Questions tagged [timelapse]

Timelapse is a cinematographic technique when the rate used to captured frames is lower than real-time. The effect is that a longer amount of time passes than is viewed.

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Create timelapse video with frame integration using ffmpeg

I have a real-time 30fps video, and I wish to convert it to a timelapse 30fps video so that each frame of the target video is the result of arithmetical mean of 10 original frames in a linear color-...
ybungalobill's user avatar
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Why does the video file (x264) made with ffmpeg have a much higher bitrate compared to when I reencode it using the same settings in Handbrake?

I'm a ffmpeg beginner and am converting a series of .png images taken every 10s into a timelapse video. The images are named pic1.png, pic2.png, etc. For this I'm using the following ffmpeg command: ...
Istria's user avatar
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Easing when creating a timelapse using FFMPEG

I am using FFMPEG to create timelapses from multiple images - sometimes several thousand images. I want to create an effect near the end of the timelapse where it slows down a few seconds before it ...
Destek's user avatar
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VLC scene filter ratio

I'm using VLC to capture images on a webcam over time to build a timelapse video: vlc -I dummy v4l2:// --video-filter scene -V dummy --scene-ratio 200 --scene-format png --scene-prefix img --scene-...
Ed Mazur's user avatar
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How to stop ffmpeg from recording faster frame rate than specified?

I'm trying to record a time lapse using ffmpeg. My input settings are: ffmpeg -y -f v4l2 -input_format yuyv422 -framerate 0.333 I have tried to create both x264 and x265 output in an mp4 file. But ...
Michael's user avatar
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ffmpeg only showing one frame in timelapse

I run ffmpeg -start_number 1561703179 -i asl-0136/screenshot-%10d.png -vframes 16 -pix_fmt yuv444p -r 1 hi.mp4 , but the output video only contains one frame, even though I have 64 in the directory. ...
R Harrington's user avatar
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How to slow down a timelapse mp4 created from jpgs with ffmpeg

I'm creating a timelapse from a bunch of jpg files on Windows 10: C:\dev\ffmpeg-20180219-acdea9e-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe -r 24 -i Base000%3d.jpg -s hd1080 -vcodec libx264 timelapse.mp4 The ...
Mitch's user avatar
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FFMPEG under Windows 7(64 bit) - creating timelaps video from jpg

My goal is to create a video from a bunch of jpg files. I have chosen FFMPEG (Windows 64) to solve this task The task I have more than 4k jpg files in a directory, all following the naming ...
Me_no_stupit's user avatar
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How do I get gphoto2 to fetch a photo from a Sony alpha 6000?

How do I get gphoto2 to fetch a photo from a Sony alpha 6000? I'm currently running gphoto2 on a Beaglebone black, but I suspect it should work on any Linux system with a USB port. I use gphoto2 --...
David Cary's user avatar
-1 votes
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Wirelessly shoot photo from non-wifi webcam

I'm planning to put my action camera at my backyard to perform time-lapse. At the computer, I have a program called "TinCam". Normally, I connect my camera to PC and TinCam takes photo from camera (...
Fubz's user avatar
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How do I speed up my videos on Geforce Experience

I want to record a timelapse with GeForce experience. How would I do that? If it's not possible than what other gaming recorders can do that? Thanks.
Idk lol's user avatar
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