Questions tagged [vesa]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Are VESA drills always exactly centered?

Let's say I have a 27" display with a 100×100 mounting and I'll buy another 27" display with a mounting. Then I have a display mount with two arms which are not individually height adjustable. You ...
Brettetete's user avatar
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Why would Quake run slowly in DOS on a modern, 2017 i5 CPU?

I noticed back in the DOS gaming era that DOS games ran slowly in hi-res modes. I was surprised to discover that this could be true on a modern machine. I booted a 2017 i5 7200u (I think) laptop into ...
Leon Simpson's user avatar
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Ubuntu 11.10 ATI Drivers vesa park

This is probably not an issue, from all I can get it seems my hardware and drivers are properly installed. However when I go to system settings -> system info -> graphics. I get Driver: VESA:PARK. ...
Matthias's user avatar