27 votes

Can VLC crop black borders on the fly?

If you press C it will toggle through the crop ratios and may help you with eliminating the black bars.
iamktothed's user avatar
10 votes

Getting 1920x1080 resolution or 16:9 aspect ratio on Ubuntu or Linux Mint

@InvalidBrainException's answer is great. In addition, in order to it make it permanent and prevent running commands on each restart, you can write the following configs into file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/...
mhsekhavat's user avatar
7 votes

I get wrong aspect ratio for images and video converted using ffmpeg

7 Years later and Im facing a similar issue, will drop a solution here for the people visiting in the next 7 years. First try and get a better understanding of what SAR/PAR and DAR values mean. Nice ...
QuickPrototype's user avatar
5 votes

Which aspect ratio to choose for 1366x768 resolution to play game at monitor physical aspect ratio?

The aspect ratio is literally the ratio of width to height (assuming the pixels themselves are square), so just divide the numbers and compare for yourself. The aspect ratio of 1366x768 is 1366:768, ...
3 votes

How is it possible that some 24'' monitors are 16:10 while some others are 16:9?

The angle under which the diagonal is measured is different. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_size for more information, but basically, the 16:10 is less wide, but higher than the 16:9 ...
R-D's user avatar
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3 votes

Getting 1920x1080 resolution or 16:9 aspect ratio on Ubuntu or Linux Mint

@mhsekhavat Years later... Ubuntu 20.04 on vbox 6.1. Stick the 10-monitor.conf in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ Reboot 1920 x 1080 should now be available in the Ubuntu Settings > Screen Display ...
Praz01's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

Force aspect ratio of streaming video?

I made a bookmarklet that lets you rescale all html5 video, either by a pair of explicit scale factors or to adjust it to a specific aspect ratio: http://alexanderpruss.blogspot.com/2018/08/adjust-...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
2 votes

Set custom, non-standard aspect ratio in Movie Maker

There is unfortunately no way to set a custom aspect ratio.
Jim's user avatar
  • 543
2 votes

Can my laptop display and external monitor have different aspect ratios while both are in use?

TLDR: Yes they can. More nuanced: You can set independant resolutions for the external display(s) and the internal display. Those do not all have to have the same ratio. E.g. 1024x768 (4:3) on a ...
Hennes's user avatar
  • 65.2k
2 votes

How is a 16:9 aspect ratio Powerpoint presentation displayed on a 4:3 monitor using screen share in Zoom?

Zoom will size the content to fit the window. It always defaults to fit to application window as this is the simplest method that will work on all screens. It does not attempt to "intelligently&...
music2myear's user avatar
  • 41.8k
2 votes

Win 10 explorer icon view aspect ratio

Windows Explorer works correctly on the machines I have here. Make sure your screen resolution is Native and not different or stretched in any way. Restart the computer. Now use Windows 10 Scaling (...
John's user avatar
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2 votes

How to change the resolution Windows sends to VGA monitor?

Go to Display adaptor and select from the list So, I found the solution. Here goes the steps: First, put the resolution as Windows wishes, in my case 1600x1200 (it didn't work at first because I was ...
Guilherme Taffarel Bergamin's user avatar
2 votes

Difference between 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratio based on laptop's display size

Using an online trigonometric calculator, I get these values for a triangle: Hypotenuse of 15.6, right angle with 16:9 ratio : height is 7.65 inch Hypotenuse of 13, right angle with 16:10 ratio : ...
harrymc's user avatar
  • 481k
2 votes

Ffmpeg scale2ref aspect ratio preservation doesn't preserve the aspect ration exactly as desired

Ok, like 2 seconds after posting this I figured out I should divide by the aspect ratio instead of multiplying. Leaving this here in case someone else gets stuck for no reason. The final correct form ...
Jason's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I crop to an arbitrary aspect ratio in VLC media player?

Tools, preferences, bottom left "show settings: all", video, custom crop ratios list. The ratios must not contain decimals. For example, 1.66666:1 * 3 = 5:3
Atomic Tripod's user avatar
1 vote

Handbrake - automatically keep aspect ratio when downscaling?

The option has been renamed to “Automatic”. If you hover over the checkbox, a tooltip appears stating: Keep Aspect Ratio maintains the original display aspect of the source. Disabling this may result ...
giodi's user avatar
  • 13
1 vote

"Auto resize VM with windows" greyed out since Graphics type 'vnc' does not support auto resize in Redhat

I don't know why you are using VNC as Video method in virt-manager, but you should use QXL and the Spice Guest Tools To install the QXL Drivers, just go to the virtio-win-guest-tools-installer github ...
Fijxu's user avatar
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1 vote

Does H.265/HEVC macroblock/CTU algorithm compensate for 4:3 letterbox in 1920x1080

In short, it looks like it works out well enough anyway. I did one encode pass with cropping vs one without and there was only a 7MB difference between the output files. I have used appropriate mostly ...
Enigma's user avatar
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1 vote

what's the difference between SAR & PAR in video (Detailed Info)

There are two meanings of SAR: "Sample Aspect Ratio" (connected to mpeg4-avc terminology) and "Storage Aspect Ratio" (connected to mpeg2 terminology). FFmpeg uses SAR in the ...
Lex's user avatar
  • 343
1 vote

Is changing my refresh from 60Hz to 75Hz dangerous if my pc already has an interlaced option for such?

This mainly relates to television rather than computer graphics, but 'Interlaced' is actually a 'cheaper' option - it means the scan takes two passes to complete the screen redraw - it draws the even-...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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1 vote

FFMPEG: Series of .JPG images to H265 Video

ffmpeg sees the input as having a display ratio of 20:27. If that's undesired, you can reset the aspect ratio to 1. ffmpeg -framerate 24000/1001 -i woa%04d.jpg -i original-audio.wav -vf setsar=1 -c:v ...
Gyan's user avatar
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TV's stated resolution of 1024 (h) x 1080 (v) and aspect ratio (16:9) don't match up

The pixels here are simply not squares. It's generally not common nowadays but in the past most TVs (and also PC monitors) don't have square pixels There are many cases that the horizontal resolution ...
phuclv's user avatar
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1 vote

Resize in FFmpeg

You have asked many questions here, but I think you're overthinking it. Just use -crf and -preset. Use the highest -crf value that still provides an acceptable output and the slowest -preset you have ...
llogan's user avatar
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1 vote

I get wrong aspect ratio for images and video converted using ffmpeg

@QuickPrototype - I found your answer a bit frustrating since understanding solutions in a way that allows one to apply it to similar situations often requires understanding the problem, and your post ...
Michael Wells's user avatar
1 vote

Can VLC crop black borders on the fly?

MadVR renderer (works with MPC:HC, included in the K-Lite suite) has an option to automatically detect and crop hardcoded black bars on-the-fly, so it works with movies that change aspect ratio during ...
Krzaku's user avatar
  • 29
1 vote

Fine control over zoom and aspect ratio in VLC player

Go to Tools>Preferences (or press Ctrl + P). On the bottom-left corner, under 'Show settings', select 'All'. Scroll down to, and click on, 'Video'. Scroll to the bottom of the video settings and ...
Daniel Myers's user avatar

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