a way to fix this would be appreciated.
1 vote
1 answer

How to delete python interpreters

So, I made a few bummers while installing latest version of Python. Somehow I have managed to install Python more than once, and now I have several Python interpreters lying around (at least I have a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Pycharm doesn't detect python installed from Microsoft store

I have python 3.7 installed on my pc downloaded from python's official website and pycharm detects it and is fine. But, windows's powershell doesn't detect it. I have added it to path of system and ...
0 votes
1 answer

IntelliJ and PyCharm will not display code return, just code 0

When running a simple program - as simple as: print("hello world") All I'm getting from IntelliJ and PyCharm now is the standard: process finished with exit code 0 Nothing else happens. This was ...
1 vote
1 answer

“Select Python Interpreter” button not showing (Pycharm)

In one of my PyCharm projects, it doesn't show the "Select Python interpreter" button on the lower right-hand side. Here is how it's supposed to be: However, it's not there. I need it to ...
0 votes
2 answers

Debugger not working with pycharm PyCharm 2019.2 (Community Edition)

I am working with PyCharm 2019.2 (Community Edition). Initially, before the update, debugger was working all fine but once it got updated to 2019.2 (Community Edition), every time I hit the debugger ...
0 votes
1 answer

Slow ping while using ssh on a server in another continent

So I am coding (using pycharm) connected via ssh to a server which is in another continent and the ping is very high. Because of that, everything that I do takes a lot of time. Is there anything that ...
1 vote
0 answers

Python: nmap.PortScanner() Path error [closed]

So as I imported python-nmap library to my interpreter: import nmap nm = nmap.PortScanner() nmap.PortScanner() somehow shows me the following error. The installed python-nmap is 0.6.1 version, but ...
0 votes
1 answer

Match Case option missing in Pycharm search

I have been using Pycharm for some time now and noticed that in the current version I am using (Community 2021.1.1) the Match Case tickbox is missing (probably is hidden). I found it really useful ...
5 votes
0 answers

How can I disable the scroll-to-end feature

Whenever I run my code in Pycharm (community version), the run window automatically scrolls to the end. I would like to turn this feature off. However, everytime I run my code it re-enables itself. I'...
0 votes
1 answer

PyCharm: Replace in Files not showing Replacement String in Find Window

In older versions of Pycharm, if you did a Replace in Files on your entire project, you could open the results in the Find Window and then for each result double check that the replacement made sense. ...
2 votes
1 answer

how to restore all windows when open JetBrains IDE again

I usually use one JetBrains IDE window for one folder(project). I need to shut down the computer every day. Is there any way to restore all closed windows when I continue the work the next day? I am ...
2 votes
2 answers

The option on PyCharm Mac "Reveal in Finderl" what is in PyCharm for Windows

I am learning Python watching tutorials of Mosh. There he shows an option to add a xl file on pychram project using the option "Reveal in Finder" but I can't find it on my windows machine ...
0 votes
3 answers

ssh -X: Remote application should open hyperlinks in the local browser

I use ssh -X to execute a GUI on a remote machine. This works great, except for one thing: If I click on a hyperlink in the application, then a browser gets launched on the remote machine. In my case ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I enable WSL in pycharm interpreter settings?

Currently, I have Ubuntu installed on Windows 10 as a WSL where I installed python and want to use that as an interpreter in Pycharm on Windows 10. I go to the add interpreter settings and expect to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to recover a file via PyCharm (jetbrains) localhistory binaries?

I lost a number of files due to a destructive bug in GitHub Desktop and I’m trying to figure out what my best chances are for recovering one of them that was especially important. I have located the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Pycharm puts red lines on valid annotations in python3.7

When adding type hints to my python3.7 code. I often don't import the actual classes to avoid circular dependencies. Instead I use from __future__ import annotations to let them be converted to ...
3 votes
1 answer

PyCharm: Unable to see sybase databas schema in DB navigator plugin

I am trying out the DB navigator plugin in pyCharm My target DB is a Sybase 15.5 server. I have put in correct jdbc driver, connection string url, user name and login. The 'Test' button returns ...
1 vote
2 answers

Error installing dlib on Pycharm

I am trying to install dlib on Pycharm (which is similar to Anaconda) in order to use it for my Python and OpenCV face detection project. I have installed cMake and upgraded Python but there is ...
6 votes
3 answers

How to remove Open Folder as Pycharm Community Edition Project

How can I remove the "Open Folder as Pycharm Community Edition Project" from the right click context menu (shown in the picture below).
0 votes
2 answers

How to mark folders with color in Pycharm

I want to mark specific folders with color. For example folder which is finished should be marked with green color, not finished red and etc. I want them to work same as "mark directory as" ...
1 vote
4 answers

Comment code with PyCharm on Windows?

As can be seen here: the shortcuts for commentting and uncommenting code in PyCharm are: Ctrl+Slash Ctrl+...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to unite WSL2 Ubuntu, Tensorflow-GPU, CUDA, and Pycharm[windows]?

I have a WSL 2 Ubuntu with Anaconda 3 installed in Ubuntu WSL 2. Then I installed PyCharm in Windows 10. Then I created an environment for tensorflow-gpu in WSL2. I installed CUDA and cuDNN in Windows ...
8 votes
1 answer

Pycharm debugger does not work with pytorch and deep learning

This question is somewhere in between Stackoverflow and Superuser - in my opinion at least, so feel free to point me to SO if this is the wrong place (in your opinion ;)). Problem: If I place a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Pycharm no longer prompts me to open in "this window" or "new window"

How do I re-enable this prompt? It is something that I found quite useful and somehow managed to accidentally disable.
0 votes
1 answer

pynput is installed with pip, but `import pynput` in PyCharm can't find it

I installed the pynput Python package with pip. I got this error in PyCharm when trying to import pynput with import pynput. C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\\Scripts\python.exe "C:/Users/...
-1 votes
1 answer

Building a program in Pycharm for Ubuntu. How can I do it so that Ubuntu automatically opens Pycharm and Starts the Python Program?

First, I want Ubuntu to boot straight into the Desktop and automatically open Pycharm IDE. Then, I want it to automatically run the Pycharm Program left open or last worked on. Lastly, without me ...
1 vote
1 answer

IntelliJ IDEA or Pycharm not opening on Alpine Linux

So I am trying to migrate to Alpine Linux; however, I cannot seem to install two IDEs, Pycharm and IntelliJ IDEA. They are both throwing me the same error whenever I attempt to run either ...
1 vote
2 answers

In PyCharm, suddenly some menu commands stopped working

In Pycharm Edu 2018.3 some menu commands and their keyboard shortcuts some days ago stopped working (menu commands are dimmed and keyboard shortucts do nothing). E. g. while editing a Python file, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Create a new ipynb file not found

I am trying to use Pycharm to create A Jupyter Notebook using Pycharm. But such option is not found in the list, as I see in many tutorials. How I can create a ipynb file in PyCharm ?
0 votes
1 answer

Why I can't start pycharm 2019.3.1 on ubuntu?

First, I downloaded pycharm using snap, and I edited the pycharm64.vmoptions file. Then I wasn't able to launch the software, so I uninstalled it. After that, I downloaded the pycharm.tar.gz file ...