Questions tagged [sysvinit]

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0 votes
1 answer

How to reboot system that was not started with systemd?

I have a remote server, running Linux 5.19.0-41-generic x86_64, that I am trying to reboot. I get the following message sudo reboot System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can'...
57 votes
9 answers

Start a systemd service inside chroot from a non systemd based rootfs

With init scripts (or with openrc) I alway could run services from a different installation root. but when I run chroot /somepath/to_root /usr/bin/systemctl start someservice I got: Running in chroot,...
1 vote
1 answer

How to execute ipp-over-usb at startup?

I using a non-systemd distribution of Linux (sysvint) am using CUPS for printing. However, the ipp-usb program doesn't execute at startup by default. Somehow I suspect it is because I am not using ...
1 vote
0 answers

How do I start a daemon on startup with SysV init?

I use MX Linux, which uses SysV init. Some softwares (like mullvad-vpn in my case) made for SystemD have their daemons not launching on startup. I can launch it with sudo service mullvad-daemon start ...
4 votes
4 answers

ZFS pool disappears after reboot on Debian 8

I'm getting started with ZFS and I got the basics down, but I'm having an issue with keeping it running. Pools are created, mounts are created, I'm able to save data and see disk activity… things are ...
6 votes
2 answers

Bash script to wait for Virtualbox VM shutdown?

Virtualbox has the ability to issue a command to a running vm: vboxmanage controlvm NameOfRunningVM acpipowerbutton However this command returns immediately which results in non-graceful shutdown ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to find out which service manager is installed on my Linux OS?

I know that my Linux installation comes with one of the service manager implementations. It could be either Systemd, Upstart, or any of the others. So, my question is how can I find out which one of ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to make sysv service dependent on a systemd service?

I have installed distribution packages of Redis and Tomcat on Ubuntu 18.04. I'm trying to start the Tomcat only after a successful start of Redis, but so far no luck. The tomcat8 package has sysv ...
5 votes
0 answers

Shutdown hangs when cryptsetup try to close partition

I have two laptop with Devuan installed. When shutting down it hangs for about one minute when cryptsetup try to close the encrypted partitions. Messages: Stopping remaining crypto disks......
0 votes
1 answer

Where is /bin/login started?

So I'm currenly learing sysVinit. I know that at startup /bin/login has to be started in order to display a login prompt but I couldn't find a file that starts it. Is it started by default in ...
1 vote
0 answers

Constructing a service/daemon using runit

I need to make a time syncing service for some SysV-based Linux system, but I want to use Ubuntu as a development environment. For this and some other reasons I've decided to use runit as a universal ...
0 votes
1 answer

Where is the source code for the classic init system?

I know that systemd and SysVinit have their own projects and are developed independent of the Linux kernel. But what about the classic init system? where its source code located? is it part of the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Order of init scripts

I'm looking at all the links in my /etc/rc6.d to init scripts that execute on runlevel 6 (shutdown). The K-prefixed scripts are ordered by number and then the S-prefixed scripts. How do I know how ...
7 votes
2 answers

shutdown: /run/initctl: No such file or directory

I updated my server to Debian wheezy and played around with it. After a while I wanted to restart and encountered the error shutdown: /run/initctl: No such file or directory I searched on the web ...
2 votes
1 answer

Problems with (local) mount at boot (sysvinit)

During boot, some/many mount points in /etc/fstab are not mounted. The /etc/mtab file contains these mount points - my understanding is that the system believes the filesystems are already mounted. ...
0 votes
1 answer

sysvinit postfix startup script - only called with "status" argument

I'm having a problem with postfix not starting up on boot. boot.log doesn't show any information whatsoever. Starting the postfix service afterwards works as expected. I added debug information to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Running a command at startup

How would I go about running a command at startup in ArchLinux using Systemd like rc.local in Sysv?
1 vote
1 answer

I have a SysV init script on Fedora 18. How can I make it start after the network is ready?

I have a SysV init script on Fedora 18. Fedora 18 uses systemd (and apparently, there is no way to switch back to SysV). My script requires the network to be ready. <edit> That is, I must ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to re-enable sysvinit on Debian

So we had a couple of Arch guys hack a Debian install up for an embedded system (that is no longer so embedded) and they disabled Sysvinit in favour of using multiple linked /etc/rc.* files. ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Run Jar file on Ubuntu at system startup

I'm trying to get a .jar file to run at startup on an Ubuntu machine, but I'm not getting anywhere. I've tried the instructions here