Questions tagged [vhs]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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FFmpeg: maximum VHS quality?

I'm digitizing a number of VHS tapes into lossless video files using FFmpeg. How can I optimize my FFmpeg command further in order to come closer to the requested specs below, with the best possible ...
user1763606's user avatar
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Automatically splitting video stream and saving only sections of real video/sound

Given a VHS player connected to a PC via a USB video capture, what I'm looking for is a way (in software) to constantly monitor that video input, and capture any "useful" sections to files ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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How to read VHS using rawvideo

I want to digitize old VHS tapes on Windows 10. ffplay -hide_banner -f dshow -rtbufsize 2048M -i video="Roxio Video Capture USB":audio="Ligne (Dazzle Video Capture USB Audio Device)&...
jean-luc's user avatar
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2 answers

Best Practice/suggestions for capturing/encoding/formatting VHS video?

As a personal project for my family I recently purchased myself a Composite-USB converter in order to preserve many of the family's old home movies on VHS. Now, the proprietary software that the ...
Jacob K's user avatar
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