Questions tagged [text-manipulation]

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0 votes
2 answers

How to combine and permute two wordlists

I would like to combine and/or permute the words from a list up to 3 times. For example: If I have one list with: apple orange cafe and another list with: 11 22 33 it should produce combinations ...
55 votes
4 answers

Vim: how to paste a block of text at the end of multiple lines?

Say I have a block of text like this: // Comment1 // Comment2 // Comment3 And I want to append each of these lines to the end of 3 corresponding lines of code: foo = 1; bar = 2; baz = 3; So that ...
5 votes
3 answers

Reverse text in Notepad++

This question was asked several years ago without an accepted answer. The question has also long been inactive. Seems a simple piece of functionality, so perhaps a recent plugin provides the feature. ...
119 votes
17 answers

Linux command to repeat a string n times

Is there any built-in Linux command that allows to output a string that is n times an input string??
35 votes
7 answers

How to replace multiple spaces by one tab

I have some text files which contain some columns separated by a various number of spaces, but instead I need one single tab as a separator. Is it possible to do in Bash?
-1 votes
3 answers

How do I switch to only using a keyboard for input?

Not sure if this in on topic here. I'm trying to completely switch to keyboard, yet, there is one main task I cannot achieve: to copy text from browsers and almost any program that is not a text ...
0 votes
1 answer

Moving characters' position

I am trying to automate the work of changing the position of characters in text. I think the right regex pattern will do the trick, but I haven't been able to create one. I have text like this: abcd&...
0 votes
1 answer

Delete multiple lines by specifying their line numbers in Notepad++

I have a text file that has 255 lines and I want to delete/remove specific non-consecutive lines (lines 2, 4, 56, and 180 for example) regardless of their contents. I cannot use regular expression ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to increment group numbers in a settings file?

I have an application with a settings file (.ini) that contains data in the common format: [group1] foo=bar bar=baz ... [group2] foo=bar bar=baz ... ... [group500] foo=bar bar=baz ... where the ...
6 votes
3 answers

Remove non-duplicate lines in Linux

how can I remove non-duplicate lines from text file using any linux program linke sed, awk or any other? Example: abc bbc abc bbc ccc bbc Result: abc bbc abc bbc bbc Second list have removed ccc ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to add column with numeric range of ID's after grouping data in Excel

In the data I have fields "ItemName" and "ID". I need to group rows by "ItemName" and somehow make a "human readable" range of sequential numbers in "ID&...
0 votes
1 answer

How to do this in Notepad++?

I have thousands of lines that look like this: Username | Password | Account Status | Region | Email | Summoner Name | BE | RP | RP Refunds | Level | Curr Rank | Prev Rank | Champs | Skins | Last ...
8 votes
3 answers

FINDSTR: Line is too long

Windows FINDSTR command is useful for sifting through large amounts of data; it filters out lines of text that match or don't match a specified pattern or string (like GNU/BSD grep). But it refuses ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to extract a part of a line that is between two specific strings via a batch script

I am trying to extract strings which are between testid= and ]. Input text file SEVERE TEST 11/18/2019 8:00:41 AM Could not find INPUT with [testid=2345] SEVERE TEST 11/18/2019 5:02:11 AM Could ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I sort the output of awk, disregarding a certain character?

I am trying to print out the Chinese font I have in my laptop, and sort the output with respect to their name that could be referred to in LaTeX. This could be done with the following command: fc-...
0 votes
1 answer

Linux version sort; letters first

GNU sort -V is great for sorting IP adresses. Unfortunately it throws all lines with leading letters (as opposed to numbers) to the bottom of the pile. Is there a way around it? Note: • ...
17 votes
7 answers

How can I reverse a line in Notepad++?

Is it possible to reverse a single line in Notepad++? Example: Hello world Would change to dlrow olleH Should I install a plugin for such functionality? UPDATE: I'd like to keep the clipboard in ...
5 votes
5 answers

How to chain awk print statements?

Okay, here's a quick example; me isolating a host's IPV4 in three steps: ip -br a lo UNKNOWN ::1/128 eth0 DOWN wlan0 UP ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to split words in Excel

In Excel, how do I split a word from cell A1 in all possibilities of 3 sequenced letters? Example: If cell A1 contains word university, I need that it generates following text in the other cells: ...
2 votes
1 answer

What's the best method for JPEG text manipulation?

I have a relatively simple graphic; a technical diagram with various bits of text throughout. The text is in another language (Czech/Slovak). It's printed clearly enough to be accurately ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I tag text based on its indentation?

I want to tag textual content (with XML-like tags) based on its indentation depth. Blank lines should be preserved. The example below has its content indented with 1, 2 or 3 tabs. INPUT aaa bbb ...
1 vote
2 answers

Concatenate Windows text files with title or date?

