Questions tagged [vim]

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor.

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How do you change the background color for errors in Xoria256 VIM color scheme?

I am wondering how to change the red background color for errors in the Xoria 256 color scheme for VIM. I just can not seem to find which part to change. UPDATE The only way I can get the red ...
classer's user avatar
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Snipmate plugin in vim inserts a carriage return in all snippets

I'm using snipmate plugin in vim, and started creating some snippets to use in Zope. Unfortunately, the snippets I'm creating are some html attributes, and everytime I call the snippet, it works as ...
Somebody still uses you MS-DOS's user avatar
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How can I get vim to set an ACL on its swap files?

I use vim on an OS X Snow Leopard Server machine. A number of the directories I work in have ACLs (so that various groups of users can access them over AFP) that are inherited. For some reason, when I'...
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Executing a command in vim from a commandline

I would like to run :helptags ~/.vim/doc in vim, but from command line. The purpose is to run the command occasionally with other commands to keep my tools up-to-date (probably in a cron job on my ...
TK.'s user avatar
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Specifying the destination for the pdf output when using pdflatex, from gVim

I am generating a pdf output with pdflatex with the following command in gVim: :!pdflatex % This command in turns executes the following in the Command Prompt: cmd.exe /c pdflatex /testvim.tex Now,...
Andreas Grech's user avatar
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CleverCSS and Vim

I am using vim with CleverCSS and was wondering if anyone has made a CleverCSS vim syntax file, or if I should make my own. Thank you! -Nate
So8res's user avatar
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Configure Mercurial for extdiff Directory Compare with vim on Windows

I'm running Mercurial from the command line on Windows XP. I've got the extdiff plugin. I wanted hg vimdiff to use Vim's DirDiff command. I've tried putting cmd.vimdiff = gvim opts.vimdiff = -f '+...
sparklewhiskers's user avatar
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Use Vim to edit Applescript file

Is it possible to use Vim to work on applescript files rather than the default Automator or Script Editor program? I searched the webs and couldn't find the same question or an answer anywhere. I ...
Jimmy Long's user avatar
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Issue with Ctrl + Arrow Keys in (Neo)vim using PuTTY

When I establish a SSH connection to my machine using PuTTY, I find that the Control + Arrow keys behave unexpectedly when working with vim or nvim in the bash terminal. For instance, in Vim, escaping ...
N00B_141's user avatar
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Trying to get tab in normal mode(VSCode using the vscode-neovim extension) to move to new cell in a markdown table

I'm seeking assistance with the VSCode-Neovim extension to enhance navigation in markdown tables. The current markdown extension that I am using is takumisoft68/vscode-markdown-table, which has this ...
Varity Colgate's user avatar
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Vim on Arch: /etc/vimrc can remap keys but not turn off syntax highlighting

Just freshly installed Arch, then installed vim. I added these two lines to my /etc/vimrc: syntax off inoremap jk <Esc> I rebooted. The key remapping now works as expected but syntax ...
zeroclaim's user avatar
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iTerm 2 ZSH font all one color

Related to iTerm 2 ZSH colors/themes not showed correctly Machine: macOS Ventura 13.3 My iTerm2 wont use any other colors than all white (and all black in vim) for my fonts. Can anyone see what I'm ...
Jessica Sanford's user avatar
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how to save a session, including unsaved changes to a file?

expanding on the use of vim sessions, is there a way to also save dirty state (modified) of files? Basically i need a way to just save everything as is and restore it later, as i do with some other ...
gcb's user avatar
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How to resize toolbar in gVim?

The problem is in the picture: I tried to :set toolbariconsize=small But it only changes icon size, but not the toolbar. It is staying huge. How to solve it? I have fresh Debian 12 + KDE 5.27.5
redf1sh's user avatar
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vim auto indenting new lines - how to disable this behavior?

So let's say I have the following code: if (true) { // do stuff // do additional stuff } I open up vim in PuTTY and right click to paste the above code into vim and it gets pasted like this: ...
neubert's user avatar
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Neovim Slow Cursor Blinking

I'm trying to switch from Macvim to Neovim, but running into an issue that I can't figure out. I can't get guicursor to fully work. I say fully work because some of it does, e.g. setting ver25 or ...
Brian Ray's user avatar
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Running WSL On Windows 11, Trying to Preview Latex Document in Windows Adobe Reader from VIM in WSL

I'm using the WSL Subsystem on Windows and running vim on my WSL. Currently I'm trying to start a Live Latex Preview with the Adobe Reader in Windows. I'm using the Live Latex Preview Plugin from the ...
user16330403's user avatar
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Spawning language server with cmd: `lua-language-server`

I've recently transferred from Packer plugin manager to Lazy. Utilizing LSP, LspConfig, Mason, MasonLspConfig with several language servers for programming. The problem is that Neovim is having ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to delete selected text in neovim?

