Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal is a hardware device used for entering data into and displaying information from a computer. Terminals were frequently used in the days of mainframe computers. Today, most operating systems offer text-based "terminal emulators", which replicate the functionality of a classical terminal, also referred to as a "system console".

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1 vote
1 answer

What does a question mark after the file name mean using ls terminal command?

What does a question mark after the file name mean using ls terminal command? I am using a Mac running OS X Yosemite (v.10.10.5) When I do ls command at terminal, I get back a list of files (the same ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I force focus on the terminal after running a run configuration in IntelliJ?

I have a run configuration in IntelliJ which runs a python script expecting some user input. It's all working as planned, however, the user has to click on the terminal window to set the focus so ...
2 votes
2 answers

Solarized Dark + Gnome Terminal + Vim + Vim-Airline

I installed the solarized dark theme for gnome terminal using and then with Vundle installed
0 votes
2 answers

Viewing Tab Separated Values on the Terminal (it doesn't show the tabs)

If I have a tab separated values file, and I say cat it, it nicely renders the file for me all lined up properly. Now if I try to copy paste (using my mouse), to another text editor. The tabs become ...
0 votes
1 answer

cURL command units of Dload speed?

When I run curl I sometimes see a progress meter like this: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total ...
0 votes
1 answer

Control A on Mac Terminal behaves unexpectedly while using python ipdb

When I'm using Python ipdb (and this only happens on one of my three macs), I type Ctrl-A to get to the beginning of the line (after running a few statements without issue). The cursor APPEARS to jump ...
1 vote
4 answers

Terminal font looks different (I think some application changed it)

The Terminal font on my computer (Windows 8) is messed up. I think some application I had from earlier changed it to look different. Looks fine in the CMD: Everywhere else, ugly: So, how do I ...
5 votes
1 answer

how to automatic save all terminal output to a log file?

I want to save all my terminal output to a log file automaticly, not like this $ ls -al > file.txt
0 votes
0 answers

Terminal SSH command not working while connecting to another computer

After entering the command: ssh [username]@[ip address of remote computer] I got the error: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused Does anyone know what causes this?
0 votes
3 answers

How would I create and manage a .txt file with Terminal

How would I create a .txt file, customize what it says, and open it. All with Terminal. [OSX Yosemite]
0 votes
1 answer

Copy current terminal window

How do I open terminal in same directory I am in other terminal window? eg. have 2 terminals open one in /tmp (currently working in this) other ~, I wish to press magic shortcut to open new terminal ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I use Y / N when I'm prompted with Did you mean: [command]?

I noticed that when you type a command slightly wrong it comes up with did you mean: command_name e.g. git staus git: 'staus' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Did you mean this? ...
1 vote
0 answers

Bash in Conemu is overlapping lines

When I start nano/vi or a program that normally clears the screen then I can still see the command line. That means that the terminal is not cleared. If I scroll with the arrow keys the lines ...
0 votes
0 answers

What's exactly the default stdin, stdout and stderr in a typical Linux system?

I've heard in some occasions that the default stdin is the keyboard and that the default stdout and stderr is the screen, but I find that is pretty innacurate. If that were absolutely accurate I ...
0 votes
2 answers

'hhighlighter' wrapper script saying command not found [closed]

I have gotten the wrapper script 'hhighlighter' from which colors anything you want in stdout. I followed the instructions about installing ack-grep, ...
4 votes
2 answers

Bash: Created a ~ (Tilde) in a directory by accident

I'm a beginner to using bash on OSX, and I somehow created a ~ dir in a project subfolder. (It appears as a directory, rather than a symlink.) Is there a safe way to get rid of this ~ directory ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unlock Windows From OSX Terminal

What I am trying to achieve is to have a fully automated boot and login script to remotely start up and log in to my windows gaming host for steam in home streaming. So far I have installed wakeonlan ...
1 vote
2 answers

Change screen resolution when booting to terminal.(No X) -Ubuntu10.10-x64-Nvidia

When I boot without X or hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 I have very low screen resolution.(large font) Normal for the screen is 1920x1200. Can I change it? Does it have to do with Nvidia? Ubuntu10.10-x64-Nvidia
1 vote
0 answers

Can tmux display pretty pane corners?

I'm in the process of picking up tmux, and I'm sure I'll get used to it, but this pointy edge is bothersome. Is there a way to make the corner flush, like this (fixed with gimp)? I know that the ...
12 votes
2 answers

Make OS X Terminal commands I type BOLD

I'd like to make commands I've typed (input) into terminal stand out from all the output. For example: imac:~ buster$ chmod -R g-w myfolder imac:~ buster$ cd myfolder imac:myfolder buster$ ls -l ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why won't gnupg be fooled by my pseudoterminal trick?

Gnupg requires many of its inputs to come literally from a terminal instead of just stdin. I sometimes can get around that with: pty-run: #!/bin/bash printf -v cmd '%q ' "$@" exec script --quiet --...
0 votes
2 answers

Why the simplest Shell-Script isn't working?

I want hide the path in the Terminal and for that reason I typed: export PS1='> ' command which I found online with positive result. I thought to make it to a shell-script in order to not type ...
8 votes
2 answers

Set debian Linux Timezone via command line

Is there a way i can set the current timezone via the commandline/terminal? Its for a shelle script so im looking for some, hopefully, one liner like date -Z 'Europe/London' (Just an example), in ...
5 votes
3 answers

How to use the mouse to scroll up/down in MacOS Yosemite Terminal when vi is open

In MacOS X, pre-Yosemite versions I could open vi in the Terminal window and scroll up and down the history of the Terminal. The vi lines in this case did not scroll. To scroll I used the mouse-pad'...
1 vote
0 answers

What these options exactly mean in ifup command in Linux?

