Questions tagged [vendor-id]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Spoofing video card vendorid and deviceid

I was wondering if there's some way to spoof my video card vendorid and deviceid, so that I can run a software that runs only for certain ids. Is devcon.exe something I can use? I've read about 3D-...
mordredp's user avatar
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changing device and vendor id of Digispark Digikey

i saw a tutorial on null-byte on how to change the vendor id of a Digikey so that it could be programmed on macOS. I'm on mac so I'm using my raspberry pi to program the usb. the tutorial said to go ...
Caecilius-rgb's user avatar
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Change or Hide Keyboard Type? / McAfee DLP

My keyboard is being blocked by McAfee DLP because it believes it's an Apple keyboard which is blocked for some unreason unknown. My keyboard has a physical switch on it which lets you switch from ...
user335185's user avatar
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2 answers

Vendor or service of this particular MAC Address

I found weird activity reported by my software that suggested multiple login attempts. The software is installed on that person's computer. Don't worry the I am allowed to post the details up here ...
Matty's user avatar
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