Questions tagged [xandros]

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xandros-explorer (Xandros File Manager) custom menu items

Is there any way to get custom menu item in right-click, instruments or at least hotkey that will run specific program for a selected filesystem item or current folder (like open terminal by Ctrl+T)? ...
ony's user avatar
  • 211
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2 answers

How do I migrate my EeePC 901 from Xandros to Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix?

I want to migrate my EeePC 901 from Xandros to the Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix. I made a bootable USB key according to, and the EeePC BIOS says it will ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

EEE PC Keyboard malfunctioning - Ctrl key "sticks" after 10 seconds

I was given a EEE PC belonging to a friend of a friend to fix. The keyboard did not appear to work at all. I spent a while testing out various things, blowing the keyboard out, checking for damage, ...
DWilliams's user avatar
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