Questions tagged [stdout]

Stdout is the standard output stream is the default destination of regular output for applications.

26 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Docker: "failed to get console mode for stdout: The handle is invalid."

When running docker-compose up in Windows PowerShell using Docker Desktop on WSL2, I get Creating network "test_default" with the default driver Building master failed to get console mode ...
questionto42's user avatar
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See contents of conhost

Every now and then, various programs create conhost.exe processes on my (Windows 7 x64) computer. I know they are console windows, except the windows themselves are hidden. I don't suspect any ...
Fredrik Eldh's user avatar
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How to launch a subprocess with captured output, but letting the subprocess believe it isn't captured?

Imagine launching a subprocess say my_binary in these two ways (I'm using bash for simplicity, but I assume this applies for other languages on POSIX systems): #!/bin/bash # 1) inherit stdout/stderr ...
bluenote10's user avatar
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firefox --help Nothing to see on Stdout

When running firefox --help or firefox -h there's nothing to see in the command window. When running firefox --help | more, the help text is visible: Usage: firefox [ options ... ] [URL] where ...
ff-help's user avatar
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grep output is not in stdout or stderr

I'm trying to find files that contain 'ash' and 'bun' with the following bash command: grep --line-buffered -ril ash | xargs -d '\n' grep -il bun Output from the first grep only (the names of files ...
bitrat's user avatar
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How non entry point (random) process running inside Windows Container could write to docker default log output (stdout)?

So, I have one Windows Container with various processes, .NET and Win32 legacy applications. First scenario Entry Point calls myConfigurator.exe, who calls first.exe, who creates a pool of second....
João Paulo Melo's user avatar
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PID of TTY/stdout users

Is there a way in Linux to see the statistics for userspace apps that end up printing data to TTYs or to stdout (the actual stdout, not apps with stdout redirected to files on storage devices)? ...
Catalin Vasile's user avatar
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How do I redirect output from python to file

I want to redirect all output (stdout and stderr) of console to the text file. I make the following steps: Open cmd.exe Start command: "python.exe" > "file.txt" After that, I'm waiting for the ...
neo's user avatar
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Parsing (or Converting) Buffered Output

If a dynamic, text-based, CLI application doesn't include an option for producing unbuffered text output; what options do I have for parsing said output? Can it be converted to a more appropriate ...
voices's user avatar
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How do I output a variable without changing if it has a newline or not in a shell script?

I have a shell script that takes input from another shell script. The stream gets piped in on stdin. I need to capture all the bytes of the stdin stream to a single variable in the shell script. Then,...
CommaToast's user avatar
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zcat | head : write error from large gz file

I was trying zcat to get only the first 1M lines of a compressed .gzip file into a new one. However, I get the following error: $ zcat path/to/R2.fq.gz | head -100 >R2.fqtest head: write error: ...
Carmen Sandoval's user avatar
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user crontabs don't work, only /etc/crontab

Hi when I use the command crontab -e to set up cron, the commands get triggered (according to syslog) but nothing happens. Also if I run sudo crontab -e. The only way to actually get cron working ...
gletscher's user avatar
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redirect nmap to stdout instead of writing it into file

I'm creating python program running nmap -sn on a remote server. Is there a way to redirect nmap -oX directly into stdout or a different channel instead of writing it into a file?
user1746437's user avatar
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Generate GPG key without saving to keychain

I am trying to generate a GPG key with gnupg. However, instead of exporting the secret key to a file, I am trying to pipe it to another program (keybase pgp import) that will process it. Right now, I ...
Ben Zelnick's user avatar
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How does the Docker build command limit row count for the image's stdout? (see my gif pls)

docker build process I read that docker build is using some templates written in Go but I'm trying to achieve this for a yarn add or start from a python script. Their outputs are too verbose and I don'...
Loai Misto's user avatar
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Run a windows command line utility allowing it to display its output to screen AND loggin it to file.txt

i have a utility i want to run which does not allow logging in the options/arguments of the program itself. I can naturally run the program with a > logfile.txt However, i would like to see the status ...
Imre's user avatar
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how to send the decompressed output of archives to standard output?

When you decompress a gzip archive with gunzip without any arguments, the archive disappears, and you're left with the decompressed file in its place. However, if you use the -c option, the archive ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Extract tar file directly to stdout or other command like partition image extractor

Let's say I have TAR file with some partition images (dd/patclone/partimage/fsarchiver/whatever) and text file with MD5 sums (of image file and original partitions). I don't want to extract the image ...
180doman's user avatar
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Bash Output-Prompt

So i'm customizing my PS1-Bash-Prompt at the moment and found the iPython way of displaying in- and output pretty neat. As you can see, i have my PS1-Prompt configured to look (almost) like the ...
Tim Hilt's user avatar
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How to redirect stdout and stderr in bash script with dialog boxes?

For a single script redirecting stdout and stderr to a file with this: ./ 2>&1 | tee -a out_file works fine. When I try to run the same way a script containing multiple dialog ...
coverflower's user avatar
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PowerShell: **reading** input from the keyboard AND **redirecting output** to a variable/file

Sorry if my question is trivial; I'm a beginner with PowerShell. My program (plink) is expecting for an answer from the keyboard and will return some output. Is it possible to redirect the output to ...
Free Man's user avatar
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How to make a background process foreground in Linux

I started a program in Linux with the command screen -d -m sbt run. How to make it again to foreground or at least view it's logs and prints? My application is a dev mode play framework web ...
Aladinne Kortas's user avatar
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how to see the output of a cron/at jobs while it is still running?

The output of a cron or atq job is automatically send by email to the user, when the job is finished. However I am running a time consuming script, and I would like to check that it is running ...
user13003's user avatar
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Which is the preferred approach to pass command/script arguments to a log file?

Generally, I am wondering how I can pass the arguments from a terminal command to stdout. More specifically, I am using tar as part of my backup process and I would like the parameters (especially ...
joelostblom's user avatar
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bash: redirect the stderr/stdout of a running process?

I have a running process running in a bash terminal that is printing some prompt, and I would like to send it to the background with the stderr/stdout prompt that is printing either redirected to /dev/...
719016's user avatar
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STDOUT redirection to a file does not work if Groovy script run directly from command line (.groovy in PATHEXT)

I've updated the title, please see update below for the reason. I have asked this question on Stackoverflow, but still didn't receive an answer. Groovy: redirect stdout to a file does not work. I'...
yuk's user avatar
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