Questions tagged [streaming]

Streaming is the process of continuously sending data from a server to a client host. Often used in video or audio transmission, live streaming is a time-critical process that makes high demands on the underlying network used to deliver the data.

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8 votes
2 answers

Very low latency streaming

I'm looking to stream a live lecture into an overflow lecture theater. I'm planning to stream HD content along with audio from a powerful server with nVidia GeForce GPUs connected to the client via a ...
Brad Morris's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

pipe unlimited curl stdout into chunked files

I've got an HTTP-endpoint that serves an unlimited stream of events. Now I'd like to record that stream using curl, but splitting the recorded files at the same time - preferably based on the line ...
Thomas B.'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Poor image quality and high CPU usage while streaming in high resolution using webcam and VLC in Linux

I'm trying to do some some streaming with a webcam, but so far the results are not good: everything I stream in 320x240 looks good, but as soon as I choose a higher resolution, the image quality gets ...
Jeroen Jacobs's user avatar
5 votes
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Broadcast a screen with ffmpeg via http

These quarantine days I was going to share my desktop to friends to explain them what is git in a practice. The problems are: I use FreeBSD. We are behind NATs. But I've got a VPS with VPN (Wireguard)...
Oskar Sharipov's user avatar
5 votes
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How to make FFmpeg wait for input

I have a program which saves game play in a file. I want to run FFmpeg and give the file as input for live streaming. Below is how I use FFmpeg to stream the video file. %ffmpeg% -re -i %fileloc%%...
Mher Didaryan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Watch movie while downloading when using Chrome

I watch movies I download. I know that I can wait until the file is completely downloaded. But I usually don't do so. I usually open the partially downloaded file by VLC or other player. It shows me ...
ogererla's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I continuously stream multiple .mp4 files with ffmpeg to an rtmp server?

I am an Software Engineering trainee and I need to make a video stream that continuously streams several videos on repeat. I have made an rtmp server using nginx and their rtmp module and as ...
JDMB 's user avatar
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FFmpeg error with video stream

Please see Edit 2. The problem has been updated. Error 1: Writing encrypted data to socket failed av_interleaved_write_frame(): I/O error Error 2: (libx264) Conversion failed! I'm trying to stream ...
lys's user avatar
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Packets are not in the proper order with respect to DTS when using libx264 for video

I'm trying to use the following command to transcode one stream to a different format and send it over to RTMP server for live streaming. This is the command I am using: ffmpeg -f mxg -i http://...
tomsseisums's user avatar
4 votes
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optimise FFMPEG live stream THUMBNAIL

After testing many possibilities, I have a perfect command line for creating thumbnails from a live stream: ffmpeg -i rtmp://srvIp/ -r 1 -an -updatefirst 1 -y thumbnail.jpg It refreshes a ...
Asain Kujovic's user avatar
4 votes
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Problems with Netflix Streaming, DDWRT, and Xbox 360

Basically, I have been having problems getting Netflix Streaming to play on my Xbox 360 with my DD-WRT router. The thing is, it will play some movies, sometimes. For example, the other day, I could ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to check if your ISP does video throttling?

I’ve recently changed my ISP and noticed that I no longer can watch video sites like YouTube in real time; I need to wait for buffering first. On both ISPs, my speed was same 5 megabits per second. I’...
bbaja42's user avatar
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Stream to multiple RTSP from one or more video files

I am not an expert on FFMPEG, I simply found this tool useful for doing some simple things I need to test on clients using RTSP streaming. What I would like to do is to be able to RTSP stream the same ...
Sebastian Vasii's user avatar
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How to build a parallel, failsafe, redundant RTP wireless link

I have the following situation: A radio transmission studio is located in a town and the FM transmitter on the top of a hill 2km away with perfect vision. Currently the studio sends an RTP audio ...
EA2EGA's user avatar
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Changing input on the fly

I want to ask about changing input on the fly in ffmpeg cli. I have a few inputs like: png files two RTSP streams and I want to change between those RTSP streams in fly because I'm streaming from ...
GPSNeo's user avatar
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ffmpeg high packet loss with UDP output

I'm trying to transcode our hls streams into UDP multicast stream using ffmpeg, and I'm getting too many lost packets. I'm using following command to transcode ffmpeg \ -loglevel warning \ -nostats \...
Tomáš Havlas's user avatar
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streaming my desktop to youtube using ffmpeg

