Questions tagged [sublime-text-2]

Sublime Text 2 is a cross-platform GUI text editor for Windows, OS X and Linux.

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How to apply lsp quick fix in sublime text using a shortcut

This an example of a angular attribute directive. @HostListener is not imported in the class. import { Directive, ElementRef, HostBinding, Renderer2 } from "@angular/core"; @Directive({ ...
user615274's user avatar
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How to set the default program for specific extensionless file?

I use Docker for Windows and I work with a lot of Dockerfiles. They're an extensionless file which can be read and opened in any text editor such as Sublime or Notepad. Related questions such as this ...
Cris's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove a specific characters in an emails lines before the @?

How to remove any characters that aren't of the following from email lines before the @, through regular expressions? I tried the following but it didn't work :( Find what: ^([^a-z0-9;:]*)([a-z0-9]*)(?...
user677589's user avatar
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How to open multiple files from different folders at once in cmd or powershell?

I have 4 folders inside my directory: f1, f2, f3, f4. Each folder has the same structure inside. I have to open a file contained in each folder with the same name (f1 has some other folders inside and ...
karalis1's user avatar
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Continue add selected php in large value

I have a large amount of code in notepad++ or any editor but I want to replace all the text quickly. Is there any option edit and replace in notepad++? <option value="0&...
Rohit Jivaso's user avatar
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why are some of my path not added?

I want to run sublime and latex from USB Drive. This is the tutorial. It does not work correctly because the path are not added succesfully. This is my batch file to add the path. del restorePath.txt ...
Codelearner777's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I make this replace operation with a wildcard in Sublime Text?

I have 100 objects like that: { "_id": "5eb45c2738ae2549000ddb09", "category": "Vel aliquid quas", "title": "Incidunt incidunt quae ut et in provident ut est rerum." }, { "_id": "...
Razvan Zamfir's user avatar
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Word 365 character encoding annoying

When I open some text files with Microsoft Word 365 (v2001 build 12430.20184 - 16.0.12430.20172) it asks me to choose the characters encoding. My question is: How to clean the original file to let ...
locobastos's user avatar
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Disassociate Sublime with batch files

Windows user - I made the mistake of associating a batch file with Sublime so each time I open it, instead of running, it opens in Sublime I have not access to the command prompt (hence the reason to ...
pee2pee's user avatar
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Sublime regex replace for a specific character at the beginning of the word

I'm trying to remove character N starting at each multiple words. If you check the line below you will notice some words also have character N. For instance changing N'KISWAJKN' to 'KISWAJKN' (2019, ...
Prodigy's user avatar
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Sublime SFTP plugin

I am facing a problem with SFTP plugin for sublime. It works and upload files and folders properly, but when a file is located in subdirectory of directory it does not actualy upload the file. It ...
Rudolf's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Sublime text: How to get rid of the extra "window"

I use Sublime-text to type LaTeX on a Ubuntu Machine. My sublime currently looks like And I want to get rid of the extra "window" on the right, as it was before. I don't know why this happened, ...
Sylvester W. Zhang's user avatar
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How to remove lines that not containing any uppercase letters or lowercase letters or numbers notepad++

I want to keep only lines that contain at least 1 uppercase letter at least 1 lowercase letter at least 1 number Example: :soTest.@1rTr :$TEST%.TER12TB& :-G5O6D$G%R@RS :sbg^45re$55 :@65RR$#...
user677589's user avatar
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Select Folder option in Dreamweaver is missing

I have a question about Adobe Dreamweaver: I have two code editors, Sublime and Dreamweaver(CS6 and CC2019 ). Sublime has the option select folder to include a project at a side panel. But in ...
Hashaam zahid's user avatar
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Workflow to encrypt files I use in a text editor

People say it is a good idea to encrypt your file system and/or encrypt files. I'm wondering how I do this with Sublime Text editor. I'm wondering if I need to do this, essentially: Encrypt all files ...
user10869858's user avatar
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How can I set a specific background color on Sublime Text?

