Questions tagged [xmonad]

xmonad is a dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell

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0 answers

Why scrolling in Unity is faster than in Xmonad?

I noticed that when I use default Ubuntu's Unity, everything scrolls fast and smooth. By "everything" I mean web-browsers and vim in terminal when I browse source code. When I use xmonad it seems to ...
evfwcqcg's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Ignore monitor hotplugging events using x11 and an AMD card

I have a triple monitor setup (xorg.conf generated with amdcccle: running on Arch Linux with Xmonad as my window manager. Physically, there is an HDTV off to the left, a ...
s00pcan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to trigger an action on double-tap of a keyboard button?

I'd like to learn how to trigger something in my debian box on double-tap of a key (let's say l-shift). My setup is X11 based. Should I look into doing in my MW (xmonad) or on a lower level? Forgive ...
97-109-107's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Prevent xfce4-notifyd in Xmonad from taking focus

How to prevent notifyd notifications from taking focus in Xmonad and XFCE?
Lionel's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to make per-window keyboard layouts with plain XMonad?

I've been using plain XMonad for some time (not combined with KDE/GNome). Currently, I'm switching between keyboard layouts simply by a key combination globally: [ ((modMask , xK_Scroll_Lock ), ...
Petr's user avatar
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6 votes
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xmonad on debian: how to change screen resolution

I've installed xmonad in a debian vmware vm on osx. In Gnome I changed the screen resolution to 1440/900 using the GUI menu but this change did not affect the resolution I get when I'm logged in with ...
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1 vote
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What is wrong in this xmonad configuration?

I have the following configuration on xmonad.hs, I really just want to add xmobar to the spawn pipe, but i dont know whats wrong. This is my config: import XMonad main = do xmproc <- ...
dabito's user avatar
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Dual monitor support in Linux Mint with XMonad window manager?

I'm running Linux Mint 12, and I'd like to configure it to use 2 monitors, each as a separate workspace. Currently the output is mirrored to both screens. In the default window manager, I can set this ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Running a non-tiling window manager inside an xmonad tile

My window manager of choice is xmonad and I am very happy with it. However, I am learning to develop applications using Gtkmm and Glade, and for this very specific purpose and nothing else, I would ...
isekaijin's user avatar
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6 votes
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xmonad + urxvt issue: text disappears after resizing

I'm using Arch Linux + xmonad + urxvt bundle and trying to resolve the conflict between xmonad and urxvt. Better to explain with shots: Firstly, open the terminal and get some full-length output. ...
whoever's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I configure GIMP 2.8 to be a single window in XMonad?

I'm trying to get GIMP to display as a single window in XMonad. Currently, it's floating strangely in front of every other display and I can't use it. I have tried reading this: http://www.haskell....
Pubby's user avatar
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google-voice not working outside of gnome

I got google-voice working in ubuntu under Gnome. But for some reason when I log into my WM, Xmonad, google voice doesn't recognize my webcam. Do I need to run some daemon or app along with my WM to ...
TheOne's user avatar
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Chrome in Xmonad - Mouse Unresponsive

I have Xmonad installed on Ubuntu 10.10. When using google Chrome, sometimes the mouse becomes unresponsive (only inside chrome). The problem goes like this: I have several tabs open Click with the ...
Jorge's user avatar
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Xmonad - Force application to open in specific size?

If I open Pidgin, I'd like it to open on a specific workspace but also at a specific size. Currently when I open it, it will take up have the screen next to my web browser. Is there a way to make it ...
intargc's user avatar
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Open chromium/chrome with native borders only sometimes?

