Questions tagged [solaris]

Solaris is a Unix operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems (currently owned by Oracle) as a rebranding of SunOS 4.1.x in 1991.

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140 votes
24 answers

Why is my SSH login slow?

I'm seeing delays in SSH Logins. Specifically, there are 2 spots where I see a range from instantaneous to multi-second delays. Between issuing the ssh command and getting a login prompt and between ...
Peter Lyons's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

du vs df output

Why are there differences between the outputs of the df and du commands? Why they are not accurate in output? # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 1012M 394M 567M 42% / /dev/...
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9 votes
1 answer

How to let `man` utility to use `less` to display manual rather than `more`?

I've this Solaris 10 installation and it uses more to display manual content. Is there a way to make it using less to display manual? because more is really not convenient to use. Thank you.
Howard's user avatar
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How to install Oracle Solaris 11 with Windows 7?

I want to install Oracle Solaris with Windows 7 without Virtual means there should be an option of dual boot means that i can select the operating system during booting and can work in ...
Usman YousafZai's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is a ZFS legacy mount point?

I am trying to understand the way ZFS works when I do for example, a snapshot. When I use zfs list on machine I get some mount points and some paths. For example I get something like that: rpool/ROOT/...
SoundFlektor's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Putty: login, execute command/change environment variable, and do NOT close the session

I would like to configure my PuTTY session in such a way that I could login to a remote host, and (a) start bash (b) change the PS1 variable (prompt content) (c) continue work in the session as normal....
Simon Righley's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I find out which process is causing high CPU usage?

I have a strange issue happening on my Solaris virtual machine: After it is booted and up for 1-2 hours, the CPU usage will go up to 100% for 5 seconds, then down to normal for another 5 seconds, and ...
Howard's user avatar
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0 answers

Solaris: ssh -tt with no output

I have access to a machine running SunOS 5.10 (called solaris). I also have access to a RedHat machine (called redhat). ssh -tt seems not to give me output if run from solaris to solaris, but works ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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4 answers

Running multiple operating systems on one laptop

I am in the process of running some benchmark tests on a variety of RDBMSes, and I am testing three different client operating systems. Would it be terrible to partition the HDD and install Ubuntu, ...
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1 answer

Alternative to using usbcopy to create Solaris Text Installer USB stick

I have a blank T5120 server without any optical drive onto which I want to install Solaris 11.3. I downloaded the sol-11_3-text-sparc.usb installer. The docs tell me to use a tool named usbcopy to ...
Jens's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Open man-page with less [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to let man utility to use less to display manual rather than more? How can i open up the Man-page for a command with the less-editor? Alternatively, how can i find the ...
Anton Gildebrand's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to configure DHCP given Oracle instructions don't work?

I'm trying to enable DHCP on an Solaris 11 machine. My DHCP server is a m0n0wall, and it provides all network configuration information except the local broadcast address (limitation in m0n0wall). ...
jww's user avatar
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1 answer

Error when use WinSCP + copy file from solaris machine to Windows machine

When I use WinSCP in order to transfer file from the Solaris machine to the Windows machine I get the following message Received too large (7367222 B ) SFTP packet……. The error is typically caused by ...
maihabunash's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Rotate screen using xrandr on Solaris 10

How do I call the xrandr command? I want to rotate my screen 90 deg. clockwise. Here is the usage: % xrandr -help usage: xrandr [options] where options are: -display <display> or -d <...
sixtyfootersdude's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

1st sector on a disk vs 1st sector on a partition

I am on Intelx86 platform. I have make my entire disk a Solaris partition. Below are the slice information in that Solaris partition partition> p Current partition table (original): Total disk ...
Noob's user avatar
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