I have xnoremap <BS> "_di this keymap in my neovim config. But when I select a text in visual mode and press backspace to delete the text, the text deletes and gets copied to my clipboard. ...
Sunlight's user avatar
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Save file with a generated name from vim command mode

I am trying to save file with a generated name from vim command mode. I am using the command: :w !tee"/tmp/vim/$(date +'%s').tmp" But it throws me an error that filename cannot be empty. Am ...
gmtek's user avatar
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Mac OS, How to run an executable that takes input in vim?

In competitive programming, we often have some small input we want to test our C++ program on. I already know of being able to remap some keys to make vim compile and run the executable. However, I am ...
James Eade's user avatar
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Vim Ex Command History Ctrl-F not working

I used to use Ctrl-F in my personal laptop to successfully get the command history pop-up in ex-mode but in my work PC, that no longer works. It just shows as ^F if I type Ctrl-F. Vim Version is 7.4....
toddlermenot's user avatar
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C-S-PageUp and C-S-PageDown keymappings stopped working in vim

I have these lines in my .vimrc which let me quickly move tabs around: nmap <C-S-PageUp> :-tabmove<CR> nmap <C-S-PageDown> :+tabmove<CR> I tested using other commands instead, ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Change Window Frame Color For Regedit, GVim, and other windows

I have been able to change many of the Window Frame colors to black using the following key: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors and setting: WindowFrame 1 0 0 However, this does not ...
user3761340's user avatar
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Neovim - gf equivalent but for an adjacent, existing split

My typical workflow involves having a large "main" split, with a smaller split below for a terminal. When I get a stack trace, I'd like to be able to use gf to go to that location in the ...
cameron1024's user avatar
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How can I configure shortcut keys in all modes of vim?

I want to configure a shortcut key that can be used in both edit mode and normal mode, usually two commands are required: :nnoremap <C-s> :w<cr> :inoremap <C-s> <esc>:w<cr&...
aszswaz's user avatar
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Moving the mouse cursor (not just screen) in vim

With my .vimrc under Linux I can scroll using my mouse wheel and the cursor itself goes up and down, shifting the lines shown on the screen if necessary. Using the same .vimrc and vim installed from ...
Ken - Enough about Monica's user avatar
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Is there a way to this unix Vim task in less than 10 keypresses(inlcuding ZZ)? [closed]

Task: In it your task is to change the text that gets opened in Vim to the following: // comments // yay comments // so informative, the information is really yes // wowowowowow // wel well // and ...
pEpOo's user avatar
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Why does GNU Screen cause me to have to press Esc twice in Vim?

When I launch GNU Screen and then open Vim, to get out of "insert mode", I have to press the Escape key twice, whereas in Vim outside of Screen I only have to press it once. Why does this ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Is there a way to use RipGrep (or a similar tool) et all to search for a pattern, *but ignore results inside comments?*

I'm a regular user of RipGrep rg, but one thing I can never figure out, and regularly find myself wanting, is to search only in lines that aren't comments. Unfortunately, It doesn't look like that's ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
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How to use advanced vim copy selections methods in TMUX

I'm using vim and tmux and I am interested if there is a way to use something like advanced vim selection methods in tmux. So for example if I have a text in vim This is a sentence "and I want to ...
user2156115's user avatar
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YouCompleteMe unavailable: requires Vim compiled with Python (2.7.1+ or 3.4+) support. Press ENTER or type command to continue

I was editing my vimrc but after I had added tabnine (or I don't know is that's the problem), it shows this message every time I open a file with vim. The vim version is 8.1 and I'm on Linux. This is ...
python's user avatar
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Fuzzy finder script to search file contents while floating (i.e. in dmenu/rofi style)

I've been trying to create a script with the following functionality: I push a button in my window manager -> a fuzzy finder menu in floating mode pops up where I can type a keyword to search the ...
Bernard's user avatar
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Open file highlight color changes in Vim when used on a remote server on macOS Big Sur (11.1)