There are tutorials out there on how to stream to youtube using ffmpeg, and I have that part of the code done. However, I do not know how to stream the desktop in ffmpeg. The tutorials online only ...
Michael Ilie's user avatar
3 votes
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Enqueue file in VLC stream

I can stream an XSPF playlist with VLC, what I'm trying to do is have it be dynamic. I have a folder where I put all the files I need to stream, and I want VLC to keep streaming and updating the queue ...
nespere's user avatar
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Open stream from FFmpeg on VLC media player

I'm using the following command to start a video stream on a Linux/Ubuntu machine: ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -r 25 -s 800x600 -i /dev/video0 -vcodec libx264 -preset fast -tune zerolatency -b 900k -f ...
Nathan's user avatar
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How to record rtmp stream with ffmpeg

There are certain streams (not live) I wan't to save for later. rtmpdump works: rtmpdump --rtmp=rtmp:// --playpath=mp4:...
marlar's user avatar
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FFMPEG Trying to restream a RTSP stream to HTTP

I have been trying top cobble something together to take a RTSP feed from a IP camera and re transmit it in HTTP. I am trying to get the feed in to my home automation app which does not support ...
Bob Natale's user avatar
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Why does Google Chrome automatically play MP4 videos (and is that a good thing?)

I am working on a home media server running nginx. I navigated to one of the .mp4 files I have to test it and it started streaming just by clicking on it. Is this... performance-wise... the best ...
sheppardzw's user avatar
3 votes
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VLC Stream with fallback video track

I'm trying to use VLC for video-streaming, but I can't figure out how to add a fallback (external) video file. For example, I have a playlist consisting of both .avi and .mp3 files, when VLC starts ...
xorinzor's user avatar
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Recover unfinished mp4 file

I have a problem with a broken mp4 file. I was using livestreamer to get the YouTube live stream into VLC player and then I was saving it through Save/Convert functionality of VLC player as an H.264/...
waterplea's user avatar
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Capturing TS video stream gives Invalid timestamps and Invalid DTS error messages

I'm capturing a video stream using ffmpeg -i "" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc "out_put_file.mp4". The m3u8-file links a list of .ts-files. ffmpeg ...
g3blv's user avatar
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How to create blank audio file in FFMPEG?

I am creating a project associated with using Sony ILCE-6000 with its remotely controlled functions. I have found such method of controlling camera with command line:
Arri's user avatar
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ffmpeg does not work but VLC does

I am trying to read a streaming ( using ffmpeg The streaming works perfectly when I try it in VLC. But in ffmpeg I get an error: ...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
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avconv stream video from USB webcam without delay

I need to stream video from USB webcam. I am using avconv, but it has delay min 5s. Is possible to stream in real time without delay? avconv -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts ...
martin's user avatar
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stream byte arrays to a video using ffmpeg

This is what I am trying to do: I receive jpegs from an IP camera. If motion is detected I want to upload the jpeg still shot to my server. To save on bandwidth I save each jpeg to a file on my ...
Andrew Simpson's user avatar
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VLC stream with input options

I'm trying to stream in CVLC for XBMC. My problem is that I can't, because I'm not just using a file stream, but rather a Decklink protocol, and I need input options. I can't find any resources on how ...
zajca's user avatar
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Windows Media Player 12 doesn't recognize RTSP protocol

I am trying to stream a live feed through RTSP to Windows Media Player 12 and get the error: "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you ...
Fred's user avatar
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How can I stream audio signals from various devices/computers to my home server?

I currently have a headless home server set up (running Ubuntu 12.04 server edition) running a simple Apache HTTP server. The server is near an audio receiver, which controls a set of indoor and ...
Breakthrough's user avatar
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Stream video from my Windows VPS?

I run a Linux distro on my laptop and I have access to a remote Windows 7 desktop as a VPS. I have movies on that VPS. How would I go about streaming them?
Bo Milanovich's user avatar
3 votes
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Why am I unable to choose default settings for media streaming options?

I have a desktop running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. When I click on "Choose default settings..." in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center\Media streaming options, ...
Henry's user avatar
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If I enlarge a streaming web video, it looks pixellated. When I fullscreen, it looks smooth. How can I force this smoothing filter always?

