Questions tagged [wysiwyg]

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) describes in computing a program in which content (text and graphics) displayed on-screen during editing appears in a form closely corresponding to its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product.

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2 answers

How can WYSIWYG editors directly edit HTML? [closed]

I was reading an old Lifehacker article titled, "Five Best WYSIWYG HTML Editors", and it got me thinking. It seems to me that the phrase WYSIWYG editor that can also directly edit HTML is a ...
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1 answer

Why jeditable WYSIWYG plugin behave differently in different web-browsers? [closed]

Normally when we type a sentence in an wysiwyg editor and if we need one in next line we use to press the enter key and it will automatically insert a <br> tag. But when we use the jeditable ...
prasanth prem's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there online markdown editor with buttons [closed]

I am looking for wysiwyg markdown editor with livepreview . I have this list But here none has buttons in it. I mean . there i ahve to type the syntax ...
Mirage's user avatar
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3 answers

epub editor or generator for Linux [closed]

I'd like to create e-book files in the .epub format. I already have the text with some formatting (as .html, .doc, .rtf etc.), and I need an editor (preferably WYSIWYG) in which I can make these ...
pts's user avatar
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2 answers

Graphics editor that represents everything as code/script/markup?

When I'm creating graphics in Photoshop or Illustrator, I often wish my work was entirely represented by some plain-text format so that I could dive down and make rapid changes without doing too much ...
Archagon's user avatar
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What's the best way to work with a sharepoint site?

I'm a developer who's never used MS SharePoint to manage web sites. The company I work for uses them all the time. They've set us up a web page, with a template to base new pages from. As well, they'...
Frantumn's user avatar
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265 votes
10 answers

How to use Markdown in Notepad++

I love writing in Markdown and would like to be able to write and preview Markdown content in Notepad++. Are there any WYSIWYG Markdown plugins for Notepad++?
srk's user avatar
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1 answer

Modify another program's WinAPI layout

I have a program that displays a GUI overlay using raw WinAPI and I was wondering if anyone was aware of any tools that injects itself in another program and allows you to modify the GUI of the ...
toficofi's user avatar
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2 answers

What is a good WYSIWYG editor and wiki engine for making a long programming tutorial? [closed]

I would like to make a multi-page online tutorial that includes a lot of snippets of C++ code. I'm looking for something like the preview of source code provided by the programming-related ...
Alan Turing's user avatar
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WYSIWYG Help Documentation Generators

I am looking for applications/3rd party libraries that can create online(.html) and offline(.hlp) help documentation for our application. Does anyone know of good help documentation generaters that ...
sazr's user avatar
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Is there some application to edit local wiki pages in WYSIWYG mode ON windows?

I am searching for some application which will help me with writing project documentation. From what i understand now, gollum and gitit should help me with that, but it seems that they can't be used ...
grizwako's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the best tool to save a HTML file? [closed]

Suppose I see a HTML page and I want to save it on disk. Using all methods I found, the saved sites are never same as they look in a browser. So is there any free tool that can be used to save ...
Anirudha Gupta's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any GUI editor for MetaFont?

Is there any WYSIWYG GUI editor for MetaFont (.mf files)? I have google-ed but didn't get any useful information.
Lenik's user avatar
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15 answers

Markdown Live Preview Editor?

I am currently using Textmate to create Markdown documents, but it requires me to press CtrlOptionCmd + P everytime I want to 'update' the Markdown output window. Essentially I am using it like a ...
Brock Woolf's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Create latex style files

What (WYSIWYG) tools are there for creating LaTeX style files? What guides exist on how to build them by hand? Could you recommend some? =EDIT= To clarify - I'm looking for something that will ...
PeterJCLaw's user avatar
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3 answers

WYSIWYG editor for structured text (suitable for SVN versioning)

I'm looking for an open source cross platform WYSIWYG editor that I can use to write documentation. I'm not looking for a web based solution - i.e. it should work without a web server, and I want ...
Chris Lercher's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

What WYSIWYG software can I use to create a web page? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Are there any free open source HTML editors? Please recommand a tool for Html Editing I always made web pages by writing HTML code but now I would like to try to use some ...
Roman's user avatar
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6 answers

What WYSIWYG HTML editor should I give a novice [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are there any free open source HTML editors? I have a friend who wants to have a simple website for his business. But he is a total HTML novice. I'm willing to set up his ...
BIBD's user avatar
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3 answers

Notebook application which uses HTML as its native file format

Does anyone know of a wysiwyg application for taking notes, preferably in a tree structure, which loads from and saves to HTML directly?
Dimitri C.'s user avatar
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