I use chromium on my laptop where I (mostly) use xmonad as my window manager. With this the "compact border" option is next to useless and wastes space, so I don't want it. But when I use a non-...
petergil's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

How do you make volume keys and mute key work in Xmonad

I am new to Xmonad (just installed it yesterday), and since I have never used haskell before, I found configuration a little bit confusing for me. I got somewhat made xmobar and trayer work, but I ...
yasar's user avatar
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Differences between dynamic window managers? [closed]

Dynamic window managers support both tiling and floating window layout. There are quite a few of them, e.g. awesome, dwm, catwm, xmonad and probably many more. A lot of them claim to be stable, fast ...
Psirus's user avatar
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xmonad UrgencyHook not working

I'm using xmonad and want to enable the UrgencyHook feature so I know when someone talks to me in pidgin. For that I use the XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHookmodule. I use dzen2 and conky for the status bar, ...
brafales's user avatar
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Xmonad focused window border issues with virtualbox/vmware guest additions

I've tested xmonad on ubuntu and archlinux, running either on virtualbox and vmware. After installing guest additions (and the equivalent vmware tools for vmware), the focus border stops working. I ...
bneil's user avatar
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What config affects the keyboard when I'm using xmonad?

I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 with xmonad. How do I configure repeat speed and delay of the keyboard? Is there a graphical tool or I'll have to edit some config file?
Aleksei Averchenko's user avatar
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Why does neither topproc nor multicpu work correctly in xmobar?

I get the error "could not execute command topproc" and "autototal% not found" when using the topproc and multicpu commands below. I believe the syntax is correct ( does not work either). What am I ...
user64996's user avatar
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15 votes
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What XMonad Configuration Best Replicates Default Ion3 Behavior and Feature Set?

Not being very familiar with Haskell and lamenting that Ion 3 is now abandonware, I am curious if anyone out there has found a way of replicating the default Ion 3 behavior and aesthetics in XMonad. ...
mtp's user avatar
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Xmonad on windows laptop [closed]

I'm a Linux developer in the market for a laptop. 90% of my time is spent in Emacs, the terminal, and Google Chrome, and I want to use them within the excellent Xmonad tiling windows manager. Given ...
Kevin L.'s user avatar
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Create new Gnome session profile with xmonad as window manager?

I'm currently using Ubuntu 11.04 using the "Ubuntu Classic" session at login (Gnome 2). I recently tried xmonad as the window manager for the Gnome session, and I like it when my laptop is plugged to ...
Vinh Nguyen's user avatar
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xmonad same application is appearing on both monitors

I started using xmonad on an Ubuntu box with two monitors attached. When I start xmonad the same layout is duplicated on both monitors. For example: if I have a layout where Chrome and emacs are tiled ...
benhsu's user avatar
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8 votes
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How can I make Virtualbox ignore specific keys?

I use Virtualbox with Windows on Ubuntu host. I keep it on separate workspace (I use Xmonad). Xmonad uses Windows key as modifier. The problem is: when I press it, Windows machine opens start menu. ...
user81420's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How can I set mouse as left handed on xmonad?

I had the mouse buttons inverted on Gnome, and I wanted to do the same on xmonad but I don't know how to do it. Does anyone knows what is the adequate configuration?
Jonatas Eduardo's user avatar
1 vote
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xmonad: how to use clock applet to display time

I am using xmonad / haskell. when I start nm-applet for wifi, I have a small icon on the top lef then displays wifi reception. Next to it I would like to to have a CLOCK / time display. is there a (...
mrsteve's user avatar
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Why does not one of my Xmonad managehooks show any effect?

Here is my config: No matter what actions I define for windows with a specified class, they are never applied.
Martin Klepsch's user avatar
10 votes
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How do I mount a USB in plain XMonad?

Now that I am using XMonad I find that my USB devices no longer automount when I plug them into my computer. How do I get them to automount again just like they did when I was using gnome?
Robert Massaioli's user avatar
9 votes
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Xmonad idle lock after X minutes

Using Ubuntu 10.10. I use XMonad window manager as primary. I have CommandKey+S mapped to a bash file that shows a screensaver and locks, and puts the PC to sleep (on resume I have to enter password). ...
Mâtt Frëëman's user avatar
9 votes
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Cleanly respawning xmobar when reload xmonad

This is just a small annoyance, but I've made the XMonad configuration file load xmobar using this code: xmproc <- spawnPipe "/use/bin/xmobar ~/.xmobarrc" It works well, but it spawn a new xmobar ...
Nicolas Buduroi's user avatar
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Override xmonad Fade inactive for a window

I use Xmonad-contrib's Fade Inactive and xcompmgr to make the unfocused windows transparent. Occasionally, I'd like to have a inactive window fully opaque such as when I'm watching a video. Does ...
Zaki Manian's user avatar
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setxkbmap in xmonad problem