I want the same smoothing filter to be applied even when I don't fullscreen, at any scale. Windows 7 64bit, nvidia geforce 9500 GT. Firefox browser.
CreeDorofl's user avatar
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Is there any way to turn a PC into a Chromecast receiver?

I have an Intel Compute Stick, which is a Stick PC running Windows 10 which plugs into your TV via HDMI. My question is, is there any way to turn it into a Chromecast receiver, i.e. make it so that ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
3 votes
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How to stream via VLC with RTSP

I have a problem streaming video using VLC. I want to use RTSP protocol. I have set the streaming as follows: Open VLC; Press CTRL+S in order to open streaming options; Add the video file; Add ...
EnCoder's user avatar
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2 answers

Error encoding with ffmpeg: “[NULL @ 0x16a4010]error, non monotone timestamps”

I kept having trouble encode videos. I can encode the video to MPG but the size is 10+x bigger (no joke). So I thought I'd do something simple. Strip the sound, copy the video like this: ffmpeg -i 5....
user avatar
2 votes
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Delay video (and audio) by x seconds in FFMPEG HLS Stream

I have an input HLS stream stream.m3u8 using my macbook camera by running: ffmpeg -f avfoundation ^ -framerate 30 -i 0 ^ -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -b:a 128k ^ -ac 2 -crf 5 -preset veryfast -...
Daniel Schmidt's user avatar
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Using FFMPEG to record a radio stream, how do I save the metadata into a second file

I'm trying to record a radio station for a bit over four hours with FFMPEG so I can listen to the charts with no cost for mobile data later. Like this, which works fine: ffmpeg -i <STREAM URL ...
576i's user avatar
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Ffmpeg multitrack live streaming is breaking when source becomes a bit unstable

I am struggling with Ffmpeg live streaming where my input is from many live RTMP streams and my output is multitrack live mpegts stream, the idea is that I am getting input from multiple live RTMP ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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Possible to do Real-Time Closed Captioning using ffmpeg?

GOAL: Real-Time Closed Captioning via ffmpeg 🤞 My setup: Real-Time video from "touchdesigner" shared via "spout" to "ffmpeg" ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="SpoutCam&...
ab_out's user avatar
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Understanding DASH and mpd files – where is a list of m4s files?

I am using website to test and learn. The site requests 11331.mpd file and gets back information about 5 different resolution video streams and 1 audio. All with the ...
miran80's user avatar
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Issues with WiFi on Windows 10

I have a strange issue on Windows 10. When I am watching YouTube videos (or any other streaming sites) the first 4-5 minutes load fine and then the WiFi sort of goes into a "sleep" mode and ...
learner's user avatar
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ffmpeg streaming to Steam, errors and feedback

I am streaming a concat playlist of 30fps videos using the following: ffmpeg -re -f concat -safe 0 -i ~/myplaylist.txt -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -b:v 6000k -maxrate 6000k -bufsize 2M -g 60 -c:a ...
DannyT's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: Choppy audio when streaming through RTP. Audio and Video sync issues

I am trying to stream video and audio through two separate RTP channels and then retrieve and play them on a client through webRTC and play them in sync. I am able to retrieve the packets on a webRTC ...
jason's user avatar
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Stuttering bluetooth audio only with YouTube

I own a pair of RP-HF-400B Panasonic bluetooth headphones. They work very well when paired with my Android phone. When I use it with Windows10 I have stuttering audio when YouTube is playing (it ...
P5music's user avatar
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VLC is not picking up FFMPEG UDP stream

I have FFMpeg streaming video via UDP to my desktop. I ran a wireshark analysis, and the data is reaching my desktop, you can see one of the packets below. However, when I look for a network stream ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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Is it possible to stream an IP camera's video feed to a local media player, e.g., VLC?

There are a lot of posts on this topic, and I've done my best to comb through all the ones I can find, but I haven't yet encountered (or may have unintentionally overlooked) how to do so for my ...
Arctiic's user avatar
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Capture multiple synconized video streams and automated video editing with ffmpeg

I have to capture the stream of several cameras (from 3 to 15) simultaneously so as to have for each camera a separate video file on which to make an automatic and predefined video editing. The ...
Paperauz's user avatar

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