Questions tagged [schematic]

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4 votes
7 answers

What is a good program for mixed mode circuit simulation? [closed]

I'm looking for a program that will perform schematic capture and mixed-mode (analog and digital) circuit simulation. If it also did PCB layout and routing, that would be a bonus, but not necessary. ...
1 vote
2 answers

What is a good program, with PostScript output (for LaTeX), to make circuit diagrams?

I just found out to my dismay that Visio 2007 does not include the ability to output drawings in EPS/PS formats, which makes it unsuitable for my uses. I wish to create various circuit digrams (...
1 vote
1 answer

In Mysql Workbench, where is Synchronize Model with Database

As displayed in Mysql Database Synchronization documentation. I cannot find this particular Synchronize Model with Database window / wizard under Database -> I have Mysql Workbench ...
Abhishek Madhani's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to get schematics from Xilinx ISE Project Navigator

I need to get a schematic out of Xilinx ISE Project Navigator. I know how to display the schematic, but how can I export it so that I can use it?
tony_sid's user avatar
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