Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal is a hardware device used for entering data into and displaying information from a computer. Terminals were frequently used in the days of mainframe computers. Today, most operating systems offer text-based "terminal emulators", which replicate the functionality of a classical terminal, also referred to as a "system console".

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bash terminal command to be repeated after it exited

this command on android terminal (and adb shell) do am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d rtsp://theurl launches VLC and automatically starts streaming. how do i make it automatically running ...
orangpelupa's user avatar
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Windows batch scripting: use absolute path with spaces to run terminal as admin

I have an issue when using absolute path in batch script. Script Code: powershell -c start -verb runas cmd '/c start cd "%~dp0%SomeScript.bat"' %~dp0% : absolute path to the script I want ...
OSTips's user avatar
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Cannot open URL from terminal in macOS Big Sur

The command open does not seem to work from the terminal (zsh). Terminal becomes out of focus and WindowServer process seems to think, but no browser window is opened. I tried open -...
andrewlaguna824's user avatar
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Autocomplete commands not working gnome 40

When I start typing a command, the terminal gives me suggestions from previous commands. But when I press the tab key it says: zsh: do you wish to see all 3536 possibilities (3536 lines)? Is there a ...
Jared Peter's user avatar
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Operation not permitted even though full disk access is granted

So I want to move a few files from one folder to another through terminal, here is my code: sudo mv "Meaning and the English Verb by Geoffrey N. Leech (" apple@apples-MacBook-...
jxhyc's user avatar
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How do I launch gnome-terminal directly from the Windows desktop?

I have WSL2 set up with vcxsrv to launch GUI apps and this works great. However, the default terminal that shows up with the Ubuntu app on Windows is terrible. I can launch gnome-terminal from it, ...
superchampionoftheworld's user avatar
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xterm: circled numbers (U+2460-U+2470) only the left half of the glyph is displayed

I am using the version of xterm that ships with ubuntu 21.04 (package xterm361-1ubuntu3) and some characters such as circled numbers are not displayed correctly: the right half of the character is ...
guv''s user avatar
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deleting history in server using history -cw

I have deleted my history in server as a user history -cw Will this delete history for all users including superuser and will he see that I used the history -cw ?
nolymp's user avatar
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Mac freezes for a split-second, whenever I'm pressing CapsLock (Escape). How to reset input devices without rebooting?

TL;DR: How do I reboot my keyboard input device? Or reload the drivers? Obviously, a permanent solution to this would be awesome. But I'm trying to find a way to get past this, without having to ...
Zeth's user avatar
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How do I use my local terminal configurations while working on a remote server through SSH?

I have a very specific terminal setup. It is perfect (for me). The colors are great, the highlighting is great, the key bindings and shortcuts are superb. This is great when working on my local ...
Dimitar Veljanovski's user avatar
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How to delete Last Opened date on Mac OSX Finder

I am trying to delete the "Last Opened" date for a file found in Finder on Mac OSX (Catalina 10.15.7). I've found a few walkthroughs already and tried them without success. In Terminal I ...
someguywhoisi's user avatar
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VSCode Integrated Terminal Coloring

I am trying to use the Github Dark Dimmed Theme in VSCode. It looks great except for the Integrated Terminal, the background of executables is quite hard to read (see below). What setting do I need to ...
Nukesub's user avatar
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Can anyone explain what are this numbers `echo -ne "\033]0;Title\007"` [duplicate]

I'm using them for setting the terminal title or terminal tab title but want to know what the numbers refer to. Could anyone please give me a hint on where I can find that info?
Florin Irion's user avatar
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how to reverse command Ubuntu?

Example 1: sudo sed -i "s/#user = "root"/user = "$(id -un)"/g" /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf Example 2: sudo sed -i "s/#group = "root"/group = "$(id -gn)&...
odondonaga's user avatar
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MacOS - How to use terminal with 'set -o emacs'?

I like to do a lot of work in a shell and I usually setup the shell to use emacs keybindings. On linux, it's just a quick 'set -o emacs' and I'm good to go. However, on MacOS, the solution eludes ...
Kurt's user avatar
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Terminal Zsh error after just opening terminal on Mac Catalina

I am getting a weird message after just opening the terminal and could not figure out the problem. Last login: Wed Mar 31 11:10:55 on ttys000 /Users/rakesh/.zprofile:source:1: no such file or ...
Rakesh Lahkar's user avatar
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Left arrow key prints `^[[D` when I do `sudo su otheruser` on headless Ubuntu 18, via ssh using MobaXterm on Win 10. How do I move one char left?

