Questions tagged [regex]

Also known as regular expression or regexp, a description of a set of strings, often used for searching and validating strings.

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Adding syntax highlighting for a comment section in Emacs

I have the following (defun add-c-syntax-highlighting () (font-lock-add-keywords nil '( ("\\<\\(\\-+\\)" 1 font-lock-warning-face prepend) ("\\<\\(FIXME\\):" 1 font-lock-warning-...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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How To Search & Replace From a Word to another in The Same Line?

Like I said,, I want to search each line, from a word at the beginning of the line, To another word at the end ! For Example, let's say that I've a text file, that contains these lines :- 1.RA.xm: ...
KorkOoO's user avatar
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Matching only numbers that come in numerical order

I have numbers in [.] indicating the page number of an orginal printed document I am transcribing. However, the document also contains other numbers in [.] that do not correspond to page numbers. For ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Notepad++ replace every 3rd and 4th iteration

I'm using notepad++ I'm wondering if it's possible to replace every 3rd and 4th iteration in lines of HTML. The original code looks like: <div class="ui-bar ui-bar-d" <div class="ui-bar ui-bar-...
N0xr-2's user avatar
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subtract a fixed amount from a number in an xml with find/replace in notepad++

It seems like I can't understand much of the notepad++ wiki, and I can't find similar question here. The problem: type="0" x="184" y="698" w="245" h="7" So I'm trying to add or subtract an amount ...
Lucean's user avatar
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Find & Replace in notepad++ with regex

I need to convert some old code to c#, and to speed things up I was planning to use regex. For instance, in this piece of code: if (Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME").StartsWith("user")) ...
Cornwell's user avatar
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How to find and replace in the between tags in notepad++

I have a problem about find and replace in notepad++. I want to find a space+space in text and replace with just one space. But the area I want to find and replace is between tags (ex: <div>...&...
Tuan's user avatar
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CLI Perform Regex in Memory then feed to Command

I would like to use a regular expression to modify a file and then feed it to pandoc in the cli. Something like this: perl -pe 's/_(.*)_/\\underline{$1}/g' > pandoc -o source.pdf So, I'...
Jon49's user avatar
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Including " in a regular expression using sed on windows

I have: echo finally came. 34^"This is the account of | sed "s:[1-9][0-9]["]:<a name=\"top\">&</a>:g" and I need to get finally came. <a name="top">34"</a>This is the ...
user276498's user avatar
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Gedit gktsourceview3.0 rules - multiple optional suffixes

I'm trying to write a syntax highlighter rule for arm assembly to use in gedit. In arm, every command has some optional suffixes which make it execute conditionally. So obviously I want the command ...
w4etwetewtwet's user avatar
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Add, replace or delete something/everything between two strings with regexxer

I'm using regexxer to translate an application that use .php files. In accordance to the webpage it's based on usage and syntax of Perl regular expressions. It looks more to be applied to Perl code. I'...
quantme's user avatar
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How to do concise two alternative substitutions in Windows Excel 2010? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can you do Regular Expressions in Excel without VBScript? I wish to replace a string pattern with another along the lines of the following: =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(name," ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Regular expression to replace in TextPad

I need to replace this: HSOD,BASE,DFLT,001,06-19-2012,[any string],1,0,0 With this: HSOD,BASE,DFLT,001,06-19-2012,[any string],1,0,N where the [any string] part needs to be a wild card.
Steve's user avatar
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rm command and regular expressions via Linux BASH shell

I am attempting to use regular expressions to remove set of files however the bash shell returns the message rm: cannot remove `[0-99]+ -': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `[a-zA-Z': No ...
PeanutsMonkey's user avatar
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Excluding preceding characters from a "Find"

I'm attempting to automatically format portions of a significantly sized document. For one, I'm attempting to apply Heading 1 to all headings in the format of: 1.1 Heading 1 and Heading 2 to: ...
lochok's user avatar
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Specific case of non-greedy `grep`

I know there are many examples of a non-greedy regex with grep, but I'm having problems with my specific case. My file contains lines similar to: [X12345.Yabc.Z7989].[ALPHA/BRAVO].[CHARLIE.DELTA] ...
abelenky's user avatar
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Jump to the next line that has a statement after an if()