I have a directory where I have a bunch of text files being dumped for logging that are each in a clean tab delimited format. Each file is named with it's timestamp which I also need. I need to merge ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Transpose text using sed

Please help me figure out how to solve this using sed. Given the following text: Kerala 4222 8129 8163 8164 Delhi 8502 8503 8504 ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to repeat each line of a file, from the Linux command line?

How to make a file like: one two three ... into: one one two two three three ... I'm thinking this must be possible with one simple Linux command. If my editor had block selections or macros I ...
0 votes
1 answer

UNIX: how to merge 2 text files?

Is there a way to merge 2 text files into one (by appending the content of the second right after the first one) in Unix ?
0 votes
2 answers

What the best program for string manipulation [closed]

I would like to know the best program (Surely a text editor) to make string manipulation like string substituion. By the way, I would like to do the next: String manipulation of type String ...
0 votes
1 answer

Regular Expression to Add Space After 10 Digits

How would I go about writing a regular expression to do a find/replace operation in order to add a space after 10 digits of ever number that is 20 digits long? I have a long list of phone numbers ...
2 votes
3 answers

How can I remove unnecessary text from a command line output?

I'm using GeekTool, which takes the output of terminal commands and turns them into Desktop widgets, and wanted to display the current battery percent of my bluetooth keyboard to the Desktop in the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Using grep; how do I show the Nth occurence of a pattern?

Using grep; how do I show the Nth occurence of a pattern? For instance; man sh |grep -A3 -- '-c' will return several matches. I might want to isolate the 3rd occurrence only, so that it shows: -- ...
32 votes
12 answers

Efficiently remove the last two lines of an extremely large text file

I have a very large file (~400 GB), and I need to remove the last 2 lines from it. I tried to use sed, but it ran for hours before I gave up. Is there a quick way of doing this, or am I stuck with ...
1 vote
0 answers

Parsing (or Converting) Buffered Output

If a dynamic, text-based, CLI application doesn't include an option for producing unbuffered text output; what options do I have for parsing said output? Can it be converted to a more appropriate ...
1 vote
4 answers

Edit all lines at once

I have a .txt file with almost all of the airports in the world. Each line is a different airport, and the lines are in this format: City, Country - Airport Name (Airport Code) ie: Le Mans, France - ...
1 vote
2 answers

Select all instances of quoted text from a file

Is there any way to grep or obtain in any other way all instances of text within each pair of double quotes in a file? I've seen answers like this:
1 vote
3 answers

Extract multiple sections of pages from a pdf

I have a ton of pdf files (past exams), of which only two sections of pages (about 8 pages each) are relevant to me. I'd like to extract the two sections into a separate file for each of them. I used ...
0 votes
1 answer

Line Manipulation Reformat text Notepad++ or PSPaD

I have about 40,000 lines I need to look like first line - no paragraph marks. The trouble is, I can't use join lines then use (\d\D+)& $1\n to get like line 1 because of numbers inside of ...
2 votes
2 answers

how to insert text at the beginning of each paragraph in bash

I have a file with multiple paragraphs separated by blank line. Technically they are not paragraphs just sections of text separated by blank line. I want to number the paragraphs so to speak by ...
1 vote
2 answers

Adding text to the end of multiple files, minus one line( Adding return 0; at the end of each program in C)

I have a bunch of C programs from K&R and of course, no return statement. I was wondering if there was a way to cat to the end of each file (except one line before the end, so EOF - 1) the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to reverse text and *character* direction in a pure text document?

I have some text in Latin script (English transcription of Farsi) that I would like to display right-to-left in ordinary text documents (and on my iPod) – is that possible? How? Here’s an example of ...
6 votes
5 answers

How Does One Remove Duplicate Text Lines From Files Larger Than 4GB?

I am looking for an open source (possibly 64 bit) windows text editor that will allow me to remove duplicate lines from an extremely large (4GB+) text file. What do you use to remove duplicate lines ...
1 vote
1 answer

Delimited string to rows in Microsoft Excel

I am looking to see if I can solve this problem using Excel- if not, I can write a script that would help me do this instead but it would be a little more time consuming. Here is my data set: This ...
0 votes
1 answer

Edit and rearrange a file via command line, imported from Excel 2003

I have a text file imported from Excel 2003 in the following basic format. 43038 12500 s.ramesh labour 43038 13000 m.ramesh doctor I have to arrange this file in such a format ...
2 votes
1 answer

Character String Conversion using Python

Hi I have a website that is in Traditional Chinese and when I check the site statistics it tell me that the search term for the website is å%8f°å%8d%97 親å­%90é¤%90廳 which obviously makes no sense ...
1 vote
2 answers

Mass text manipulation?

I have a text file of a couple of hundred thousand words. E.g.: word1 word2 etc I want to know what program I can use to easily: Add "FRONT" to the front of the text, and Add "BACK" to the end of ...
2 votes
5 answers

Easiest way to remove unwanted lines from a huge text file

I have a large text file with a size of more than 30 megabytes. I want to remove all the lines which don't match some specific criteria, e.g. lines that don't have the string 'START'. What's the ...