I sometimes need to login as the application user to do some manual operations, debugging, or handling a failure. I don't want to go into our password management system to fetch the application user's ...
André Christoffer Andersen's user avatar
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How can I use a serial connection as an output for a shell?

I have a serial device (/dev/ttyACM0), which is connected to the serial port of a microcontroller. The microcontroller draws text that it gets on that serial connection to a screen. I want to use that ...
Jacob Garby's user avatar
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gnome-terminal not openning in Ubuntu 20.04

Terminal does not open in Ubuntu 20.04, this is possibly after an upgrade of the software (apt upgrade). I am getting the following error when trying to execute /usr/bin.gnome-terminal in a xterm. /...
sammy17's user avatar
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Writing to USB flash drive taking forever, unable to exit program using Ctrl + C

I am trying to write an ISO to a USB drive using the following command: sudo cp -v Downloads/archlinux-2021.02.01-x86_64.iso /dev/sdb My flash drive has a blinking red light, which I believe means ...
LiterallyJohnny's user avatar
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Windows remote terminal stuck at black screen

from time to time, on of our about 30 terminals turn black as seen on the screen and there is no way, other than force sign out. Sending ctrl-alt-end with virtual keyboard does nothing, nor alt-...
Tomáš Filip's user avatar
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Why tmux does not respect terminal color settings?

I'm using alacritty terminal emulator and ZSH shell. When I customize my alacritty config so it contains light background and specific color scheme, it works allright. But as soon as I create tmux ...
user3056783's user avatar
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terminal fonts on debian 10 (konsole and gnome terminal)

I am on debian 10 (current stable) with kde (plasmashell --version → 5.14.5) . My main terminal emulator is konsole (from KDE). I want support for emojis and other special charecters on the terminal ...
cknoll's user avatar
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Terminal/iTerm2 window name on macOS: how to un-stick SSH to show next process?

I'm wondering whether others have experienced this issue (below in bold) and/or found a workaround: in macOS (any version that I've tried which provides Terminal access, so I'm assuming OS X on up; on ...
juanejot's user avatar
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How to paste control characters in gnome-terminal?

System: Ubuntu 18.04 Question: How can I copy a string that includes control characters such as ctrl-a, e.g. from gvim (fenc=ascii or utf-8), and paste it including control characters in gnome-...
asoundmove's user avatar
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grep and awk are not displaying output in terminal

When trying to grep Record in .txt file simply $ grep 'Record' file.txt $ it goes to the next line without any output or error (I've tried to write output in file, but it is empty) I've tried also to ...
G D's user avatar
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Migrating from bash to zsh - where are the packages I installed?

I am new to a lot of this, so forgive me if I don't understand this 100%. I have just installed macOS Big Sur, then installed a few tools in my bash terminal (homebrew, nvm, npm + node, yarn, gatsby ...
Clementine's user avatar
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Why does SCP fail with 'authenticity of host can't be established' but SSH works?

I've seen this question asked before but the answers always seemed to lack some specificity. I am having trouble moving some user interface files from my own machine to my server which resides on a ...
jonraem's user avatar
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is there any way to install libgranite-dev on mac os?

I'm trying to get the elementary OS terminal working on mac. The installation process of this terminal is described here. after downloading the folder with the code files and typing: meson build --...
Miguel 2488's user avatar
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Open file highlight color changes in Vim when used on a remote server on macOS Big Sur (11.1)

I use the terminal and it has set to ‘Pro’ scheme which has a dark background. When I SSH to a Linux server (CentOS 8.3.2011) and use VIM open a file, the color of the keywords in the file changes ...
Jianxin Yu's user avatar
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Making key repeat behavior consistent across Windows and UNIX operating systems

I split my time between Linux, macOS, and Windows about evenly. This is because there is software that is unique on all 3 systems that I need to use regularly between work and leisure. Lately I have ...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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putty won't close after starting script with -m option

with this script putty -ssh user@host -i C:\Users\TheUser\.ssh\id_rsa.ppk -m C:\users\TheUser\desktop\script.txt exit I tried to automate a network shutdown after a backup on the Remote NAS, ...
DerDieDasEiche's user avatar
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Add a directory of multiple files to iTunes library with Terminal?

