9 votes

Why does ` (backtick) not appear until after I press another key?

Other answers have mentioned that this can be a keyboard layout thing, but I felt that a concrete example might be useful, so: On Windows I generally use the "English (UK) Extended" keyboard ...
Nick F's user avatar
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6 votes

What does |I`E`X mean in powershell?

iex is an alias for Invoke-Expression. Here the two backticks don't make any difference, but just obfuscates the command a little. iex executes a string as an expression, even from pipe. Here Start-...
Wasif's user avatar
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3 votes

What does |I`E`X mean in powershell?

I`E`X is an acronym for the PowerShell command Invoke-Expression.
LPChip's user avatar
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2 votes

What does |I`E`X mean in powershell?

It's an alias and PowerShell has tons of them. You can see them all by typing # Get named aliases Get-Alias | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Available aliases' Or a specific one... Get-Alias -Name ...
postanote's user avatar
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ZSA Moonlander backtick becomes § and shift backtick is ±

nevermind I re-set the keyboard to ansi according to here and it worked, thanks! https://www.zsa.io/moonlander/macos/
Kentaro T. Vadney's user avatar
1 vote

Raspbian ( Debian) cmd prompt five single back quote marks

Pressing Tab will cause the shell to auto-complete a program name if it's the first word, or a file name elsewhere. But if you just press Tab at an empty line, the shell will offer a list of all ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

How to type the tilde character that is not in my keyboard layout?

You could use 'TyperTask' and create a set of key-strokes, lets say ºtilde to trigger ~ (tilde): ºtilde=~ 'TyperTask' Source: http://www.vtaskstudio.com/support.php 'TyperTask' Portable: http://...
gamx's user avatar
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