A previous dev liked to put single statements on the same lines as their relevant if()s. I'm trying to find these lines now to fix them! I thought that the following regex would find them, but it isn'...
dotancohen's user avatar
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Moving parts of a string with a Regex in sed

I am trying to replace, input.output.roomMAX[0] to[0].MAX input.output.roomMAX[1] to[1].MAX input.output.roomMIN[variable] to[...
SurenNihalani's user avatar
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Using RegEX To Prefix And Append In Notepad++

I found this question on StackOverflow. It worked great but I also need to include lines that have non-alphabet characters in it like: some_name And add prefixes like this: start:"...
TMRW's user avatar
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Looking for a command that will return the proc, func, etc that uses another proc, func, etc

Grep-ing for a function name to see where it's being used returns a list of rows and row numbers. Is there a smart way of using grep and awk to get the name of the calling procedure instead? Thanks
Andreas's user avatar
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How to search emails by matching header fields against regex "in" Thunderbird?

How to search emails by header fields such as Subject, Sender, Receipt, against regex? The emails are fetched and read with Thunderbird. But the searching doesn't need to occur through Thunderbird ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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regex to put an actual newline at every \n

I'm writing a bash script that will deal with blob data that needs to be written to a file. The data inserted into the blob is separated by newlines. The command line mysql -e select blobfield from ...
Yitzchak's user avatar
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Finding files in linux based on regex, with multiple alternatives

Let's say I have a list of strings. I want to find files with filenames starting with these string. Example, Strings: filename.could.start.with.this.restoffilename
JaHei's user avatar
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How to show regexp

I want to show what stands behind a regexp, for example, I want to print all chars covered by [A-z] in the bash.
mundenhof's user avatar
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cut text from each line in a txt file

i have a text file where each line looks like this: <img border=0 width=555 height=555 src=http://websitelinkimagelinkhere> each line is like that for like 1500 lines, i want to sort of '...
fightermagethief's user avatar
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How to show regexp parts of text

I've lots of files which lines looks like lotsofblah/XY##_####_morefoo where # is a number. Now i want to show only the parts YZ##_#### in the bash, each in a new line of course.
user_unknown's user avatar
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How to replace a word with Regular Expression in Microsoft Word 2007?

How can I replace a word with Regular Expression in Microsoft Word 2007? For example, I want to find and replace all \n with some spaces.
Mohammad Dayyan's user avatar
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crawler for retrieving regular data - firefox

I need crawler-extension for firefox who could search for all phrases in source code or just in text which are suitable to given regular expression. Do you know something like that?
oneat's user avatar
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Hot to remove special chars from filenames and rename them in a directory?

This is what I have so far. #!/bin/bash pushd DirectoryName for file in *.csv; do #echo $file filename=${file%.*} file_clean=${filename//[ ()$+&\.\-\'\,]/_} final= "$file_clean....
ThinkCode's user avatar
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Is it possible to submit regex to google web searches?

Is it at all possible to submit any form of a regex to google web search? Even a wildcard character would be interesting tool. Or is it literal strings and options only?
Zombies's user avatar
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regex for searching a word in a word

i have a csv file which i need to filter mails marked with the word 'spam' lines look like this email;text;somestatus;mailserver status response; response message [email protected];;2;...
John Doe's user avatar
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RegEx replacement in NotePad++

I need to replace many different lines in a html file where lines look like this: <span lang="en-ca">random string</span> with just random string For example my<span lang=&...
Rob's user avatar
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Decline all URIs with tilde character in Nginx

I would like to return a 403 whenever a request contains a tilde character (~) Example: or even. I want the above to return a ...
Cheruiyot Felix's user avatar
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Combine two regex formulas into one (using notepad++)

Si cum îi semănau ! Fraţi buni, puindu-si, ca si el, tot sufletul în ceea ce făceau, muncind din greu, luptind din greu, jert- findu-se, fără nici un gînd de răsplată. Simțind în tot ceasul, ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Notepad++ regex make text url safe and compliant

How to create regex which would to the following: I have long list of product names and SKU's separated by TAB. Name Nameson[TAB]SKU Name2 Nameson 2[TAB]SKU2 I would need the text to go: FROM Joey's &...
Nolf's user avatar
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How to extract specific text from notepad ++

I have a log file that I need to extract specific data elements from. Example text: [22-12-20 21:16:04.521] FROM LIVE <$011B4B50:FleetCard_10:1,51.75,1,1,200001,Fleet No,5411,34319,TARJETA,,51....
aryan's user avatar
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How do I use regex for text on two separate lines at once?