Note, I don't want to change or set another Color Scheme. I just want to specify the precise color (R,G,B in Hex) I want for the background (or any part of the sublime window). Is that possible? I ...
KeyC0de's user avatar
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Find and replace only specific characters in Sublime Text

An example of what I want to do.. I have tons of: name : 'SomethingXX', I want to become: name: 'Something Else', Where Something is different for every entry, so I can find all using name : '((.*?...
BillyNM's user avatar
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4 votes
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Sort packs of lines alphabetically

Note: the complementary question is here: How to separately sort lines within multiple “chunks” separated with headers? So what I did find an answer to, is how to sort lines in a text files ...
Paul Giroud's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I format selected java code in sublime text .txt file?

Is there any extension or technique for formatting java code in sublime text? For example, I have this code: static void test() { Pair<Integer, Integer>[] intPairArr = new Pair&...
my-lord's user avatar
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SublimeText highlighting for plain text

Sublime has highlighting plugins for almost any language, however often i use raw text format to write down some ongoing notes. When the content gets big enough it is useful to have some ...
vach's user avatar
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How to shift a block by exactly one space the right/left in Sublime

One can move a block of text using ctrl+ ] or cmd + ]/[. Is there any way so that I can move a block by exactly one space to left or right. Thank You
Sanjeev Singh's user avatar
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Selecting maximized window sometimes selects windows behind it

To better explain the issue, lets say that on one monitor I have MySQL Workbench maximized and on the second monitor I have a browser (Chrome) open. Lets say I also have Windows Explorer open, it is ...
Nicholas Summers's user avatar
3 votes
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Using regex in the "replace" part of a search/replace?

I have a large amount of tab-indented (outlined) text that is missing a leading bullet character: some point a sub-point I want to replace each tab by 2 spaces, and add a hyphen ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
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What is the significance of hosts file and is it used as a loophole/bypass restrictions?

I came across one question on SO which instructs the user to fiddle with the hosts file in order to bypass a "update check". The software in question is Sublime Text Editor and the OP is asking for a ...
asprin's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 Automatically adds PHP to Ignored Packages

I'm running Sublime Text 3 with the following Packages: "PHP Companion" "Package Control", "PHP Completion" "PHP Getter and Setter" "PHP Grammar" "PHP Snippet" Everytime I start sublime PHP ...
Marr's user avatar
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Sublime Text/How to search with multiple criteria

Screenshot Hello, I would like to utilize a "Find and Replace" function in the sublime Text 3 with multiple criteria but didn't have a good luck to find one yet. I googled it and people said that ...
zzaewon's user avatar
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Is there a way to highlight all lines containing a string, instead of just the string in Sublime Text?

Since the text search highlights the text it's actually pretty easy to search for text in long texts in the little scroll bar. Though I have the small gripe of not being able to see small texts in ...
John Hamilton's user avatar
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Sublime Text - refresh Browser then get focus back?

I work with a lot of CSS, requiring me to type in sublime text, refresh browser multiple times. To save time, I installed the Refresh Browser Extension (
sigmaxf's user avatar
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"grey out" folders and files which are ignored by git in sublime text 2?

When I have folders or files that are ignored by git then PHP storm "greys out" the files in the project panel. In this image node_modules is ignored: Is there a way to do the same for Sublime text ...
Evanss's user avatar
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How to edit a Netgear .cfg file on a mac?

I have a backup from my router Netgear. It created a file backup.cfg. When I open it in an editor (sublime, vi), it looks like it is encrypted. When I open it into sublime, it looks like this: ½...
swapnil chaudhari's user avatar
5 votes
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Disable file close warning dialogbox in Sublime Text

I primarily use ST as my temporary notepad. Now when I hit Ctrl+W it is producing me this dialog However 99% time my intention is "Close Without Saving". Is there a way to disable this popup? Since ...
nehem's user avatar
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How to have Sublime Text's Vim mode and AutoHotKey work without conflict?

Sublime Text is by far the best text editor I've ever seen, and AutoHotKey is the scripting program I can't live without, especially the hotstrings feature, which allows me to create abbreviation-...
Da Rossa's user avatar
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Sublime Text: how do I edit the multiple line caret insertion key binding?

I can never remember what Sublime Text calls its caret/cursor/line insertion above/below command in the key bindings. On some platforms it is Ctrl + Alt + Up (or Down) and a caret (for typing) ...
nmz787's user avatar
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Highlighting start and end tags?

