Questions tagged [symbolic-link]

A symbolic link ("symlink") is a reference to a file or folder which may exist on the same or another drive in the system. Symbolic links allow users to create a more logical file layout, when the files themselves may be spread across multiple disks or relocated to more convenient locations.

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0 votes
1 answer

Create a symbolic link on a networked drive

I'm trying to create a symbolic link on a networked drive that's mounted at login when my PC connects to a VPN. I'm getting the following error: I've come across this thread but it wasn't of much ...
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3 answers

looking for list of symlinks in Dropbox folder - find syntax not working

I am trying to move my Dropbox folder from an External Drive to a different External Drive. I was getting error messages that files couldn't be moved and according to Dropbox tech support it's ...
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1 answer

unable to execute: Too many levels of symbolic links

By mistake, I executed these commands : sudo ln -sf bash /bin/sh sudo ln -sf bash /bin/bash When I rebooted the Linux server in recovery mode I got this message: init : Failed to spawn friendly-...
1 vote
1 answer

Windows 10 mklink Program Files folder

I want to create a symbolic link with the mklink command so that when I need to reinstall my OS (Which happens frequently (And this morning)) I only need to format the partition that Windows 10 is ...
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1 answer

Problems creating symbolic links on Mac

I am experiencing strange behavior on my Mac. When I create a symbolic link with command ln -s nothing happens and when I do listing a directory no symbol link appears. So I tried creating the ...
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1 answer

Intel icc breaks gcc with math.h on linux

I installed Intel's compilers and applications bundled with their Parallel Studio the other day and I cannot compile without using icc. When using gcc, clang or mpicc, I get the following error: In ...
0 votes
1 answer

exe file referencing windows symlinks

I'm using an exe file that references other folders in the current directory, if I create a symlink to the parent folder everything works fine. When I create individual symlinks for the child folders,...
1 vote
1 answer

Suppress output of MKLINK /J?

I am looking to have a batch file, where it suppresses the mklink output. I do not want the user to see the path. I was able to do this with > nul and robocopy. mklink /J "newpath" "originalpath" ...
0 votes
1 answer

Creating Symbolic Link to directory with spaces in name

Trying to create a symbolic link to a directory on networked computer. The directory has a space in the name. This works fine: mklink /d "C:\Jobs" "\\BECFILESERVER01\Documents\Jobs" but I want my ...
0 votes
1 answer

rsync follow links and and use recreate path of the file the link points to in dest

I have a directory of symlinks A/ pointing to actual files in dir contents/. Symlinks in A/ can be deleted but files in contents/ are never deleted. For example A/ looks like: A/ --B/ --link1 -...
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0 answers

mkdir in symbolic link to windows mount points to own directory

I'm currently using Windows Subsystem for Linux to run my linux programs, whilst configuring my home directory I decided to link my Windows Documents folder in it to easily access my data. However ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I change the Dropbox (for Business) location on a headless Linux server

Im trying to adjust the path Dropbox syncs to on a headless installation. I use a Synology, so there`s no way to connect a monitor. By default Dropbox syncs all data in /root/Dropbox (Company_name). ...
1 vote
2 answers

Linux symlinks to directories

I created a symlink in my home folder to another directory: $ pwd /home/user1 $ ln -s /usr/local/dir/ shortcut $ ls -l ................................... shortcut -> /usr/local/dir/ $ cd shortcut ...
5 votes
1 answer

Why symlinks can slowdown git?

I keep my current working project on SSD drive but git folder inside is symlinked from another (encrypted) disk with mklink /J /D. SmartGit warned me that using symlinked git folder may have a ...
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0 answers

Compress symbolic links on Windows 10

Using Windows 10. I have a directory with some symbolic links (or "soft links" or symlinks, if you prefer). The symlinked files/folders were created using mklink [/d] commands. I want to compress ...
1 vote
1 answer

Enable symlink for nginx config files

I have NGINX running on CentOS7. And I would like to share the /etc/nginx directory between Linux and Windows. The reason is that, I don't want to access the file every time I need to change/add ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to mirror "overlay icons" onto a symbolic/junction link folder and all it's files?

