Questions tagged [sudo]

The sudo command is a program for some Unix and Unix-Like operating systems, that allows a user to execute programs with the security privileges of another user. Typically those of a superuser or the root user.

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Installing SSL on Shared hosting server

I have beta invitation of I followed there documentation here . But i am unable to install there packages because i have shared hosting server which does not allow to use sudo commands....
Skyyy's user avatar
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"sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified" error

I am getting "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified" error while executing command like "sshpass -p password ssh user@remote sudo ls". Can one help me out... I tried it over few PCs. ...
srisiva's user avatar
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Can't use sudo when autologin in Arch Linux

I have a Pandaboard running Arch Linux, the default non root user is alarm. I'm trying to automatically login at startup with the alarm user. I followed the instructions here and created the file /etc/...
Andres's user avatar
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Set a specific password for sudo

Would it be possible to set a password different from the user one and the root one? I find that asking for the user password kind of useless and the root one, even more, just give him the root ...
Axiol's user avatar
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Restrict an admin user from using sudo on os x

I have multiple admin users on my mac. Is there a way I can block a particular admin user from executing sudo on OS X? My understanding is that if the user name is "abc", abc ALL=(ALL) ALL in /...
Seema Kadavan's user avatar
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Root Privileges and Risky Commands

user ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/vim /etc/httpd/confs/httpd.conf user ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/less /etc/httpd/confs/httpd.conf I think if these scripts are written in sudoers, "user" can cause problems on the ...
merial's user avatar
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sudo --set-home decide based on command

I was wondering if there is a way to make sudo set the --set-home flag based on the command being executed. e.g. in most cases I do not want the --set-home flag to be set, but for npm, I want it to ...
madmuffin's user avatar
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How to rsync root files over non-root ssh?

I have two machines, both providing no root login, but provide sudo root access. Now I like to initate a rsync transfer of root files over ssh. Is there an easy way make the the root access given by ...
dronus's user avatar
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Run chromium as different user - Cannot download files

For security purposes, I'm running chromium with a UID different from my main desktop user. user="web" xhost +SI:localuser:"$user" > /dev/null sudo -u "$user" -H -E -s -- chromium With sudo ...
TcShadowWalker's user avatar
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Deny access to a specific folder for a sudo user

So here is the case: I am root in an Ubuntu system. I want to give a user (say username is X) permission to execute any command but at the same time I have a folder that I want no one to be able to ...
Amir Zadeh's user avatar
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Allow unprivileged user access to specific privileged files

I have a system running hardened Gentoo and I have installed Xorg, Fluxbox, and Conky together to create a minimal window manager desktop. Within this system I have 2 main users, root and my normal ...
user428531's user avatar
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Samsung Chromebook series 3 sudo password

I cannot for the life of me find the sudo password for my chromebook. I have it in dev mode on Chrome OS 41. I want to install Arch Linux ARM onto an SD card but the instructions here http://...
eekfonky's user avatar
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sudo - /etc/sudoers is world writable on Ubuntu OS

By mistake I change the permission of /etc/sudoers file on Ubuntu OS, now when applying any command using sudo, its giving error, sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable sudo: no valid sudoers sources ...
user3869844's user avatar
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sudo cp with wildcard syntax doesn't do anything in Linux

I have a directory containing files that are owned by root, from this directory I wish to copy all the files ending with errorAll to another directory. My wildcard syntax is correct because performing ...
Bas Jansen's user avatar
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Replacement for "su user_with_sudo; sudo -s" for user without sudo-rights?

Let's say I have two user accounts: user (without any sudo permissions) user_with_sudo (with all sudo permissions) Now, I'm logged in as user but want to do something as root, e.g. switch to a full ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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Is there anyway you can restrict users from executing a command with another name?