I'm currently evaluating Sublime Text Editor (build 3126). One of the features I would like in an editor is to clearly highlight the start and end tags in source code. At present, in Sublime, I see ...
asprin's user avatar
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How can I fully kill a program and/or python code running on Windows?

I was running Sublime Text 3, but it seems I've created an infinite loop somehow. I was writing an image to file but when I look in the folder I see that the image is flickering between one of those ...
whatwhatwhat's user avatar
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how to specifically control the smoothness of scrolling in Windows?

There are some applications like Sublime Text, Notepad++, or Netbeans on which the touch-pad scrolling of the laptop doesn't work effectively. If I try to scroll using the two finger touch, the whole ...
archity's user avatar
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Editing PDF via text editor

I'm trying to add page labels to a PDF file by modifying the file directly with a text editor. When I open the PDF in a text editor and save it, without making any changes, the file becomes corrupted ...
Draex_'s user avatar
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Change location of APPDATA for SublimeText2 (windows)

I have a HOME folder on a broken network share which is slow (don't ask) so I'd like to make ST2 honor a different folder for its AppData\Roaming stuff. How can I do that? Setting USERPROFILE and ...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
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In Sublime 2, is it possible to add text-column functionality to simple text files, for code-clarity?

This is hard to explain, but I'm not talking about re-indent; I'm asking if there's a simple way for simple text files to all match to the same formatting, using spaces, like a table with columns. ...
PieParadox's user avatar
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Open empty Sublime Text window when launching from start menu

I have several Sublime Text windows open. I want to open a new empty ST window (to be more precise: with one, empty tab) by clicking on ST in the start menu. But when I click on it, an already-open ST ...
Stefan Monov's user avatar
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arch linux: sublime text text not alligned vertically

so instead of my code being vertically aligned like usual and in any other code text editor it has weird vertical alignment like i am typing in Microsoft Word or something. anyone have an idea what ...
user2255757's user avatar
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Windows XP: Add a program to the list of programs that can be mapped to open a filetype

I have a filetype (.xyz) that I would like to map to a text editor (sublime). It is currently mapped to open with notepad. Attempts to map .xyz filetype: 1) Open file explorer, select .xyz file and ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Shortcut to open another workspace in sublime text

Sublime text lets you switch current project workspace with ctrl+alt+p on Windows/Linux. I find myself often referencing older projects where I want to open another project quickly without closing the ...
user's user avatar
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How to replace text in Sublime without moving the cursor or viewport

I am using Sublime Text to find some text in a file and make some changes to it, using the "Replace" command. When the thing I want to change is selected, if I click the "Replace" button, pick the "...
Elias Zamaria's user avatar
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Sublime text 3 asks me to choose a default language whenever I open it

Sublime text 3 asks me to choose a default language whenever I open it. I have the latest version, installed on windows 10. Each time I open sublime I see this Even if I pick english or whatever, the ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Sublime 3: How to make TAB reindent current line or the selected region (if present)?

TAB key by default just puts a tab, and only indents depending on several contexts, which I don’t understand quite well. { "keys": ["tab"], "command": "reindent", "context": [ { "key": "...
tijagi's user avatar
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Sublime text: Swap line and indent

I recently gave atom a try. Despite being too slow, there was one thing I liked: the way auto indent worked, basically everywhere. I found here how to make Paste + Indent the default in sublime text. ...
Augustin Riedinger's user avatar
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Sublime Text Editor 3 doesn't show traceback when running Python code

Yesterday I installed ST3 and installed some plugins, but I noticed that if Python has a syntax error then it shows an error. But when a statement has a non-syntax error, then it shows nothing. Like ...
MD Sijad Faisal's user avatar
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Safe redo (Ctrl-Y)

In ST (Sublime Text for short) the redo action works very strange and inconvenient way, from my point of view. First test. Type some text, for example Foo and then press Ctrl-Y one or several ...
john c. j.'s user avatar
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What is this texteditor's counterpart in Windows?

I am learning CSS and want to know what the following texteditor is: Is there a counterpart for Windows? There seems to be a Sublime plugin, when you type: div.classname then perhaps press some ...
J.Joe's user avatar
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