I have an issue where Dropbox decided to rename my Dropbox folder from Dropbox/ to Dropbox (Personal)/, but I have way too many paths setup to the original Dropbox folder to where this change has ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to separately count number of files, directories, symbolic links and hard links within a single find run?

To check a successfull migration I'm using find to count the number of files, directories, symbolic links and files with more than one hard link. As the directories to check contain a huge number of ...
0 votes
0 answers

Got a new hard drive, old one is dying - can Windows tell me when I'm writing or reading from the old one with symlinks?

Bear with me, as this is a little convoluted. I have a 1 tb hard drive that I've been using for over 6 years with most of my, let's just say, 'entertainment' of various sorts being written to and read ...
0 votes
1 answer

Symbolic links vs Junction vs Mapped drive

I want to know what the 'proper' way to have files always be connected and available for use that are on a network drive. I have a problem with Quickbooks (badly developed, I must say) where it gives ...
1 vote
3 answers

Vim doesn't highligh syntax of links

I have a markdown file with the .md extension as "Personal". I make a symbolik (soft) link of it by ln -s command in Linux as "Note". I open the link with vim, it successfully traces the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Cannot access a remote share which in itself is a symlink to a remote share

I have this scenario: Domain A: A file server provided by a third party, which provides a volume available thru CIFS. This file server does not have an external IP address. permissions are set to ...
3 votes
3 answers

Windows symlink to executable - does not open by double click

On Windows 7 I created a symbolic link to an executable using: mklink Test.exe C:\Path\to\source.exe But when I try to run it by double clicking on it, i get the "open with" dialog. Running it from ...
1 vote
1 answer

Symlink prompting “Open with” [duplicate]

I can create a symlink: > mklink bravo.png alfa.png symbolic link created for bravo.png <<===>> alfa.png However this is on a virtual machine. For some reason if I create one on ...
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3 answers

following another user's symlink

How does one traverse a symlink owned by another user? On my ubuntu box, I have a symlink: root@anonymous:/var/tmp# ls -l total 24 lrwxrwxrwx 1 lab lab 26 Dec 15 18:27 -> /home/...
1 vote
1 answer

Symbolic link to other device

If I have a symbolic link in a directory on a physical drive that points to tmpfs RAM partition, and I write to the symbolic link will the physical experience an writing? I'm going to being down a ...
1 vote
0 answers

Possible to use a symlink, junction, or similar to make one folder mirrored to multiple locations on Windows?

I have surveillance camera software that saves to a particular directory on a PC. I'd like to be able to somehow make any files saved to this folder simultaneously save to both the original folder, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Wget doen't work in /etc/cron.d/ using symlink? (I have a Raspberry Pi)

I have a cronfile in /home/pi/path/ and made a symlink into /etc/cron.d/cron_some_file. I want to update the cron file automatically (I want to make changes from the server so I won't have to access ...
0 votes
0 answers

Symlink for one process

I have a program which expects a legacy sound device (oss) to be present (/dev/dsp). The system I'm working have several of these present (/dev/dspX). How would I go about creating a program / ...
4 votes
2 answers

Creating symlink for a file on Windows 7 gives error

I want to create symlink to a file using the command prompt on Windows 7. The file is located on E partition and i want the link to be on C partition. I tried this command: C:\>mklink /d c:\11.txt ...
1 vote
0 answers

when using rsync --copy-links, rsync ignores symlink name changes

We're using symlinks to create "virtual" folder/file trees using content from all over the disk. In essence we have a mess and a script will create an organized file tree by creating symlinks to those ...
1 vote
1 answer

Search path of symlink's source file

I have my main script which sources a bash file in the same folder: $ cd $ mkdir mysrc && cd mysrc $ echo -e 'MY_LIB_NB=123987' > $ echo -e '#!/usr/bin/env bash\nsource mylib....
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1 answer

Deleting Ubuntu folder symlink deletes target folder's contents when done via OSX & Samba

I have a problem where deleting a folder symlink on a mounted Samba share also deletes the target folder's contents when accessed from my Macbook. This is actually a problem I have had for many years, ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why does $0=/bin/foo when /bin is a symlink

I installed my bash scripts into /usr/bin/ and /usr/bin/ includes source "/usr/bin/" and includes if [ "/usr/bin/" == "$0"] ... When I run from the ...
9 votes
1 answer

How can I create symbolic links in Windows 8.1 without an admin command prompt?