Please can someone explain to me more (maybe with examples ) about the following options in ifup command in Linux. This is what I found on the internet, but with no more details about it : --...
0 votes
3 answers

Anyone know how can I turn my Mac terminal into this?

How can I make my Mac terminal look like the screenshot below? The input line is cool and seems useful.
-1 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between terminal and tty?

I have seen these two terms use interchangeably. What do they represent?
11 votes
1 answer

iTerm 2 ZSH colors/themes not showed correctly

I have a clean installed mac, running OS X 10.11.4. I have installed iTerm 2, and set it up to use oh-my-zsh. I'm trying to set up a theme for my iTerm. I am trying to use the avit theme. It's ...
5 votes
4 answers

How can I find all files in a folder with a certain text string and an extension?

I am using OS X. I need to find files in a directory with the .php extension and the string 41 somewhere in the file's contents. I tried using grep. grep -R 41 *.php This however only seemed to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Mac OS X Mountain Lion kernel panic after installing latest steinberg sound card driver

I just bought a steinberg CI2 and went to their website to download the latest driver and when I installed it gave a kernel panic. I don't have any backups and is there a way to backup all the files ...
7 votes
2 answers

How to change the default terminal to rxvt in Ubuntu

How can I set rxvt as my default terminal in Ubuntu?
24 votes
6 answers

Save multiple gnome-terminal layout?

I have multiple gnome-terminal windows open. Is there a way to save the settings (window position, no. of tabs, title etc). across OS reboots ?
0 votes
2 answers

Command to list all apps capable of opening a given extension

I'm building a file catalogue app of sorts, and for one of its uses I'd like to get a list of all apps currently installed capable of opening files with the extension of the currently selected file. ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to copy text in htop on Mac OSX?

I wanted to copy all of the process information related to a specific program/software (Adobe in this case, other ones in the future) and so I tried holding Shift as mentioned here: Is there a way to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Kali Linux terminal command trouble

Hi I am a new user of Kali linux. I have a trouble here. In the terminal no command is working. even if i put "ipconfig" it says bash: ipconfig: command not found. can anybody please tell me how can ...
2 votes
0 answers

Opening terminal on second monitor by default

Is there a way for the terminal to be opened on the second screen when running a program through Visual Studio 2015? Right now I have my graphical window and my terminal opening on the main screen ...
4 votes
1 answer

256-colour terminal

I've been battling it out with this 256-colour terminal malarkey and I just can't get decent colour displays in a terminal. I'm using ubuntu-server with openssh and zsh. I have tried accessing the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Printing unique lines with uniq, OS X Yosemite

I am trying to print the unique entries in a column of a .csv file. For this, I tried the following: awk -F "," '{print $6}' dataCoarse.csv | uniq -u which just prints the 6th column as it is. There ...
2 votes
1 answer

SSH - is this the correct way to forward agent?

I have checked many results but not getting exactly that what I am doing for agent forwarding is correct or not. Please advice. I have followed this two links Github unixwiz What I am doing is: ...
5 votes
1 answer

Cygwin - how do I search scrollback?

Going to be pretty depressed if this is not a feature by now. To be clear, by scrollback, I mean scrolling up and down on the terminal emulator to see history.
2 votes
0 answers

Cannot import colour presets into iTerm 2

Long time user of the standard terminal, short term user of iTerm 2. I've found a colour preset I want to use, however after importing them when I select them from Preferences > profiles > load ...
18 votes
2 answers

Disabling mouse hiding in Gnome Terminal while typing

Does anyone know how to turn off the hateful behavior that is now default in Gnome Terminal — when a key is pressed the mouse pointer hides until it is moved again. I'm honestly ready to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Makefile issues with interactive shells started as a target

Currently having a weird problem: Got a Makefile to get some handy shortcuts inside a Project: shell: docker exec -it $(web) sh ... ..which basically invokes an interactive shell inside a ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to avoid terminal to scroll down to last message in bash?

I write a bash script that run some other commands in new terminal: #!/bin/bash # Sample script gnome-terminal --title="blah blah" -x bash -c ffmpeg -i udp:// -...
2 votes
1 answer

Make `last` display year in Terminal

Is there any way to get last (on Mac OS X 10.11.2) to display a full date (including year)? Right now it displays only day and time: user$ sudo last user | head -n3 user ttys000 ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I control my minecraft server when I run it at boot with a rc.local script?

I have a question your you guys. I'm running a MC server so far so great. In order to make it autonomous I run it at boot with a bash script load in rc.local, simple. #!/bin/bash cd /home/minecraft ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Shortcut or Terminal Command to toggle Chrome Hardware Acceleration on/off

I'm trying to figure out how to create a shortcut or a terminal command for on/off Hardware Acceleration in Advanced settings of Chrome Browser on a Mac. Has anyone done this already or know how to? ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why is it eating a letter every other run?

When I run this code on the terminal: for ((j=0;j<29;j++)); do echo "ffmpeg -r 288 -i \""./out "$j"/out.%04d.jpg"\" -f gif ./gifs/"$j".gif;" done And I copy and paste the output on the terminal, ...
-1 votes
2 answers

What is the simplest device that can remote-desktop connect to various Windows PCs on a LAN?

It needs to have video, audio, mouse, keyboard and network connectors and to support nothing more than connecting remotely to various Windows PCs that will have all the real resources needed. Sort of ...
21 votes
3 answers

Move a program started in GNU screen out to another terminal

I want to terminate an instance of GNU screen whilst preserving the process running inside it. So I opened my regular terminal emulator program and executed screen. Then I used that instance of ...

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