Based on this post How can I add a file to iTunes, from the command line, without playing the file which works I want to add multiple files not one. I tried with adding a loop and a find: for f in ./*....
Watzaum's user avatar
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iTerm terminal emulation is weird

Recently, I switched to iTerm because a lot of people recommends it, but it behaves quite weirdly. It does not automatically enter "alternate screen mode" if less/man/similar commands are ...
Joy Jin's user avatar
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How do I open URLs in the background of an existing Chrome window with Terminal on MacOS?

Currently I am building an iOS shortcut to open multiple links through SSH on my MacBook and I am wondering if it is possible to open URLs in the background of Google Chrome without losing focus of ...
LudwikDE's user avatar
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how to copy any file through the terminal and paste it out (X11),

I would like to copy any file (audio, video, text, image) through the terminal and paste it in the browser. like ctr + c and ctrl + v.
Lucas Martins Soares's user avatar
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Executing script only on terminal startup with tmux

I have configured my Gnome terminal on Linux Mint 18.3 to always start tmux by default by adding a couple of lines to my ~/.bashrc. This works extremely well, except that I also run another script ...
gilbertohasnofb's user avatar
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Elementary OS: How to create a clickable shellscript

I am trying to make a shellscript clickable in a folder? What I want is for the user to be able to click/double-click a shellscript in Files via the GUI and then have this shellscript open and run ...
ervingsb's user avatar
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Tool written in Go works fine from terminal (in any directory) but gives "command not found" error when called from inside a script

I wrote a shell script that bundles a few networking tools together (amass, nmap etc) and they all work fine except httprobe (a tool that takes a list of domains and probes for working http and https ...
Pink Bug's user avatar
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Raspbian: Lock (but not logout) of Command-line-only system so that background processes can continue

I have a Raspberry pi running full Buster but only boots to command line interface (CLI). Currently, I can only login or log out. I want to be able to stay logged in so my background processes can ...
rfii's user avatar
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iTerm now showing cursor when pressing Shift + arrow key

As you can see in this picture, iTerm is adding a kind of overlay cursor (plus this paper icon) above the terminal windows when I press Shift + any arrow key. It seems to be a text selection tool or ...
Philipp L.'s user avatar
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How do you arrange terminal color sequences into human friendly color grades

I made this script to display terminal colors but the arrangement of colors I don't understand. Here is the script which is pretty basic. It just increments the color code for the 256 color palette ...
Peter Moore's user avatar
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How do I copy a file to the clipboard in the terminal and paste it with the gui (linux)

I would like to copy a file to the clipboard with the terminal, like when right clicking a file and selecting "copy" in the gui. Someting like "cp test.txt" (without a destination) ...
lordcommander's user avatar
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My Bash or zsh or terminal not working anymore

I know this is probably a simple fix. But I had my terminal set up perfectly, using a bash profile as default. Then i installed iTerm and now nothing works. I cant even run the ls command when in a ...
bruzza42's user avatar
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zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list

After I installed nvm locally, it auto added paths to .bash_profile file. But my default terminal use .zshrc so I copied those path over. Everytime I fire terminal after above change, terminal auto ...
Ishan Patel's user avatar
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remove local hosts from terminal on mac

I'm trying to instal adobe cloud, but it doesn't work because I believe some of it's servers are blocked in my terminal. How do I remove them? I know how to open terminal, but that's it. I'm not the ...
survivetype's user avatar
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How to set Finder default View Options for all folders

Goal: I want to set the View Options for ALL of my Finder folders. As far as I understand it, the systems saves any View Options changes inside that folder, and if the folder doesn't have any ...
Frank's user avatar
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Is there a terminal that has something similar to intellisense? [closed]

I absolutely love Intellisense when writing code in Visual Studio Is there a terminal app that has a similar feature that could popup a GUI of suggestions for command or parameter completion based on ...
masteroleary's user avatar
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How do I ensure bash *never* expands paths in environment variables when tab-completing?

$ bash --version GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) I normally using the above bash version on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine via MATE terminal. Currently however I am using macOS 10....
mystery's user avatar
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Script/Terminal to move files of similar name to unified folder

Wonder if anyone can help..bit of a noob and I've found partial answers online but nothing specific. I'm using OSX 10.11 I have a folder with a LOT of older artwork files and would like to use ...
deadbunneh's user avatar

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