Im fairly new to Regular Expression but I cant seem to get this right (even though it works on regex tester websites) it doesnt work on Notepad++. Example RegEx (yes the " " is a part of ...
modpotato's user avatar
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Extract variable names from .txt file with RegEx

I want to extract a variable name (e.g. $00incomplete_frame) from a text file and place the names in a variable for use in PowerShell. The source variable names do not contain spaces. A source file ...
LouF's user avatar
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How to apply to multiple filenames in Windows command line?

I'm using tar in Windows 10 command line to extract a specific file from a bunch of archives. I'm quite experienced in regex, but I have very little experience in Windows commands. I'm using this ...
Dan Chaltiel's user avatar
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Select two 1 hour (HH:MM) string values with regular expressions

I have the string or text data: [string]$hours = @" 10/10/2022 08:11 14:34 06:23 00:00 11/10/2022 08:05 14:28 06:23 00:00 12/10/2022 - - 00:00 00:00 Día Festivo 13/10/2022 ...
zeros's user avatar
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how to remove all zero width space from the text?

I know how to use regular expressions to do the mass search and replace task in editing program But I don't have or can't find the entire list of zero width space unicode. I quick searched the google ...
towner's user avatar
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Regex: delete all html tags from html tags, except some other html tags

I need to delete all html tags, such as <p style="text-align: center;"> , but except </em> and </em> from the html tag <p class="glovo"></p> EXAMPLE: ...
Hellena Crainicu's user avatar
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Reverse Quotes in a document using Regex

I have a document which contains lots of sentences in quotes. Issue is that some of them are properly quoted and some of them have reverse quotes, meaning the opening quotes are at the end of the ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Extract text using RegEx without VBA

I have the following text, and I'd like to pull the PO number. Sometimes it starts with the words PO, sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, then PO number will start with either 901 or 902. PO or PO ...
David.L's user avatar
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Transportrule -> Text Pattern Regex to capture domain and subdomain

I'm running an On-Premise Exchange 2010 with the following Transportrule checking for Text Pattern on Sender Address: ^.+@(?=.*microsoft)(?=.*.com).*$ Above Regex gets captured if "microsoft&...
Steven Borges's user avatar
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I need the proper formatting for a regex find for this -aword-

This is my first time writing code, so give me a break. It is a project I conceived of, I am doing for humanity. And could use a little help! It will assemble clips, combine clips into videos, with ...
HHH-Messenger's user avatar
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How do I remove duplicates that have a difference of one word?

I have a folder with thousands of zip files, many of which are the same but for different countries. E.g. I would have three files called: File 1 (USA) File 1 (World) File 1 (Europe) How can I make ...
Omer Bilal Hijazi's user avatar
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Removing the dash from both ends of a pattern using Regex

I want to remove the dash from both ends of a pattern -L-07-TV-04-Clip-01- using Regex. -L-07-TV-04-Clip-01- -I-have-to-realize- -me-having-this-addiction- -END-OF-CLIP- -L-07-TV-04-Clip-02- ...
HHH-Messenger's user avatar
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Remove the first blank line from every document Notepad++

I use markdown with YAML frontmatter as below. I want to remove the first blank line that appears in every document using Notepad++. I would appreciate if anyone could help me to do this. Thanks in ...
user18336975's user avatar
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Regex: Select/Find all html tags that contain only 4 words

I have this 2 html tags. I want to find all html tags that contain only 4 words (only the first line in my example) <p class="mb-40px">My name is prince</p> <p class="mb-...
Just Me's user avatar
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