Questions tagged [screen-reader]

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5 votes
3 answers

How do I remove the header & footer from a PDF?

How do I remove the header & footer from a PDF? I was successful in opening the PDF in PDF Viewer Plus, selecting crop, all pages, .25" top and bottom. This removes the viewing of the text, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Custom Text-To-Speech Narrator voices for Windows Screen Reader

I've been messing around a bit with TorToiSe TTS a bit recently and have realized that Windows 11 has a built-in screen reader function for people with vision impairment. I was wondering if there was ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to prevent ad-hoc formatting in Microsoft Word?

Our company targets blind people. To support screen readers, the documents must be properly styled with predefined semantic styles. However, some of our employees keep using ad-hoc styles (i.e., they ...
1 vote
1 answer

How does a web Accessibility Screenreader like ChromeVOX read paragraphs?

I migrated this question to SuperUser on the advice in an answer to the OP:
0 votes
0 answers

Constrain screen reader to only speak content from specific browsers / processes / tabs and not every application

I am developer and new to screen readers. I am currently using NVDA and driving myself completely insane because of course it reads everything in every program I have open. This clogs my CPU because ...
1 vote
0 answers

Possible to pin NVDA's screen reading to one application?

NV Access's screen reader does the job of reading e-books reasonably well; though, in my case I'd like to use it while multi-tasking. For example, I'd like it to continue reading from an e-book ...
2 votes
0 answers

Screen reader that logs text (for accessibility testing)?

Does anyone know of a screen reader for Windows that writes text to a log instead of actually reading it out? This is for accessibility testing. I know how to directly access the automation tree, but ...
0 votes
1 answer

Screen Reading Browser add-on or Application

I need a good screen reading app that can read text in a browser window out loud to me quickly and clearly. I am looking for preferably a Firefox plugin but any browser will work... If it must be an ...
2 votes
1 answer

any browser plugin that reads out web pages?

is there any plugin available for Firefox 3.5 or IE 8 that allows you to read out web pages?
2 votes
1 answer

Usage statistics for accessiblity software (screen readers)

I asked a question earlier about what cheap/free screen reader software was available, but now I am curious as to the usages statistics of all available (not just free) screen reading software. Is ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to listen text while using Windows?

I want to listen instead of reading some e-books I downloaded (unprotected PDFs, that means that the text is machine readable without OCR). I don't know how to make Windows Narrator to do this or if I ...