Why, when some setxkbmap command have been run, all default xmobar's keyboard bindings have been disabled and unusable? setxkbmap -layout 'ru,us' -option 'grp:caps_toggle' & What's wrong with ...
ДМИТРИЙ МАЛИКОВ's user avatar
1 vote
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Changing languages rapidly causes Linux to crash

So I'm running Xmonad on my college computer (which runs Kubuntu) and whenever I leave my desk, instead of using x-screensaver which is incredibly buggy and slow, I just change to another workstation, ...
eZanmoto's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Start applications on specific workspaces in xmonad

I know how to associate specific applications with specific workspaces using manageHook and composeAll. What I'm looking for is a way to spawn applications on specific workspaces, i.e. a function with ...
user63896's user avatar
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7 votes
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How can I set my Caps Lock key to toggle Fullscreen mode in Xmonad?

I'm using xmonad with the following layouts: globalLayout = avoidStruts (tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| Full ||| threeColMid ||| combine) ||| Full and I have set my mod + space key to switch between the ...
yigit's user avatar
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Can I make the xmonad mod key be ctrl-alt?

Both alt and ctrl are individually used for lots of things, and my current keyboard doesn't have a Windows key. Can I make the xmonad mod key be ctrl-alt instead of just one key? (For example, ctrl-...
Alex Dehnert's user avatar
2 votes
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How to define a shortcut to show desktop in XMonad?

I am using XMonad in a Gnome environment. How do I define a shortcut to minimize all windows and show the desktop?
Ton van den Heuvel's user avatar
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Tri-head linux system with Xmonad: is it possible to have HW acceleration

What means there exists to have three monitors, all controlled by Xmonad and have hardware 3D acceleration as well? I had the pleasure of using three monitors earlier this year, and while Xmonad and ...
mike3996's user avatar
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Tiling window managers and multi head setup: Gnome style workspace

I just switched from metacity to xmonad and I am very impressed by the tiling window manager concept. But I thing bothers me: In gnome a "workspace" was composed of all of my three monitors, but with ...
Flow's user avatar
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XMonad with GDM on Maverick (Ubuntu 10.10)

I'm using xmonad on Ubuntu Maverick (10.10) First of all I created a new Desktop Entry to make the xmonad session to be accessible from the GDM login screen, but after a reboot GDM doesn't start, and ...
volothamp's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Practical tips when transitioning to xmonad?

I like the idea and concept of xmonad, however I still keep going back to gnome after an hour or so. This feels like when I first tried to learn vim, but I've gotten past the learning curve point and ...
0 votes
4 answers

Possible to install Xmonad on Ubuntu separate from Gnome?

I just downloaded Xmonad from the repository on my Ubuntu 10.04 box, but when I log out and try to log back in using Xmonad instead Gnome, it doesn't work. I just get the login screen background ...
bgibson's user avatar
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How can I give names to virtual desktops in xmonad?

I would like the name of a virtual desktop to be displayed when I switch to that desktop.
Arthur Ulfeldt's user avatar
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Making fullscreen windows not tiled in xmonad + KDE

I understand, that I need to add something like: composeOne [ isFullscreen -?> doFullFloat ] to my ManageHook. At least according to this page. But I'm not really sure where to add it in my ...
Rene Saarsoo's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

xmonad hotkey to span monitors

I can make a window span all three monitors by floating it and dragging it across with the mouse. It would be nice to add a keybinding to do this.
Arthur Ulfeldt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

install xmonad with no priveledges

I would like to install and use xmonad on a RHEL box to which I only have access my home directory and the usual unprivileged access. How can I install it? P.S. No Haskell compiler or xlibs.
Arthur Ulfeldt's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

how to make xmonad use two mod keys

I find lots of examples on how to set the mod key in xmonad, but how do I add a second mod key?
Arthur Ulfeldt's user avatar
3 votes
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how to make xmonad ignore the right alt key in Ubuntu

How can I get xmonad to match the left alt key and not the right alt key? Ubuntu binds these both to mod1 in xmodmap.
Arthur Ulfeldt's user avatar