I use the terminal and it has set to ‘Pro’ scheme which has a dark background. When I SSH to a Linux server (CentOS 8.3.2011) and use VIM open a file, the color of the keywords in the file changes ...
Jianxin Yu's user avatar
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Missing functions when installing vim to a local directory

I tried to install vim on a local directory by giving the --prefix command when running ./configure. More specifically, this was what I did: # Installed ncurses locally on $HOME/local/gpu2 cd vim/src ...
Tim Mak's user avatar
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Mapping Shift+Arrows to select text in tmux with vim

I use vim in linux and have recently started to use tmux too. I use vim with the Windows shortcuts instead of the vim ones, for example; Shift+Arrows for selection instead of HJKL, Shift+Arrows for ...
Tom's user avatar
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VIM go back (CTRL-O) to already opened tab

When I do gf then file under the cursor is opened in current tab. That's fine. When I do CTRL-W gf file under the cursor is opened in new tab - that's fine, but when I do CTRL-O newly opened tab is ...
Artur Pyszczuk's user avatar
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Understanding and using \& in vim search-and-replace

I have come across the following specifier for a vim pattern on \& -- the next line where the previously used substitute pattern matches And not quite sure what an ...
David542's user avatar
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Windows 7 Showing Rectangle Boxes Instead of Characters! [gVim]

I have been trying to solve this mystery for such a long time. Within Gvim I see all the airline symbols are not showing. Some are like rectangle boxes. It seems MS Word 2016 can show slightly more ...
Hossain Rafi's user avatar
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gvim, latex suite, and okular forward search issue

I have a gotten my gvim + vim-latexsuite + okular working well, except for one thing: forward search. I have tried many of the hints on line, but I can't find the solution, but I am close! So, I ...
Hammar's user avatar
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How do I bind the escape key to something else for the vim keybindings in Rstudio

I usually use jk or kj in vim as the keybinding for escape to enter normal mode. How do I do this for the vim keybinds in Rstudio?
Embedded_Mugs's user avatar
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Save vim settings

enter image description here I spent a bit of time getting my vim the way it looks like in the attached picture. My question, is there a way to get this settings as default when I open my vim? A ...
Roger Almengor's user avatar
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gVim gets shorter on each start with lazyredraw and showtabline=2

In my vimrc, I have the following: set lazyredraw set showtabline=2 With both these options set, every time I start gVim, the window is a couple lines shorter than it should be. Even if I use set ...
dtauxe's user avatar
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How to install XVim

I'm attempting to install XVim on my MacBook. According to, the first step is to checkout XVim, using git clone [email protected]:XVimProject/XVim.git in my terminal. But when I put this in ...
izaguirrejoe's user avatar
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Why Won't Deleting vimrc Reset Vim Settings? (Mac)

I reinstalled Macvim using Homebrew, deleted and reinstalled both the vim folder at /usr/shared/vim and vimrc. When I open text files with vim the settings are the same and any changes I make to the ...
Samuel Nelson's user avatar
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Prevent Vim from continuing comments on next line (Cygwin, 2019)

When I make a single line comment (a line starting with a hash mark # in my case, although obviously varies), Vim begins the next line with a hash mark too. I want to stop that. This is in Cygwin, ...
felwithe's user avatar
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Anaconda3 with jedi-vim, Manjaro linux, ImportError, could not import the 'jedi' Python module

I had this strange error when working with anaconda3 python distribution and jedi-vim plugin. Here is the output from the :JediDebugInfo #### Jedi-vim debug information ##### jedi-vim version - ...
JormaPoro's user avatar
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Vim highlighting trailing white space after certain movements with coloscheme

Problem After setting a colorscheme in Vim, (following the proscribed method of moving the colorscheme.vim file to ~/.vim/colors), and performing multi-line movements such as Ctrl-D/Ctrl-U for Page ...
Ty Conway's user avatar
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VIM: `[y`] lost last character?

I met the problem in VIM that `[y`] yanked the text between `[ and `] but lost the last character. To reproduce: put the cursor on some word in normal mode. press yiw run :echom @@ to see the word ...
Porcupine Andrew's user avatar
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my WSL ubuntu vi editor screen is broken when I scroll down

When I scroll down at my vim editor, all of my codes is wrapped with strange boxes. Can I fix it? My .vimrc file: Problem Image:
SunBathe's user avatar

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