Questions tagged [xephyr]

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0 votes
0 answers

How to fix the error of running remmina in xephyr on linux mint?

How to fix the error of running remmina in xephyr on linux mint? Terminal commands: Xephyr -ac -screen 1280x720 -br -reset -terminate 2> /dev/null :1 & DISPLAY=:1 remmina Terminal output: ...
5 votes
3 answers

Xephyr keyboard layout

For some reason Xephyr interprets the Alt Gr key as Return. Therefore I cannot enter special characters that need Alt Gr. Also other non alphanumerical keys seem to be messed up. I start Xephyr with ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to open a program in different Xephyr Displays?

I have two Xephyr displays created through PyVirtualDisplay, when I try to open xterm in both of them it works just fine, but many other programs will open twice on the same display. So if I do this: ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to set initial Firefox size (or resize) when running without win manager (headless, Xepher X over ssh)

I'm running Firefox in Ubuntu18.04 server, on an LXC container. On the host I'm running Xepher, which renders the X transferred over ssh. Xephyr -ac -screen 1920x1200 -br -reset -terminate :2 & ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to change default behavior of Xephyr for capturing and releasing keyboard/mouse?

When running Xephyr, its window title says "ctrl-shift grabs mouse and keyboard". I am using ctrl-shift (left ctrl - left shift) as keyboard layout switching hotkeys and it interferes with Xephyr, ...
7 votes
1 answer

How do I run X11 applications remotely?

How can I run X11 applications hosted on a remote server, given the following goals: Run anything that would run locally on the server. This includes OpenGL apps which use GLX. Seemless integration ...
8 votes
0 answers

Simulate two root windows on single monitor with use of RANDR extension

This question might seen similar to Emulating extra displays but it's different in the important detail. Suppose I'd like to test a feature for certain window manager with multi monitor support using ...
8 votes
7 answers

How can I sort out Xephyr's keyboard mapping?

When I start up Xephyr inside of X, my keyboard map becomes wonky mostly just for non-printing characters. I can't use arrow keys. According to xev, The down arrow gets mapped to Super_R. The up arrow ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I configure Multi-Seat on CentOS 6.2?

I am trying to set up a CentOS 6.2 installation to allow running it optionally in a multi-seat configuration. It normally runs as dual-head, but I would like to have the option to use the second ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to make Xephyr to hide its background (rootless mode like in Cygwin/X)

Cygwin/X and Xming can run in "rootless" mode that seamlessly integrates "inner" windows to the host environment. Is there similar mode for Xephyr or some equivalent program? I want Xephyred windows ...
0 votes
2 answers

Linux running games in another x-session

I have been trying to optimize my settings to the maximum lately and someone told me that running a game in another xsessions w/ another user would increase my perfs. It will also allow me to kill it ...