4 votes

How can I setup Adobe Premiere with Git?

Yes, you can use a "textconv" filter, which will be used by git to convert files into a diff-able format when displaying. See: https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Textconv https://git-scm.com/docs/...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
4 votes

How much GPU RAM should I have for a 4K display?

The resolution of the 4k display is not going to be your problem, the problem is related to whatever software you are using. A 4096 x 2160 image (equivalent to your 4k display) would be 4096 x 2160 x ...
Mokubai's user avatar
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4 votes

How to losslessly transcode MKV to WebM or MP4?

Transcoding is slow and lossy, because it literally means re-compressing the entire video frame by frame in the new format, the same way as when it was compressed in the first place. And generally, ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
3 votes

How to dock tools panel in Adobe Premiere Pro 22.3.1 after un-docking it?

Dock the Tools panel to the Options panel Click and drag the Tools panel to re-dock it. Note that you must click below window bar and just before the menu items. See orange dot in image below for ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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Which ffmpeg flag fixes MP4 missing frames in Premiere?

Having tested a few scenarios, it's the presence of multiple B-frames that looks responsible. It's their storage out-of-presentation sequence and a new bug in Adobe's H264 bitstream parser which is ...
Gyan's user avatar
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3 votes

If I have a really big multi-gigabyte video file produced by premiere pro, involving a few images and audio, how can I make the video a lot smaller?

Use ffmpeg to recode the video and audio, or re-record it at a lower audio bitrate and lower video profile. added by barlop Re-encoding it so the default for mp4, -vcodec libx264 made it much ...
K7AAY's user avatar
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If I have a really big multi-gigabyte video file produced by premiere pro, involving a few images and audio, how can I make the video a lot smaller?

This ffmpeg was suggested to me and has made the video much smaller. ffmpeg -i GenVideo.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4 C:\Users\User\Desktop\pprogenproj>ffmpeg -i GenVideo.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p out....
barlop's user avatar
  • 23.9k
2 votes

Adobe Premiere Pro doesn't use GPU when I'm editing a project

Premiere Pro can make excellent use of the GPU, provided you choose the right codecs and take care of how you construct your timeline. Hardware decoding (needed for editing) and Encoding (for export) ...
1NN's user avatar
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1 vote

Identifying information contained in Adobe files

You can't possibly know if Adobe software adds anything to the files without seeing the source code or analyzing lots of files, as it could be even coded to only mark 1 out of 100 of them or the ones ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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Exporting in Premiere single frame as long video

If you don't get an answer on how to do in Premiere, you can do it using the freely-available open source tool ffmpeg. ffmpeg -i file-you-just-exported.mp4 -c:a copy -c:v h264 -b:v 500k name-of-file-...
g491's user avatar
  • 504
1 vote

How to dock tools panel in Adobe Premiere Pro 22.3.1 after un-docking it?

It seems there is no way to dock it back in any panels group Dock the Tools panel to the Options panel In the Tools panel, click the panel menu icon. Select Dock In Options Panel. Source: Working ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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Premiere Pro Hardware vs Software Encoding - Quality results

I would recommend asking question on https://video.stackexchange.com, but yes, quality is definitively inferior (at times unusable) when using hardware encoding. I am very disappointed as render times ...
sunknudsen's user avatar
1 vote

Premiere pro audio amplify not showing up in waveform?

This uservoice thread suggests that this problem occurs if your clips are on an external drive. Try moving your clips onto the hard drive. (or SSD if that is what your computer is using.) There seems ...
stapmoshun's user avatar
1 vote

Premiere CS4 refuses to import MTS File

There are several reasons why .mts wouldn't work in Adobe Premiere CS4. I have compiled below some of them: If this is a trial version of Adobe Premiere CS4, you need the paid version Ensure you are ...
harrymc's user avatar
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Disable ALT Functionality after an Application starts using AutoHotKey

You can use the #If- or the #IfWinActive- directive to disable the ALT Functionality in this program: #NoEnv ; #Warn ;#Persistent ; Script will not Exit when no hotkeys exist. SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ...
Relax's user avatar
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What is the difference between effect and attribute in Adobe Premiere?

Based on the two descriptions from the vendor product support website (see below), my interpretation is that those effects you see in the tutorial are the fixed effects you can apply to clips, and the ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
1 vote

Rotating Canvas Without Rotating Images - Seeking a Solution for Landscape Images and Video Letterboxed in a Portrait Layout

With thanks to @Alex.S, changing the canvas size resolves the issue. The setting is located by going to the Sequence tab and choosing Sequence Settings. Sequence -> Sequence Settings In the video ...
Nathan's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I export only a single clip from a Premiere Pro sequence?

You could set In and Out points at the beginning and end of each clip. So it looks like this in your timeline. To do that, use SHIFT+UP or SHIFT+DOWN, to move the 'cursor' between clips. Use the { ...
barlop's user avatar
  • 23.9k

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