I am hoping that someone can correct me where I'm going wrong when trying to create a symbolic link in Windows 8.1 without having to run cmd.exe as administrator. Whenever I try to create a symlink ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can not open a file when traversing a symlinked directory

Nginx is failing to start with the following error: nginx: [emerg] ModSecurityConfig in /usr/local/server/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:133: Cannot open config file: /usr/local/server/nginx/conf/../base/base....
1 vote
3 answers

Installing Dropbox locally with home directory on NFS

I'm in a shared compute environment at work, and for good reason IT doesn't want my Dropbox folder to be on the NFS. My Ubuntu desktop's home drive (/homes/mylastname) is on NFS, but I have fast ...
2 votes
1 answer

is there a way to create symbolic link between folders in linux that works in windows also?

I have created a link to folder in unix using ln -s command.. but if I copy the folder structures to windows box the same does not work in windows. is there a way to achieve symbolic/hard links ...
0 votes
0 answers

Restore program files on Symbolic Linked OS with Junction?

Is there a way to restore Windows Registry, Paths and confguration if I have a NTFS-Junction link to Program Files, Program Files (x86), ProgramData and Users? I'm wondering if I can fully restore my ...
1 vote
1 answer

hotplug script in Tomato Shibby

I use Advanced Tomato on my Asus RT-AC68R/U. This is Shibby Tomato with some GUI modification only. I want to connect via USB measuring unit and create for it dedicated, unique device. At this moment,...
0 votes
0 answers

Is it safe to delete dead symlinks on OS/X?

Running a routine check on OS/X: sudo find -L / -type l reveals a lot of broken symbolic links. Many of them are in /Library or ~/Library. Quite some there in application settings. Is it safe to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Rsync copy symlinks and exclude subfolder

I'm trying to use rsync to copy a directory recursively, and copying symlinks referent. I also want to exclude certain directories that are located within the symlink. This is the part that's not ...
0 votes
1 answer

On MAC OS, if I want to save a file to folder B, but point it to folder A, what should I do?

I'm not sure what title to give to this question, but what I want is: when I save a file to folder A, it will automatically save it to folder B, and delete it from folder A, what should I do to make ...
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1 answer

Google Drive and Local Directories in Mac OS X

I want to create a symbolic link between local directories and my Google drive. In other words, I don't want to synchronize it by hand. If there is a change in the directory, it should synchronize it ...
1 vote
1 answer

Tried to delete symbolic link on WSL from Explorer, now cannot delete

I was trying to delete a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin from Explorer (I'm using WSL), and now I can't delete it at all. When I try to delete it from CMD or Bash, it says "Permission denied." When ...
3 votes
1 answer

Symbolic Link File Information via Command Line on Windows

Is there any way to grab symbolic file information (or metadata?) via Command Line tool on Windows like that:
4 votes
2 answers

Creating Symbolic Links in Cyberduck?

With SFTP, Cyberduck supports creating a symlink by right clicking a file or folder, and selecting create symlink. This then creates a symlink in the same folder as the file/folder you're linking to. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can i use hard or symbolic links on a DVD which needs to be Mac and Windows readable?

I'm producing a DVD and want to try to save some space to fit it onto a single-layer disk rather than dual-layer. There are a lot of repeated files on there and it occurred to me that I could have a "...
2 votes
3 answers

Make program able to run from terminal command

Having program in /home/user/Downloads/program/main I can launch it by following command cd /home/user/Downloads/program && ./main or from GUI. What I want is to launch it from terminal by ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to use test -h or test -L on OSX?

I'm trying to detect in a shell script if a file is a symlink pointing to a directory. This is what I'm doing: if [[ -L "$out_dir" && -d "$out_dir" ]] then echo "Dir is a symlink" else ...

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