Questions tagged [solarized]

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4 votes
2 answers

Solarized background colour off in emacs under tmux

Exhibit I: plain Emacs. Exhibit II: Emacs under tmux. The shades of colours are different, and importantly, the background colour differentiation is nil (e.g. look at the top menu). Anyone run into ...
2 votes
3 answers

OS X selection color when window inactive

I am using a solarized color scheme in When I select text it looks great, and I am able to change the color of the selection in the preferences. But when I move focus to another ...
15 votes
5 answers

Putty solarized the manual way

I would like to use the solarized color scheme in PuTTY. The tricky part is I don't have administrator privileges in this machine. So I will have to manually change the default colors through Change ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does my colorscheme sometimes get all messed in GVIM on Windows 10?

I have recently added the following code to $MYGVIMRC (which otherwise has been unchanged for years and has been working fine) to have my GVIM (8.2) on Windows 10 switch background automatically ...
0 votes
2 answers

Linux changing vimrc theme color with alias

I recently started running Ubuntu 12.04 on an Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.3.6 and I'm really liking it. I managed to install the Solarized theme and I used sigurdga's gnome-terminal-colors-solarized to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Solarized leaving red highlighting at the end of lines in vim

I'm using vim with the solarized dark color scheme within the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Solarized looks great except for one strange feature. When I scroll down in a vim file and then scroll back ...
1 vote
1 answer

Solarized Dark PuTTY isn't displaying correctly

If I do ls on PuTTY with no color settings changed, it changes the font color of directories to make everything easier to read. I'm trying to change the colors to the solarized-dark theme, since ...
8 votes
1 answer

change mutt indicator color when hovering a new message

I want to change the color of the text when hovering a new message in mutts index. Right now I have color indicator color111 color236 #indicator line and color index color082 color237 ~N # ...
3 votes
1 answer

Error highlight in Vim makes text unreadable

So I have a NeoVim setup I made a long time ago. A friend convinced me that the Solarized terminal theme was awesome and so I have that configured, not sure if I have a matching Vim theme. Anyhow, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Using Solarized 'high' diffmode with vim-fugitive 'Gdiff'

I'm using the main Solarized colour scheme without any problems but when using Gdiff from vim-fugitive the high contrast diff mode is not selected. I've placed the following in my ~/.vimrc: set ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a version of solarized color scheme for notepad++

I've recently switched my Eclipse to Solarized colors. I would like to do the same thing for Notepad++. How can I achieve that ? UPDATE 1 The Eclipse configuration I use is Solarized-like.
1 vote
2 answers

Solarized in Konsole + tmux + vim

Solarized color scheme works fine when using Konsole + vim, but I can't figure out how to properly configure my computer for a Konsole + tmux +vim usage (please see screenshots on the links). Below, ...
6 votes
4 answers

Vim Solarized dark theme looks weird on iTerm2

I just installed the solarized colorscheme following instructions on the project's page. This is what it looks like now: which is not like those screenshots on the official page. Any idea how to ...
0 votes
2 answers

Solarized color scheme did not come out as expected after installation

After I install solarized, the background color didn't come out as expected. vim uses terminal black background instead of using solarized's blue background. My terminal is also set to Xterm-256color. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Typescript syntax highlighting of strings in Solarized light

I just installed the Typescript plugin. (I tried installing through PackageControl and manually). In Solarized light, the strings (in 'single' or "double" quotes) are the same formatting as default ...
0 votes
0 answers

Highlight bash output in iTerm 2?

I've followed the instructions for installing Solarized on iTerm 2, on my new OSX Yosemite machine. It looks as though the background and basic colours are being applied, and $TERM produces xterm-...
2 votes
0 answers

Strange prompt color issue with Solarized and OSX 10.11

I am trying out some customization and have switched from the stock bash to zsh with oh-my-zsh. I have installed patched Powerline fonts and the a port of Solarized theme for the 256-...
0 votes
0 answers

vim comment issue with GNU screen and solarized

I just installed solarized. I am using the Xresources and vim color file. All works fine when not inside GNU screen. When running vim from inside GNU screen, the comments look different - they are not ...
2 votes
2 answers

Solarized Dark + Gnome Terminal + Vim + Vim-Airline

I installed the solarized dark theme for gnome terminal using and then with Vundle installed
6 votes
4 answers

urxvt uses pink instead of solarized until I run xrdb ~/.Xresources

Edit: I discovered, that this seems to be a bug in Ubuntu: - Any idea how to fix this by myself? I just want to switch to urxvt, but I ...
9 votes
6 answers

Solarized colors in vim don't seem to be working for me

I am running vim, and trying to get the vim solarized colors to work in terminal. I have this in my vimrc file: set syntax on set t_Co=256 " let g:solarized_termcolors=16 set background=light ...
0 votes
1 answer

Vim solarized looks wrong

I have downloaded and set up vim solarized. But I get a weird output: The background of some keywords are slightly darker than the rest, and surprisingly everything else is in bold. How to fix this?
0 votes
1 answer

How to access Solarized color values within bash script

I'm trying to make my bash PS1 prompt colors according to the Solarized theme. I have solarized installed and working for iTerm2, but so far have been unsuccessful in creating a custom PS1 prompt that ...
1 vote
1 answer

Change tmux window list color

I want to change the color of window list selection highlight (yellow on the screenshot), but can't find the proper parameter. Anyone knows how to do it in .tmux.conf? My current configuration.
4 votes
1 answer

Switching solarized colors with mintty and tmux

I am trying to find a way to easily toggle between light/dark solarized themes without needing to create a new terminal/tmux session. I am running mintty on a Windows machine and usually log into a ...
1 vote
1 answer

how to cancel highlighting the 80th column in vim?

I use python-mode and solarized plugin in my vim, and I think either one of them sets highlight at 80th column, so that I get a visual on how long each line should be, but actually python-mode will ...
2 votes
1 answer

Emacs -nw color-theme and terminal transparency

I'm using M-x load-theme to load color-theme-solorized from the marmalade repository and it works and gets the color correct. The problem I'm having is that if I run emacs -nw in gnome-terminal that ...
4 votes
1 answer

ConEmu Solarized color scheme not displaying properly in vim

I'll like to use vim terminal in ConEmu with Solarized color scheme. After configuring ConEmu and vimrc, some of the text from the help file is unreadable as shown below. My vimrc: runtime bundle/...
1 vote
1 answer

vim solarized in visual mode loses syntax coloring in selection

When I do a selection in visual mode with vim and colorscheme solarized, the selection loeses its syntax highlighting. Instead, it is darkgray on light grey. However, when I switch to another ...
1 vote
0 answers

Solarized Monitor Color (ICC) profile

Recently I used some solarized color palettes in some of the text editors. I found this site from SU.It's really amazing!!! I'm curious if there is any Color (ICC) profile, like this for my desktop ...
3 votes
1 answer

Terminator + vim + solarized

I'm trying to get Solarized to work with my Terminator and Vim on Ubuntu 11.10. I've tried all kinds of terminator configs I found all over the web, but I can't get the result the way I want it. When ...