I'm not asking an obvious question here. I would like to elucidate with an example. A user 'bob' is always executing 'chmod 777 /home/bob/impfiles' so that user 'alice' could make changes to the ...
rajadhiraja's user avatar
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execute script with sudo and check security

I have a script, which I need to execute with sudo. #!/bin/bash cp "$@" /destionation/dir Is it a good script or someone can bypass the restriction destination dir ? Thanks for suggestions.
Giovanni's user avatar
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Broken sudo commands

How to repair sudo to use standard commands? I cannot use any command with sudo.
Kamil Lelonek's user avatar
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Ubuntu lost Sudo password

After a disk crash someone reinstalled Ubuntu for me. My su password works. They said they used no sudo password, but that doesn't work, and nothing else works. Can I reset the sudo password from ...
Betty Mock's user avatar
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What is the different between "sudo su" and "sudo bash"?

In Ubuntu 13.10, for the default setting, the following command in Terminal user@host:~/path$ sudo su results in entering an prompt root@host:/home/user/path# And this command user@host:~/path$ ...
Earth Engine's user avatar
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sudoers syntax for specifying a list of executables

I want my user (username "wim" in group "wim") to be able to use sudo apt-get and sudo dpkg without needing admin password. I tried editing sudoers file with sudo visudo, and I added in this line: ...
wim's user avatar
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After rebooting, why doesn't sudo prompt for password when I try to start MySQL server?

I'm having a minor problem, and I'm hoping someone can help me understand why my system behaves this way. By the way, I'm a MySQL + Terminal newbie, so please go easy on me! I've done some due ...
Scott's user avatar
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Moved /lib64 to /backup_lib64 using sudo, now sudo doesn't work on CentOS6.4

I did sudo mv /lib64 /backup_lib64 to test some compilation. Now sudo doesn't work at all farhat@heracles:~/software/sudo-1.8.7$ sudo ls sudo: unable to dlopen /usr/libexec/ (null) ...
Farhat's user avatar
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why sudo create directories in wrong permission drwxr-sr-x?

I run sudo on ArchLinux(on x86_64) and Fedora(on sh4 cpu). They behavior different. sudo mkdir x ls -l x It shows drwxr-xr-x root root x on ArchLinux. But shows drwxr-sr-x root mygroup x on Fedora ...
Daniel YC Lin's user avatar
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I get error when I try sudo apt-get update command on Ubuntu 12.10

This is the following error: W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found W: Failed to ...
user1463542's user avatar
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I can't get through with my password on sudo, can anyone help me?

I know that the password doesn't show up on the screen that's all good. I just can't seem to get any further as I am typing my user password but this comes up: 2012-12-04 22:38:14.815 TextEdit[27507:...
Wellhellothere's user avatar
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how to invoke a shell function with sudo permission

There is a shell function add_book in my .zshrc. I need to invoke this function with sudo permission. But when I invoke sudo add_book I get the following error: sudo: add_book: command not found ...
hey mike's user avatar
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admin group disappeared; cannot groupadd

Okay, so this is embarrassing, but I seem to have lost the admin group on my machine, though I would have sworn I hadn't gone anywhere near it. I'm running Mint Maya. Trying to innocently sudo this ...
Alaya's user avatar
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sudo prompts for password over ssh

I have sudo set up for a user (myuser) as follows on "hostname" (sudoers content): myuser ALL=(suser) NOPASSWD: /path/script* this works fine, so I can run the following, logged in locally as myuser ...
Joe Watkins's user avatar
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How to run python script on startup with sudo permission on Mac OS

I have created a script with python that basically ping all servers found in my lists. I need this script to be run on startup with sudo permission. So the question is, How do you run the script on ...
Steven's user avatar
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Strange sudo message at startup

I have Kubuntu 10.04 LTS, and since I installed it on my computer, I get a password prompt after login. I can use the computer without any problems if I don't enter the password there, so I usually ...
petersohn's user avatar
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Sudo does not log me in as root, but as "untitled 1"

I was changing multiple configuration files and used sudo -s to make myself root for a little while. However, after running whoami I was not root, but untitled 1. joseph@MacBook-Air (ttys000) /...
Joseph's user avatar
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sudo visudo in a Dockerfile with CentOS base image

I am creating a Dockerfile using the centos:7 base image. I need to edit the file at etc/sudoers and append NOPASSWD privileges to it for a new user and some groups. I have looked up in forums that ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Validating Changes to pam.d (like visudo)

