Questions tagged [thumbnail-generator]

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113 votes
9 answers

Meaningful thumbnails for a Video using FFmpeg

FFmpeg can capture images from videos that can be used as thumbnails to represent the video. Most common ways of doing that are captured in the FFmpeg Wiki. But, I don't want to pick random frames at ...
d33pika's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Can ImageMagick make thumbnails from video?

I'm trying to extract thumbnails from video via ImageMagick. I found some samples from their official site, but it makes GIF, not PNG. I want a solid thumbnail though. Can it create the same output ...
Juneyoung Oh's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Fastest JPEG thumbnail generator for Linux

I'm looking for the fastest command-line image converter for Linux which can read a JPEG image, scale it down to at most 1366x768, and write a quality 50 JPEG image. Something like this, but much ...
pts's user avatar
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6 answers

Thumbnail generator software for Mac OS X? [closed]

I need a "good" thumbnail generator for Mac. Any suggestions? Some criteria: Must support common image formats(ie png,jpg,etc.). Easy to use. Support large image files. Free and/or not crippled. ...
ricbax's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make Windows 10 taskbar thumbnail previews clearer and less blurred?

Following yesterday's (12-Jul-2017) update of Windows 10, the taskbar thumbnail previews are significantly blurred and less useful in recognising open documents, and distinguishing one open document ...
Martin's user avatar
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0 answers

Disable Windows Thumbnails for Specific Folders

I know there are methods for Disabling thumbnails in Windows. But, I actually don't mind the feature, especially since Windows caches the thumbnails after the first pass. But, I have directories ...
palswim's user avatar
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Animated thumbnails for a video using FFmpeg

I want to create an animated .gif file as a thumbnail for a video. I used this command line to grab 20 frames from a video: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -ss 00:05:14.435 -vframes 20 ./thumbs/out%02d.png ...
Ian Leslie's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I generate a set of thumbnails of equal size without padding?

I am looking for a thumbnail generator which will allow me to batch process hundreds of images and generate thumbnails of a specific size (200x150). IrfranView kind of does this, but it will matte my ...
codechurn's user avatar
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1 answer

How does windows generate thumbnail previews for proprietary formats?

So, I'm wondering how does windows generate a thumbnail for proprietary formats like .psd photoshop files or .clip Clip Studio files. Im wondering if there is a command line order I can use to get a ...
metichi's user avatar
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1 answer

How would I create a thumbnailer for Windows 7 Explorer?

I'm not having much luck figuring out how Windows Explorer thumbnail icons are generated, or how to modify it. Is it just a matter of configuring a program to spit out thumbnail images (like ...
endolith's user avatar
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1 answer

Thumbnail preview for HLS using ffmpeg

I have a question about converting an mp4 file to HLS. I would also like to include the first frame of each ts chunk as a thumbnail in the m3u8 file. Is it possible to accomplish this using a single ...
Venkat's user avatar
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Windows 10 won't automatically generate thumbnails for .CR2 RAW files but will generate for CR3 as normal

My Windows 10 machine has stopped generating thumbnails of Canon RAW CR2 files but will generate CR3 thumbnails as would be expected behaviour. I am able to generate them using a thumbnail generating ...
Sam W's user avatar
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1 answer

Generate preview thumbnail (sample) using ffmpeg?

I tried to google for a way to generate preview thumbnail (sample) like MPC-HC does: As you can see, the thumbnail should have multiple frames and show the time of the frame, extra info of the video ...
123iamking's user avatar