I'm working on an Ansible task for setting fingerprint sudo usage in MacOS. This is done through a custom rule in /etc/pam.d/sudo_local. Is there a method to pre-validate edits to PAM for safer ...
Excalibur's user avatar
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start non-root user systemd and systemd services via sudo without enable-linger

I'm like to be able to start a systemd session (e.g. systemd --user) for a given non-root user, and subsequently start a service (e.g. systemctl --user start SERVICE.service), all via a sudo -iu USER ...
crimson-egret's user avatar
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Mac's sudo not sanitize PATH from user's setting?

Mac's sudo behaviour is unlike everywhere else, of which just like observed in Passing PATH through sudo, sudo would flush PATH every time. However, I found in Mac, my PATH setting is carried into ...
xpt's user avatar
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Zipping a folder and sub-directories not working without sudo?

I wrote a python script using Amazon's AWS Boto3 SDK to download files from an S3 bucket and puts them in a folder (in a directory within my home dir). For reference, the function I used was the s3 ...
Prithvi Boinpally's user avatar
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Running App as root using Apple Script?

I am trying to use an Apple Script to run an application as root without asking for password all the time. I used this Apple Script code: do shell script "/Applications/" user name &...
Codename K's user avatar
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Google authenticator MFA codes aren't working in Linux

I want to enable MFA to use sudo commands on my laptop running Debian. I followed steps to enable this, and had the verification codes working for the desktop log in. But in terminal it keeps saying &...
gazm2k5's user avatar
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Can I give a directory back to superuser?

I'm on macOS Sonoma. I was installing some Python and C packages in Homebrew, and it asked me to run: sudo chown -R username /usr/local/opt And: chmod u+w /usr/local/opt Now that I've installed the ...
lafunbug's user avatar
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sudo passwd for bash terminal

I am total newbie so excuse the lack of knowledge, but I recently created an Microsoft Azure account so it comes equipped with a bash terminal. I wanted to make sure it is up-to-date so I tried ...
AndromedaZdna's user avatar
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Shell script run by launchd in MacOS can't create at job

I'm using the to grant users temp admin privileges. Because I need to have password auth and justification enabled via config, I can't use the build-in feature to limit the duration of ...
meatballbeam's user avatar
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Very weird linuxbrew installation issue

I am installing linuxbrew in a linux machine. I typed /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" in the console. However it says ==> /...
XM Zg's user avatar
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How did this usage of chmod break sudo access?

In many other topics, I have seen people breaking their sudo access with commands such as sudo chmod -R 777 / and variants. Thinking I was doing it right, I have executed the following commands on a ...
Kağan Aytekin's user avatar
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Trigger a ZSH function when a command calls for sudo password

I quite often run into a situation where a long running system upgrade gets stuck on getting a sudo password, most often because the time for the last input has expired and I simply forgot about the ...
radrow's user avatar
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Using ctr run gives error on starting a container

I am starting a container using the docker run command, it works fine. However when I try to start the same container using ctr command (irrespective of whatever snapshotter I use) I get this error: ...
Mithilesh's user avatar
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Ansible not able to execute command with sudo privileges, but the command work when launched manually

I'm kinda stuck on this: I'm trying to automate some task on a target MacOS machine, but the commands that need sudo work only when launched manually, and not with Ansible. An example of a pretty ...
MonsieurMemons's user avatar
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Getting error while downloading Java

I am trying to install Java in my AWS EC2 instance by using this below command: sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel But I'm facing the below error: No match for argument: java-1.8.0-openjdk....
user1803282's user avatar
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Ubuntu password no longer works after login

I recently installed Ubuntu 22.04 on a laptop and something weird happened to my password. I can only use it to login when I select a user (the booting GUI) and after that, things like sudo or ...
I.D.M's user avatar
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How to use sudo with sftp through winSCP?

I found a few sources stating that I can use SFTP with a sudo user through an SFTP client (specifically winSCP). This link outlines all the steps I need to take, and it's still not working (https://...
Warsame's user avatar

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